The people who say Canada and Latin America are Anti-Americans – will be called Anti-English Americans by me! Amurruka, America. That is wrong. Personally I prefer the Buddha character. Read more about Martin Luther, the Thirty Years War and the Counter-Reformation. The Indigenous people where here! Jesus as the 2nd part of the Trinity is responsible for creation and the one designated to take on the physical since we live in the physical. The hypothesis was proposed as an explanation for the presence of lemur fossils in Madagascar and India but not in Africa or the Middle East. (For instance, some people explain fossils as something created by God to make it look like evolution is true.) Standard Disclaimer. Your article will surely be helpful to many people. Inspector General | Legal | Accessibility | External Link Disclaimer |, map created in 1507 by Martin Waldseemüller, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST),,, Library of Congress Prize for American Fiction, National Ambassador for Young People's Literature. Jesus was prophesied in the Torah Isaiah 9:6 - "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." It can have America as part of its name but U.S. people cannot use just America and American for their own countryâs nationality. How can you be so great when you are the bully of the world, defending all the bad causes of the world and seeking only power and money with a total disregard for humans, even those living in your own land. For more than 350 years the map was housed in a 16th-century castle in Wolfegg, in southern Germany. The Jesus bloodline refers to the proposition that a lineal sequence of descendants of the historical Jesus has persisted to the present time. When did âthe health and safetyâ â italics for the latter â become the âtop priorityâ of a major American car company?. The Kingdom of God on earth. So, there never was an America, or a United States of America and it should be renamed appropriately by and for the remaining people whose ancestors were unjustly and brutally slaughtered by those who should have never come here in the first place. It’s good enough for me, no matter what history books say. Later, the Pope can travel all the way to Thailand and Japan to hold Catholics events. But you have to go out side of this country to get real information, and the rest of the world laughs at us. The land of freedom and opportunity. Christian Testimonies - Personal Experiences with the Living Jesus ChristRead stories of how God heals, saves, forgives and sets people free from all kinds of bondage. Catherine Giordano (author) from Orlando Florida on November 01, 2017: Jeromy: I stand by my statement that Jesus most likely never existed. The name America is a combination of a Dutch word and a German word. Catherine Giordano (author) from Orlando Florida on October 26, 2017: I agree that the Bible has been altered and that it doesn't tell the truth. Now I can say that I am actually happy, and I am able to live life to the fullest. Kind of weird but he and I kind or live in a spiritual world more that most. How sad. At least Buddha's teachings have no evidence or signs of anything unbelievable(see 16 evidence on Christianity) and their claims are not illogical or refutable. SO NOTHING DIVIDES IT. They use violence only in defense. I'm Buddhist practice, not Buddhist believe, from my opinion, I saw that you have writen about similar teaching or maybe similar story of their life, is not the most important point of their teaching. Now look at what Christ preached. This was the beginning of the First Resurrection. No! Some say that the teachings of Jesus are similar to those of Buddha because Jesus traveled to India before beginning his ministry. That is the message of the New Testament in a nutshell, Jesus Saves and Jesus is God. Our God is a living God! The Jewish sect, The Essences, would have been the source for both of them. I can't say which of those options are true. Such thinking is irrational. Lord budha is the one and only best leader of all none of persons or anyone can stop lord budha. What the Lord did for others, he can do for you. History is wrong. Watch full episodes, specials and documentaries with National Geographic TV channel online. 8) A true creator god would not “produce or allowed" other religions to exist earlier. There are a lot of myths about Buddha also, but if you will read my article about "Understanding the Life and Teachings of Buddha" you will see I am careful to separate myth from history. Found inside â Page 224Then she was told of the fountain always open for sin , and for Who refused to believe that Jesus had risen , till seeing and ... who will come into What title of honour did Mary bestow in the Master wliom our hearts , to stay with us ... The other explanation is the there-is nothing-new-under-the-sun theory which states that early stories influence and/or become incorporated into newer stories. The real meaning of the United States of America means that the United States of the continent of America meaning that the United States belong,found and located on the American Continent not that the United States is AMERICA because the whole entire continent was name AMERICA 269 years way before the United States of America became a nation or even existed. He refers to the US as ‘America’ four times. I try hard to do careful research and then present the results in a clear way so everyone, not just academics, can understand it. I appreciate Barry’s comments – but is he assuming that the name ‘America’ was just plucked out of nowhere? 3)Nobody said or thought Christian God wanted us to suffer unnecessary. Found inside â Page 81The capitol of Mukulia ( or Mu ) was Hamakulia . Its ruler , Emperor Meichizedec , was actually Jesus Christ . Lemurians , some of whom live cloistered within a secluded retreat a in Ramona today , believe the Mukulian world was so ... I LOVE AMERICA AND AMERICANS! If Jesus existed before he existed, why did Jesus need to exist? It was NOT named after Amerigo Vespucci. And finally, you are quoting the Bible to back up your statements about Jesus. History proved best, just look at their wars and conflicts with others, especially with Abrahamic religions. Now there are 50 states that are unitedâ¦the United States. The Lemuria theory disappeared completely from conventional scientific consideration after the theories of plate tectonics and continental drift were accepted by the larger scientific community. One continent, one name. Anyway, when the sun will stop burning (if a big asteroid dont hit the earth first and have the entire human race wiped off like the dinosaurs), the piece of land which some Unitedstaters have elevated to a God/religion, will disappear into dust, along with the rest of the world, for the rest of eternity in this infinite and dark universe. When I question them about similar mythologies found in other older religions or about evolution to them, they become evasive and said I am not serious. It would appear that another name should apply. Buddha is an enlightened human being who changed the world - by changing the minds and hearts of people to do good and avoid evil, follow the right paths and proclaim the truths of life. The Christ myth theory has been thoroughly refuted. It’s just cool to see a map that old that has the name America on it. America is a continent, not a country. My apologies. But to think of it another way, which most Americans have and still do: the united states of AMERICA. This book transforms archaeological knowledge of Nazareth by publishing over 80 years of archaeological work at the Sisters of Nazareth convent, including a detailed re-investigation in the early twenty-first century under the author's ... So glad most indigenous people of all skin tones know as we teach our children the truth. Found inside â Page 251... of the spirit that fell into darkness and the priesthood dwelleth in Christ , and live in the was taken from them ... I would say to the teachers who go That was on the continent of Asia . around to visit their brethren , when On ... When people were living there already ??? (Matthew 7:1–5), "Let us live most happily, possessing nothing." You can refer to both citizens of the USA as American and you can also refer to any people of the two continents as American if and as you wish. However, again, this requires Jesus to have actually existed. ⢠James Madison’s essay “A Memorial and Remonstrance Against Religious Assessments.” In paragraph 3 Madison refers to the Colonies as ‘America’. However, Jesus didn't stop there as Buddha did. Just sad when others have to create a false reality! “Setting in motion human rights.” What a piece of garbage. From Patagonia to The Northwest Territories..we are all it or not. The Word was God. They call him The Creator. But you can be a Buddhist and not a Christian and still follow Christ and worship the creator if you feel uncomfortable around Christians, Jews, or Catholics or religion in general. responsible for everything that you post. Mankind made that up to fool you into playing the strong man's game. :). There are millions of people throughout history claiming that the USA is in fact America de country… People quo get their knowledge from films and newspapers may agree with that statement. There is doubt that Vespucci actually made all the voyages he claimed. Found inside â Page 24(Q) In the Persian experience as San (or Zend) did Jesus give the basic teachings of what became Zoroastrianism? (A) In all those periods that the basic principle was the Oneness of the Father, He has walked with men. We are through. Because they consider themselves to also be Americans. Buddhism started and spread after his death. You will find it in the "More by this Author" section just below the conclusion of this essay or on the owlcation cite. It’s hard to believe that so many people (mostly South Americans) don’t realize that the entire world does not agree with their contention that”America” is one continent. It also give my opinions, based on the facts. Found inside â Page 272But after Christ's brutal Crucifixion was over, in three days He arose from the dead. The gates of heaven were reopened to us and the greatest event in the history of the world was recorded. All the details of the life of Christ were ... Uplifting the King James Bible and the name of Jesus Christ in these Last Days, this website is a ministryâa pulpitâexposing false prophets, deceptions and all manners of evil in its ugly forms. Waldseemüller named the new lands “America” on his 1507 map in the recognition of Vespucci’s understanding that a new continent had been uncovered following Columbus’ and subsequent voyages in the late 15th century. It’s so confusing on purpose, but the purpose was to steal the birth rights. The country was named after Richard Ameryk, a Bristol merchant who paid for the voyage of discovery, several years before Vespucci. Christopher Columbus and the Spanish Armada claimed to have discovered America or the so called “New World”. HOW OFTEN YOU REFERENCE YOURSELF AS AN AMERICAN? He is an israelite. But nothing came of this. The dharma wheel symbolizes the eightfold path of Buddha. Considering the fact that the oldest Buddhist manuscripts date only to the 1st century a.d., you really have no clue how the similarities came about. mbut withdrew it in his 1516 edition as Terra Incognita: also name of a Maya Indian people.So, the two American continents appear to have been coincidentally given the same names by German and English mapmakers…but named after TWO different individuals (an Italian and a Welshman ) with substantial confirmations for the sources of this historical fluke. Catherine Giordano (author) from Orlando Florida on February 22, 2018: An interesting interpretation, but I don't buy it. As early as the creation of man. Those 2 words being “Ame” and “Rica” Christians often say Jesus Christ was unique—the story of his life and his teachings were something totally new. No need to be so exclusive and rigid claiming it can only be one way, give me a break. The meaning is not known for certain, but there are several theories including "sea of bitterness", "rebelliousness", and "wished for child". Imagine the Oversight of such a Powerful Governance. This alone is enough proof that their God must be non-existant. The Jesus bloodline refers to the proposition that a lineal sequence of descendants of the historical Jesus has persisted to the present time. I feel there is just as much evidence that he existed as many other historical figures of those times. I live in South East Asia where the gospel is spreading and people are being saved. Example Africa was renamed after Scipio Aficanus! Combining the truths of Buddha with ones beliefs in Jesus Christ as the Son of God and His teachings will surely make any individual better. You say you think I am a fine lady. The Word was with God. The Reformation was a 16th-century religious and political challenge to papal authority in Catholic Europe. 6) Jesus similarities with Buddha. Poole: Thanks for your comment. All of this doesn’t make any sense. Especially when you consider that it was originally thought to be the East Indies (or India) by Columbus and other explorers. America is the name of the country and North America is the name of the continent. I am always confused by people who say God did certain thing just to confuse humans. Like most of the world, we do not agree that America is one giant continent but rather view it as two continents. “America”, has never been, “United” as a country! And mean it. 5)If any Jesus believer wrote Buddha's teachings have no factual or verifiable claims, so is Jesus or Bible claims. Take the battle as a friendly competition with love in your heart. Example the Dharma of fire is to burn and no divine will be able to change it. ⢠President John Adam’s first inaugural address. After Jesus Christ rose from the dead, other righteous people who had died were also resurrected. The man walked the earth and taught us what WE are. Just practice what Jesus and Buddha said and honor and love the Creator. (Matthew 25:45), "The fault of others is easily perceived, but that of oneself is difficult to perceive; a man winnows his neighbour's faults like chaff, but his own fault he hides." They are both great! Buddha never claimed to be a messenger from a Supreme Being nor did the pagan gods you mentioned. Found inside â Page 47The question that needs to be asked is: When did the Lord Jesus Christ create the first people, and did He make any ... among these people there was no Adam, no garden of Eden, no tree of life, no tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Links to external Internet sites on Library of Congress Web pages do not constitute the Library's endorsement of the content of their Web sites or of their policies or products. Buddha organized his teachings into the Eightfold Path, while the teachings of Jesus are given sporadically in different books of The Holy Bible. Good stuff, I am glad I came for a visit. Found inside â Page 62... all the stocks and bonds in all the banks on this continent could not outweigh this principle in the scales of everlasting righteousness . And who would want to change such a standard ? Consider how Jesus lived . How did He come ? After gaining some acceptance within the scientific community, the concept of Lemuria began to appear in the works of other scholars. He included on the map data gathered by Vespucci during his voyages of 1501-1502 to the New World. I think Canada should call itself The United Provinces of America, or the UPA. Although the distance between the homelands of Jesus and Buddha was great, there was plenty of contact between the two areas and 600 years for ideas to spread. Amerike is chiefly remembered because of old documents rediscovered in 1955, proving his shipâs discovery of Newfoundland and lands southward to Maryland in 1497. They started to colonize the land. Later, Catholics and Islam made it even bigger by suggesting donation of a certain percentage of their income. So did the Jews and the Catholics even though one of the commandments said thou shalt not kill. So Christian's can be a Buddhist and not break the commandment that states, thou shalt not put any other gods before me. My name means The Noble Home Ruler of Different Hearts and more men with my name died fighting for this country than any other name. John 1:2 He was in the beginning with God. unless clearly stated otherwise. Gadwona. Jesus also said, "I am the way, the Truth and the Life, nobody comes unto the Father but by Me". Without intelligence the strong are weak. The homeland, the origin of humans ( what you call Africa )Traveled to the continent ( America) long before Europeans. 4)â¦â¦â¦â¦..”United States OF North America” (USNA)! The same detailsâin the same clarityâseem not to have been available to the people in Jerusalem, at least not at the time of the Lordâs appearance among them. It is wrong for USA to call itself just âAmericaâ and âAmericansâ. Only the United States of America has that honor and all know what we are talking about because that is part of our name only one in the world. Asias did too. John Hansen from Gondwana Land on August 02, 2016: This is a great comparison of the similarities between Buddha and Jesus, Catherine. (5) What miraculous manner was Buddha conceived? Once a country gives itself a name this is what it is called just like the name of a person. Yet believable as it was not written by the many native tribes that were already here including the Tawny dark people Mr Columbus wrote about in his journey. I often find that additional comments from the same person end up being repetitive. The map st the congress library shows the name AMERICA WAS GIVEN TO SOUTH AMERICA FIRST THEN IT WAS ADDED TO CENTRAL AND NORTH AMERICA REGIONS, NOT A COUNTRY. English cod fishermen had been making landfall and trading with Indians in New England for myears before Columbus made his âdiscoveryâ of The New World in 1492 as had Scandinavians m mbefore him. Other Comments are made without knowledge is only purpose is 2) I attended their churches(in Asia), the way they talk and claimed is just brainwashing but lacked substance. I think America is also named for Mercia, a region in Anglo-Saxon England from 518? Did God need a do-over? Catherine Giordano (author) from Orlando Florida on November 13, 2017: Jimmy Newfeld: Thanks for letting me know you liked it. To confuse those from the truth. Our founding fathers drafted and adopted the Declaration of Independence, declaring Americaâs freedom from Great Britain and setting in motion universal human rights. Just as South Americans are free to call themselves “Americans,” people in the US are free to do the same. Directional words including âcentralâ are ⦠6 and the last paragraph that explain them all: 1) The Bible condemned non-followers, clearly mentioned in Mark's words. My thing is doesn’t really matter who or what the US was named after it’s the fact that mostly likely The United States of “America” was named after a white/hispanic racist male. It proved such a religion was likely created to con, convert or control people by playing both sides of the same coin, good and evil, no God. Is it possible that the name America was derived from the Spanish “mar rico” meaning “rich sea” referring to the islands and coasts of the new world. You're truly missing out, by choice. The Library of Congress does not control the content posted. Yes, not getting a hold on the truth, ignorance or just poor education. Speaking hypothetically. Colonists continued to use the word even after the founding of the country. FlourishAnyway from USA on July 28, 2016: What a careful and thoughtful analysis you have done here! It proved such a religion was likely created to con, convert or control people by playing both sides of the same coin, both good and evil, no God. The connection of Vespucci with the ‘discovery’ of ‘America’ appears to be connected with his first name of Amerigo (which just happens to sound a bit like America). This blog is governed by the general rules of respectful civil discourse. Buddha was born to an earthly father and mother who were royalty. I was saying that Buddha's ideas were "reincarnated." Not for the slaves and indigenous people. U.S.A. on April 21, 2017: Very interesting. 2)Although Jesus also taught love, don't rule out the possibility of a scam that plays both sides of the same coin(refer to my 16 evidence below). The reason the similarities exist between many religions can be summed up in one word: syncretism. 8 I desire to do your will, O my God; your law is within my heart.'" Jeremiah of the OT and/ Lehi if you believed in the Book of Mormon which was a record of the Jews who traveled from the East to the Americas). "Catastrophic Cartographies: Mapping the Lost Continent of Lemuria". I’m going to stick with syncretism: Everything builds on what came before. “Ame” – meaning “love” or “the love of something”, “Rica(feminine for Rico) – meaning “rich or wealth” or “of the riches”. Which means, when you're about to party let loose and have sinful fun. His name is ⦠I don't try to cram everything in because the article would become too long. 7 Then I said, 'Here I am, I have come -- it is written about me in the scroll. Their God killed countless people when Satan only killed a few. WHEN THESE COUNTRIES LIKE MEXICO, CANADA AND BRAZIL WITH SO MANY OTHER COUNTRIES. If you believe in God, & when you die and there Is no God or Heaven. The book of Isaiah was written between 739 and 681 B.C. Of the continent. Biologist Ernst Haeckel's suggestion in 1870 that Lemuria could be the ancestral home of mankind caused the hypothesis to move beyond the scope of geology and zoogeography, ensuring its popularity outside of the framework of the scientific community. Catherine Giordano (author) from Orlando Florida on October 26, 2017: It was seen as likely that there had to be land across any Ocean, including the Atlantic. They play both sides of the coin, just like all scams. I agree. Do good and you will do no wrong. Some people have been resurrected since then. The fact is that recent research does point that Jesus may have spent time in India. So sad that we argue about the name a place is called by- rather than discussing the brutality and evil genocide committed against natives of the land? Occultist and founder of Theosophy Helena Blavatsky, during the latter part of the 19th century, placed Lemuria in the system of her mystical-religious doctrine, claiming that this continent was the homeland of the human ancestors, whom she called Lemurians. (Majjhima Nikaya 21:6), "If anyone strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also." Therefore the name America means the Brave Home Ruler. America is a continent not a country. EEUU es un paÃs que literal mente no tiene nombre por lo tanto eso tampoco les permite tener un gentilicio propio único que los identifique su “nombre” solo indica su posición geográfica donde se encuentran situados en un CONTINENTE llamado AMERICA “estados unidos DE america” que serÃan los estados unidos de las colonias británicas en AMERICA las 13 colonias británicas en AMERICA haciendo referencia al CONTINENTE donde se encuentran situados llamado AMERICA caso parecido el nombre del paÃs SUDÃFRICA que su nombre sólo indica su posición geográfica donde se encuentran situados al SUR de un CONTINENTE llamado ÃFRICA pero como las ratas de EEUU están acostumbrados a querer apropiarse de lo que no les pertenece y como su paÃs literalmente NO TIENE NOMBRE los muy ignorantes idiotas sin vergüenzas ladrones estafadores se empezaron a creer los únicos “american” del mundo y lo más estúpido y ridÃculo del caso empezaron a considerar sólo “america” a su paÃs y asà viven en su mundito irreal falsificado y de fantasÃa pobre gente estúpida ignorante dan lástima. We further reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to remove a user's “Americans” are “national Americans”, not “Unitedstatens”; “Venezuelans” are “national Venezuelans”, not “Bolivarianos”; “Mexicans” are “national Mexicans”, not “Estadounidenses”… Continentally, a common denomination for all, a regional identity, is “American”, that anyone born in this continent could claim.
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