B.A., 1960, St. Olaf; M.S., 1963, Ph.D., 1967, Wisconsin. B.L.S., 2012, M.A., 2015, Iowa State. Professor of Psychology. B.S., 1959, Iowa State; M.S., 1961, Wisconsin; Ph.D., 1965, Iowa State. Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Molecular Biology; Charles F. Curtiss Distinguished Professor in Agriculture and Life Sciences. Assistant Professor of Genetics, Development, and Cell Biology. Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture and Chair of the Department. Ph.D., 2001, Iowa. B.A., 2007, M.A., 2009, Northern Iowa; Ph.D., 2013, Iowa State. B.A., 1999, M.S.Ed., 2000, Ph.D., 2007, Pennsylvania. Ph.D., 2018, Iowa State. B.A., 1998, California (Los Angeles); Ph.D., 2006, California (Santa Barbara). Assistant Professor of English. Emeritus Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. B.A., 1956, Oregon; M.A., 1974, Drake. B.S., 1976, Minnesota; M.Phil., 1978, Ph.D., 1981, Yale. B.A., 1967, Madonna; M.Ed., 1968, Ed.D., 1977, Wayne State. B.S., 2003, Minnesota (Minneapolis), Institute of Technology; Ph.D., 2007, California (Berkeley). B.A., 1990, Bluffton College; M.A., 1993, Ph.D., 1999, Illinois. B.S., 1999, M.S., 2002, McGill; D.V.M., 2008, Montreal. B.S., 1989, Western Washington; Ph.D., 1994, California (Davis). Emeritus Professor of Biomedical Sciences. Emeritus Professor of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology. B.S., 1980, Ph.D., 1985, Iowa State. Associate Professor of Supply Chain Management. B.S., 1982, Missouri; M.S., 2006, Ph.D., 2012, Iowa State. Emeritus Professor of English; Distinguished Professor in Liberal Arts and Sciences. Professor of Agronomy. Emeritus Assistant Professor of Architecture. Emeritus Associate Professor of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering. Assistant Professor of Practice in Architecture. Emeritus Professor of English. Emeritus Professor of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering; Emeritus Professor of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering; Emeritus Professor of Food Science and Human Nutrition. Affiliate Professor of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering. B.S., 1969, Ohio Northern; M.S., 1974, Ph.D., 1977, Ohio State. B.S., 1967, Minnesota; M.S., 1969, Ph.D., 1971, Iowa State. B.S., 1982, Seoul National (Korea); Ph.D., 1990, Cornell. ), (Enter your current email address carefully, it cannot be changed B.A., 1984, Creighton; M.S., 1986, Iowa State. Lecturer in Architecture. Lecturer in Music and Theatre. Lecturer in School of Education. Assistant Professor of History. B.Sc., 1995, Sfax (Tunisia); M.Sc., 2000, Sherbrooke (Canada); Ph.D., 2010, Western Michigan. Emeritus Professor of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering. Emeritus Assistant Professor of Human Development and Family Studies. B.S., 1998, Fudan (China); M.Phil., 2000, Bergen (Norway); Ph.D., 2010, Toronto (Canada). Teaching Professor of Economics. Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Clinical Associate Professor of Kinesiology. B.A., 1986, Minnesota; M.A., 1991, Ph.D., 1992, Oklahoma. Ph.D., Iowa State. B.S., 1976, Kansas; M.S., 1982, Oregon State; Ph.D., 1987, Iowa State. Affiliate Associate Professor of Aerospace Engineering; B.S., 2000, M.S., 2002, Tsinghua (China); Ph.D., 2006, Harvard. B.S., 1962, M.S., 1964, Michigan State; Ph.D., 1967, Tennessee. Assistant Professor of Information Systems and Business Analytics. D.V.M., 1959, Iowa State; M.S., 1963, Ph.D., 1964, Wisconsin; Dr.H.C., 1986, Liege. Emeritus Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Assistant Professor of Mathematics. Emeritus Professor of Food Science and Human Nutrition. Clinical Associate Professor of Veterinary Clinical Sciences. Professor of Kinesiology; Professor of Biomedical Sciences. Emeritus Professor of Veterinary Pathology; University Professor. B.A., 1995, Syracuse; Ph.D., 2000, Colorado. Emeritus Associate Professor of English. B.A., 1998, Barnard; M.A., 2004, Ph.D., 2008, California (Berkeley). B.S., 1957, Morningside; M.A., 1960, Ph.D., 1970, Nebraska. B.S., 1978, Humboldt State; M.S., 1980, New Mexico State; Ph.D., 1985, Iowa State. Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Professor of Computer Science. B.S., 1972, Bowling Green; M.S., 1977, Syracuse; Ph.D., 1998, Cornell. B.S., 1992, M.S., 2006, Iowa State. Clinical Associate Professor of Veterinary Clinical Sciences. Associate Professor of World Languages and Cultures. M.S., 2008, Nebraska (Lincoln). Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Professor of Computer Science. B.A., 1967, Gustavus Adolphus; Ph.D., 1975, Iowa State. B.S., 2001, Kansas State; Ph.D., 2010, Iowa State. Emeritus Professor of Kinesiology; Emeritus Professor of Food Science and Human Nutrition. Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering. Emeritus Professor of Agronomy. B.A., 2001, Iowa; M.A., 2003, Wisconsin (Milwaukee); Ph.D., 2012, Nebraska. B.A., 2008, Earlham; Ph.D., 2013, Indiana. B.S., 1972, Brooklyn; M.S., 1974, New York; Ph.D., 1978, Rutgers; J.D., 1981, Drake. Assistant Professor of Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication. B.S., 1975, M.S., 1981, Ph.D., 1984, Iowa State. B.S.E.E., 1955, West Virginia; D.I.C., 1956, Imperial College; Ph.D., 1962, Illinois. Emeritus Professor of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering. B.S., 2014, Wuhan; Ph.D., 2019, Arizona State. B.L.A., 2007, B.S., 2007, Iowa State; M.S., 2014, Cornell. B. S., 2009, Iowa State; J.D., 2012, Iowa. Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Molecular Biology; Professor of Genetics, Development, and Cell Biology. Emeritus Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Molecular Biology; University Professor. B.S., 1975, Wisconsin (Lacrosse); M.S., 1978, Ph.D., 1983, Iowa State; J.D., 1987, Drake. B.S., 1954, M.Ed., 1960, Texas A&M; Ph.D., 1967, Iowa State. B.A., 1971, Arkansas; Ph.D., 1977, Washington. B.S., 1955, Maine; M.S., 1957, Ph.D., 1961, Ohio State. Associate Professor of Veterinary Diagnostic and Production Animal Medicine. Associate Professor of English. B.S., 1961, Ph.D., 1965, Kansas. E.D.D., 2004, Drake. B.A., 1976, New York (Buffalo); M.S., 1982, Florida International; Ph.D., 1985, Oklahoma State. B.S., 1949, M.S., 1951, Ph.D., 1957, Iowa State. Emeritus Associate Professor of Finance; Emeritus Associate Professor of Accounting. M.S., 2001, M.Ed., 2003, Bob Jones; Ph.D., 2013, Clemson. B.S., 1957, Minnesota; M.S., 1960, Ph.D., 1966, Iowa State. B.A., 1971, M.A., 1973, Purdue; Ph.D., 1978, Denver. B.A., 2009, Clarke; M.F.A., 2012, Savannah College of Art and Design. B.A., 1983, M.A., 1985, West Texas State. B.M., 1978, M.B.A., 1979, Syracuse; Ph.D., 1987, Texas. B.S., 1979, Western Maryland College; M.S., 1981, Ph.D., 1985, Minnesota. B.F.A., 1979, Utah; M.F.A., 1981, Virginia Commonwealth. Affiliate Assistant Professor of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering. B.A., 2009, Furman (South Carolina); M.S., 2011, Ph.D., 2014, Georgetown. Emeritus Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. B.S., 1997, Kennesaw State; M.A., 2000, Ph.D., 2005, Wisconsin. Assistant Teaching Professor of Industrial Design. Associate Professor of World Languages and Cultures. M.S., 1978, Kiev Polytechnic Institute (Russia); Ph.D., 1981, Institute for Superhard Materials (Russia); Sc.D., 1988, Institute for Electronic Machinebuilding (Russia); Eng.D., 1995, Hannover (Germany). Emeritus Associate Professor of Veterinary Pathology; Emeritus Associate Professor of Entomology. B.S., 2009, Fudan (China); M.A., 2012, Ph.D., 2015, The Ohio State. A.A., 2006, Lake Land (Illinois); B.A., 2008, M.A., 2010, Eastern Illinois; M.F.A., 2014, New York. Associate Professor of Food Science and Human Nutrition. B.M.Ed., 1998, Beijing (China); M.S., 2001, Ph.D., 2006, Cornell. B.S., 1995, North Dakota State; D.V.M., 1999, Iowa State. B.S., 1983, M.S., 1985, Iowa State; Ph.D., 1991, California (Santa Barbara). B.S., 1992, M.S., 1994, Wisconsin; Ph.D., 1999, Iowa State. B.S., 1983, California (San Diego); M.S., 1987, Ph.D., 1993, Southern California. Emeritus Professor of Sociology. B.S., 1973, M.S., 1975, California (Davis); Ph.D., 1979, Michigan State. For more than 20 years in a row UWL has remained the state’s top-ranked comprehensive campus in the UW System. Emeritus Professor of Physics and Astronomy; Distinguished Professor in Liberal Arts and Sciences. M.A., 1997, Basel; M.A., 2001, Ph.D., 2004, Indiana. Professor of Veterinary Pathology. Associate Professor of Animal Science. B.S., 1971, M.S., 1972, Illinois State; Ph.D., 1982,M.B.A., 1982, Wisconsin. Ph.D., 2014, New Mexico State. B.S., 1956, Maine; M.S., 1958, Ph.D., 1961, Cornell. Associate Professor of Psychology. Professor of Veterinary Clinical Sciences. Emeritus Professor of Natural Resource Ecology and Management. B.S., 1991, M.S., 1993, Seoul National (Korea); Ph.D., 2000, Iowa State. Assistant Teaching Professor of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering. Associate Professor of Accounting. Affiliate Associate Professor of Statistics. Associate Teaching Professor of Mathematics. Adjunct Assistant Professor of Information Systems and Business Analytics. M.S., 2018, Rhode Island School of Design. Associate Professor of Veterinary Pathology. B.S., 1981, Iowa State. Associate Professor of English. Lecturer in Management and Entrepreneurship. Emeritus Professor of Materials Science and Engineering. Affiliate Associate Professor of Entomology. Assistant Professor of Computer Science. Professor of Chemistry; University Professor. Associate Teaching Professor of World Languages and Cultures. Emeritus Associate Professor of Art and Design. Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering; Professor of Materials Science and Engineering; Anson Marston Distinguished Professor in Engineering; Associate Vice President of Research. Emeritus Associate Professor of Art and Design; Emeritus Associate Dean of the College of Human Sciences. B.A., 1971, Seoul National; M.A., 1974, Houston; Ph.D., 1978, Iowa. B.A., 1992, Michigan; M.S., 2003, Iowa State. Assistant Teaching Professor of English. Associate Professor of World Languages and Cultures. B.Sc., 2001, National Autonomous (Mexico); M.Sc., 2003, Ph.D., 2005, Rochester. Emeritus Senior Lecturer in English. M.A., 2017, Iowa State. Ph.D., 2009, Michigan (Ann Arbor). B.S., 1986, Henderson State; M.S., 1988, Louisiana State; Ph.D., 1995, Syracuse. B.S., 1980, Cornell; RD, 1982, Massachusetts General; M.S., 1986, Ph.D., 1990, Cornell. B.A., 1991, Guilford College; M.S., 2002,Ph.D., 2007, Missouri. Professor of Plant Pathology and Microbiology; Professor of Natural Resource Ecology and Management. Affiliate Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Assistant Professor of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering. B.S., 1999, Minnesota; Ph.D., 2003, Iowa State. Adjunct Associate Professor of Physics and Astronomy. B.Sc., 1987, M.Sc., 1990, China Agricultural; Ph.D., 1997, Washington State. Assistant Professor of Practice in Human Development and Family Studies. Adjunct Assistant Professor of Agricultural Education and Studies. Emeritus Professor of English. Assistant Professor of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences. Lecturer in Kinesiology. Ph.D., 1998, Bonn (Germany). Adjunct Assistant Professor of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology. Emeritus Professor of Agricultural Education and Studies. Affiliate Professor of Animal Science. Emeritus Assistant Professor, Library. B.S., 1998, Drake; Ph.D., 2005, Iowa State. D.V.M., 2003, Iowa State; M.S., 2007, Purdue. Emeritus Professor of Animal Science; Charles F. Curtiss Distinguished Professor in Agriculture and Life Sciences. Associate Professor of Psychology. Emeritus Professor of Geological and Atmospheric Science; Distinguished Professor in Liberal Arts and Sciences. M.S., Northern Iowa. Associate Professor of Food Science and Human Nutrition. Associate Professor of Genetics, Development, and Cell Biology. Emeritus Professor of Agronomy. Professor of English. Affiliate Assistant Professor of Entomology. B.S., 1986, M.S., 1990, Andhra Pradesh (Hyderabad); Ph.D., 1995, Texas A&M. B.S., 2004, M.S., 2004, Tsinghua (China); Ph.D., 2009, Purdue. Professor of Veterinary Diagnostic and Production Animal Medicine; Professor of Veterinary Microbiology and Preventive Medicine. Emeritus Professor of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering. Affiliate Assistant Professor of Natural Resource Ecology and Management. Professor of Agronomy. Associate Teaching Professor of English. D.V.M., 1961, M.S., 1966, Ph.D., 1969, Iowa State. Associate Professor of World Languages and Cultures. Affiliate Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Reinhart Institute for Ethics in Leadership. Affiliate Assistant Professor of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering. Found inside – Page 435... selfdesigned majors , honors program , summer session , adult / continuing education programs , internships Contact Mr. Wayne Wojciechowski , Assistant Academic Vice President , Viterbo University , 900 Viterbo Drive , LaCrosse , WI ... B.S., 1976, M.S., 1982, Iowa State. Lecturer in Kinesiology. Ph.D., 2010, Temple (Japan). B.S., 1977, M.S., 1986, Florida; Ph.D., 1991, California (Berkeley). M.A., 2018, Iowa State. B.A., 1997, Bemidji State; M.S., 1999, Ph.D., 2002, Iowa State. B.S., 2001, Buenos Aires (Argentina); M.S., 2004, Ph.D., 2007, Illinois. B.S., 1983, Iowa State; M.S., 1985, Ph.D., 1988, California Institute of Technology. Assistant Teaching Professor of Apparel, Events, and Hospitality Management. B.S., 2012, Buena Vista; D.V.M., 2016, M.S., 2018, Iowa State. B.S., 1991, M.S., 1993, Ph.D., 1997, Seoul National (Korea). B.S., 2003, M.B.A., 2007, National American. Ph.D., 1977, Kharkov State Academy of Physical Culture. Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering. B.S., 2007, Sichuan; Ph.D., 2012, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Emeritus Professor of Agronomy; University Professor. B.Sc., 1990, Ph.D., 1993, Bristol (UK). Associate Professor of Finance. Teaching Professor of Mathematics. B.A., 1963, M.A., 1964, M.A., 1966, Wisconsin; Ph.D., 1979, Iowa State. B.S., 1967, M.S., 1970, Ph.D., 1972, Illinois. Emeritus Professor of Veterinary Microbiology and Preventive Medicine; Clarence Hartley Covault Distinguished Professor in Veterinary Medicine. B.S., 1976, B.S., 1977, M.S., 1979, Adelaide; Ph.D., 1984, Toronto. Assistant Teaching Professor of Architecture. D.V.M, 2005. B.Arch., 1988, Texas; M.Arch., 1991, Pennsylvania. Assistant Professor of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology. Emeritus Professor of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering; University Professor. Affiliate Professor of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering. Emeritus Professor of Political Science; Emeritus Professor of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering. B.S., 1990, Utah State; M.A., 1992, Bowling Green State; MPUP, 1994, Ph.D., 2003, Minnesota.
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