endobj Is this a problem? Hi: Motivation of staff has significance impact on the organizational productivity. In the light of this research, researcher encountered some problem when carrying out the research. It is also establish to carryout government policies and to ensure government’s effective participation in the oil industry. The unique feature of most SMEs is that, they can be e... CHAPTER ONE 1.1. To strengthen and to establish government control. Bachelor Thesis from the year 2017 in the subject Leadership and Human Resource Management - Miscellaneous, grade: A, , language: English, abstract: Motivation is an important research area for academics and practice area for managers. x]ͪÛ0 ÷~ Performance Appraisal Research Proposal Essays and Term Papers. Their study concluded that incentive schemes have a positive impact towards attendance, job loyalty, employees’ productivity, improvement in team work, rewarding efficient workers and other factors that affect 2. [556 556 500 556 556 277 556 556 222] 3. Purpose of the current research is to find out the impact of the work force motivation on productivity of organization in the apparel industry of the UK. What factors contribute to motivation complain over the years? Motivation is one of the simplest, yet most complex management jobs, it seems simple because people tend to be basically motivated to behave in away that they feel leads to reward, therefore one of the determinant of behaviours is motivation. Research Project Report Submitted to the Chandaria School of Business in Partial ... what is the impact of motivational goal-setting on performance of ... motivation and productivity (Chung, 2013). Motivation of staff and its impact on the organization productivity is the subject matter of this projects with a cases study of Kaduna refinery and petrochemical company (KRPC). Motivation has a relationship between Production and productivity. house rent allowance, leave bonus, transportation allowance, luncheon vouchers), staff training, provision for staff self-development benefits, length of service award to deserved staff, along with others. It will be used to describe the effect of work related stress in the institute and its impact on employee productivity. ABSTRACT This research project entitled” The Impact of Motivation on the Productivity of Employees in an Organization” has as purpose to look for those motivational variables that affects output in an organization and also to come with long lasting solution to problems associated to … ABSTRACT The study investigated and evaluated job stress and its effects on job performance among members of staff at Union Bank. Rutherford (1990) reported that motivation formulates an organization more successful because provoked employees are constantly looking for improved practice to do a work, so it is essential for organization to persuade motivation of their employees (Kalimullah et al, 2010) getting employees to do their best work even in a serious circumstances, is one of the employees most stable and greasy challenges and this can be made possible through motivating them. This research has importance for the employees and the organization because this research will provide find the impact employee's motivation on productivity. Productivity. This book presents a theoretical perspective. It reviews an enormous amount of research which establishes unequivocally that intrinsic motivation exists. The individual is moved to take action to reduce a state of tension and return to a condition of equilibrium. To identify various strategies used in motivation of staff in an organization for increased productivity. 43,461 people found this useful, THE EFFECT OF TREASURY SINGLE ACCOUNT ON THE ECONOMY OF NIGERIA In this new edition of his groundbreaking classic work, Csikszentmihalyi ("the leading researcher into ‘flow states’" —Newsweek) demonstrates the ways this positive state can be controlled, not just left to chance. There have been many research and theories of leadership and motivation. However, these are not still fully understood and the relationship between leadership and motivation still needs in depth research. Motivation: This is an essential ingredient to good staff. UniProjects aim of providing Impact Of Employees Motivation On Organizational Productivity project research material is to reduce the stress of moving from one school library to another all … results of the questionnaire will be documented Keywords: Motivation, Productivity, Employee satisfaction, Working Environment, Employee 1.5 Definition of Terms Performance: a. /BaseFont /LLPUEJ+ArialMT Why? This timely book provides some insights by exploring the linkages among individual, group, and organizational productivity. employee motivation in Amref Health Africa in Kenya? ABSTRACT. Refinery and petrochemical company (KRPC) is because of the vast experience in the field of operation. This second edition offers a comprehensive coverage of employee performance and reward, presenting the material in a conceptually integrated way. /FontDescriptor 63 0 R Workers who are motivated and excited about their jobs carry out their responsibilities to the best of their ability and production numbers increase as a result. /W [3 Motivation is therefore a universal problems that affect employee higher productivity of all cadre in an organization for instance, in a modern organization, employees usually take appointment with the believe that salaries and other fringe benefits would commensurate with the job each is expected to do. /FontFile2 91 0 R The populations for the study were employees of Amref Health Africa Workers who are motivated and excited about their jobs carry out their responsibilities to the best of their ability and production numbers increase as a result. DO NOT copy word for word. theory of motivation includes Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and Fredrick Hertzberg two factors theory. Copyright © 2021 Edu Electronic Books NIG. [333 333] In order to do this the whole project plan had to be modified so that what initially was planned to be a simple hydro skimming type refinery developed into integrated refinery. The ultimate quality of service provided will depend on the collective ability of staff, training and individual motivation to … 2.3 Research Rationale Workforce motivation has been the central problem for man-agers and leaders. 1 The research design A descriptive research design will be used since the study will be examining a social issue that exist in KARI kakamega. If employees are not happy with management and their fellow colleagues at workplace, organizat...Continue reading », AN APPRAISAL OF MATERIAL MANAGEMENT CONCEPT AS A STRATEGY FOR ACHIEVING HIGHER PRODUCTIVITY IN NIGERIAN BOTTLING COMPANY, CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study The Need for Appraisal of Material Management Concepts as a strategy for achieving higher productivity and to make up with the growing complexi...Continue reading », ANALYZING PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL TECHNIQUES IN UNION BANK NIG PLC, CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY In any evaluation of the condition necessary for the growth and survival of an organization, the role of performance appraisal is a strategic f...Continue reading », ASSESSING BOOK-KEEPING PRACTICES OF SMALL AND MEDIUM SCALE ENTERPRISES IN OGOJA LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA, ABSTRACT Nigeria’s economy is characterized by a large number of micro enterprises, and in between lie small and medium enterprises (SMEs). /CIDToGIDMap /Identity The study will also covers the various techniques of motivation and theories of motivation as they impact on employees productivity in an organization. It makes use of past research to conclude a theory and methodology for a current research study. What are the strategies used in organization concerning staff motivation? [556] According to the author, there are different factors that lead to employee motivation and being motivated an employee’s choice. 1 Impact of Staff Motivation on Productivity Phyllis Marie Brantley Belhaven … Based on a systematic review of the literature on employee engagement, this report seeks to synthesise thinking and evidence. Motivation can be defined as “as a process both instinctive and ... management and unionisable staff (NSSF, 2006). [277] stream Motivation of staff and its … However, there have been complaining about the nature of motivation in an organization. The id... BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION UNDERGRADUATE PROJECT TOPICS, RESEARCH WORKS AND MATERIALS, HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PROJECTS AND MATERIALS », HOW TO AVOID PLAGIARISM WHEN WRITING UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH PROJECTS, HOW TO WRITE AN UNDERGRADUATE PROJECT FOR GRADUATING STUDENTS, HOW TO FIND FINAL YEAR RESEARCH TOPICS AND MATERIALS IN NIGERIA, TECHNIQUES FOR CHOOSING GOOD UNDERGRADUATE PROJECT TOPICS, RESEARCH CLUE ON HOW TO ACCESS UNDERGRADUATE PROJECT TOPICS AND RESEARCH MATERIALS IN NIGERIA, UNDERSTANDING REFERENCING STYLE WHEN DEVELOPING PROJECT TOPICS. Top management must take into account of individual behaviour when planning organizational structure and procedure, and applying management styles and theories to meet career development of employees, staff development programmes becomes imperative as motivational factors. This Element is an excerpt from The Truth About Getting the Best from People (9780137080571) by Martha I. Finney. /Length 404 17 The context of this era is highly competitive and organizations regardless of size, technology and market focus are facing employee retention challenges. In this new collection of articles on talent acquisition and retention, Adrian Furnham, author of The Elephant in the Boardroom , offers an engaging and witty look into the world of the talented manager. 42,775 people found this useful, IMPACT OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON CONSUMER BEHAVIOR Are such employees better or worse off than uncommitted employees? What are the organizational advantages and disadvantages of having a committed workforce? This book overviews academic and popular perspectives on commitment in employees. The chapters are: Chapter 1 – Introduction: This book reveals the simple, but powerful techniques for changing behavior that experts from a range of disciplines have been using for years, making them available to all managers in a single and comprehensive toolkit for change that ... It is investigated that at the completion of this research the findings may be of immense benefits to the following: 1.7 SCOPE AND LIMITATION OF THE STUDY. Specific objectives are: Based on the above stated objectives the following research questions are raised to guide the study. Or it can be defined as the state that directs the individuals towards the goal of satisfying felted need. An Investigation of the impact of staff motivation on organizational performance: A case study of comparing Primark retail store, Tesco Plc and ASDA Group Ltd. A research proposal in partial fulfillment for the required award of a bachelor degree in business management department of Masinde Muliro university of science and technology. So that people will be attracted to join and stay within the organization. [277] My choice on Kaduna. By. We understand the Time Factor, & we have simplified the process so that you can get your projects instantly. [277 277 556] It will be used to describe the effect of work related stress in the institute and its impact on employee productivity. Found inside – Page 259Scientists Pancasila, I., Haryono, S., Sulistyo, B.A. in their scientific article examined the impact of work motivation and leadership on job satisfaction and its impact on employee productivity. Research results show that leadership ... The Harvard Business Review Classics series now offers readers the opportunity to make these seminal pieces a part of your permanent management library. The effect of work related stress on employee productivity. Based on the feasibility studies carried out which took into consideration the consumption of various petroleum products within the northern zone, and adequate means of disposal for surplus product. The effect of motivation on productivity. A qualitative analysis of literature was employed to consolidate literature that informed the study. Ho: Motivation of staff does not have any significance impact on the organizational productivity. So, this study will examine the most used motivation theories, motivation approaches and the effect of it on employee’s performance and business productivity. Most businesses create some pains to encourage employees however this can be usually easier 1 Impact of Staff Motivation on Productivity Phyllis Marie Brantley Belhaven … Motivation is the inner state that causes an individual to behave in a way that ensures the accomplishment of some goal. The researcher hopes that this study would be beneficial to the management and staff of Kaduna refinery and petrochemical company (KRPC). By gaining insight into the relationship between workplace satisfaction, inclusion levels, and motivations of employees, Deloitte will have a greater understanding of the aptitudes of employees that are in the early to mid stages of their careers. With the attainment of this paper studies Impact of employee motivation on The collective respondents will be analyzed and the performance (Productivity) in private organization. The main aim is to find a /Flags 32 79 employee motivation and its effect on employee performance pdf, explain the influence of motivation on staff performance cite concrete example, impact of motivation on employee performance ppt, influence of motivation on employee performance, motivation as a tool for improving employee performance, staff motivation and impact on … Hi: There is significant relationship between suggestions on how to improve motivation towards high level of productivity in an organization. ½$äå%)0 /O¬ÈË;0£¬ðèÅáÑ;0£F/ ¼#062søÔÇ%¢nó¼Þ rÓÈä?f¾²^FÓ8=VõWü×2#¢ result indicated that there is a significant relationship between employee motivation and organizational productivity. Background of the Study Material Management, as practiced in business today, can be defined as “a confederacy of traditional material activities bound by a common idea. /Filter /FlateDecode The decision to establish Kaduna Refinery and Petrochemical company (KRPC) was taken in 1974 along with that of Warri refinery. Motivation will be discussed using the following variables: salaries and wages, ICT training, fringe benefits (e.g. /CapHeight 699 According to Burkus & Green (2008), motivation is derived from the word “motivate”, which means to move, push or influence to proceed for fulfilling a want (Kalmillah et al, 2001). To achieve this, the paper conducted a review of some of the key theories and empirical studies on motivation and its impact on employee productivity drawing experiences from diverse organizational settings in Nigeria and several other countries. 1.8 Limitation of Study 60 /Ascent 728 Hi: There is significant relationship between problems confronting motivational strategies application in an organization. Although a lot of scholarly research has been written on motiva-tion, this subject is not clearly understood and more often than not poorly practiced. We will investigate each variable separately and combined afterwards. The project completed and commissioned in 1980. By early 1975, in view of the fuel shortage experienced,, the federal government decided that work on the third refinery should be advanced. Supervisory staff, Clerical staff and Workers and data analysis was done on the basis of mean score and z- test. The research is restricted and confirmed within the research to staff motivation and its impact on achieving increased productivity in an organization. Nigeria staff had virtually taken overall the maintenance and operations. H04: Motivation has a great significance on organizational effectiveness. Employee motivation has always been a central problem for leaders and managers. The unique feature of most SMEs is that, they can be e...Continue reading », ASSESSING THE EFFECT OF MATERIAL HANDLING ON THE PROFITABILITY OF A MANUFACTURING COMPANY, CHAPTER ONE 1.1. The significance of the study of motivation is that it will help to determine how motivational factors stimulate employees to higher productivity and its relevance to both the employees and the organization. The major objectives of this study is to critically examine the nature and types of motivations given to the staff of Kaduna refinery and petrochemical company (KRPC) Motivation has a relationship between Production and productivity. 49,164 people found this useful, TAX ADMINISTRATION IN NIGERIA: CHALLENGES AND PROSPECTS, A CASE STUDY OF LAGOS STATE BOARD OF INTERN... Literature Review 2.1. It will further help to assess the role of “motivation” as a tool or a means of enhancing organizational productivity. And I believed that they are capable of furnishing me with the required necessary information needed for carrying out this research work. UniProjects aim of providing Impact Of Performance Appraisal On Staff Productivity project research material is to reduce the stress of moving from one school library to another all in the name of searching … The refinery also has two processing sectors namely. 64 0 obj However the lubes plant and petrochemical plant were commission in 1983 respectively operation and maintenance carried out by Nigeria staff and expatriate personnel as technical back up in 1985.
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