Lawless Aggression | Peace is Law Not War. Read Article Here, The Covid Outbreak: “Biggest Health Scam of the 21st Century.” Report by 1500 Health Professionals. Back to the index.. We should take nothing for granted. Transhumanists embrace the idea of radical human evolution aided by technology. Seventeen-year-old Washington female dies from heart attack weeks after receiving second Pfizer vaccination, Serious adverse events in professional athletes skyrocket 6,000 percent following covid “vaccine” rollout, Catherine Austin Fitts – The Sinister Agenda Behind Mandatory Injections, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny joins Mike Adams with latest update on covid vaccines and the fate of humanity, VACCIDENTS GALORE: More people are dying in traffic accidents despite traveling fewer miles – is it the “vaccines?”, Vaccine passports DEACTIVATED for French citizens who fail to get THIRD shot… the obedience demands never end, Top 10 signs that Covid vaccines are BIOWEAPONS, New files expose Australian govt’s betrayal of Julian Assange and detail his prison torment, Vaxx Status Is Temporary … Boosters for Life Required, The Pyramid of Power: Chapter 8 – Food as a Weapon, All of government is in on the greatest fraud in history, 6 Billion People Humans To Be Killed By The Elite – NWO Depopulation Agenda – Holistic D octors Who Died Mysteriously Exposed The Dangers of Vaccines and Cures For Cancer, The White House Criminal Should Be Impeached for His Disrespect for the Rule of Law and US Constitution, Harvard Study: Homeschoolers Turn Out Happy, Well-Adjusted, & Engaged, Studies Debunking Mass-Jabbing Safety and Effectiveness, Former ‘Men in Black’ Operative Exposed the Alien Agenda, as Well as ‘Predicted ’ the COVID Outbreak Several Years Ago, Dr. Fauci ran grotesque AIDS vaccine experiments on minority children in the 90s, causing organ failure, deformities, brain damage, Australia Vaccine-Mandate Protesters Compare State Gov’t to Nazis, Food shortage around the world may have been engineered to control populations, Ivermectin Makes Countries flu/Covid Free, BOOSTER SYNDROME: Natural doctor blows whistle on Covid vaccines lowering white blood cells more and more with each shot, turning vaccinated people into AIDS-like patients, Biden’s Pentagon threatens Oklahoma National Guard after commander says his troops won’t be subjected to COVID vaccine mandate, Mainstream media blaming “climate change, “broken heart syndrome, “pandemic anxiety” – ANYTHING but the injections – for sudden surge in heart disease, Top 10 ways most Americans were conned into getting Covid clot shots, Mayo Clinic-trained doctor says covid “vaccines” are locking in suppressed immunity, making people more prone to HIV, HPV, shingles, herpes, EXPOSED: Bill Gates bribed media with $319 million to promote his interests: Vaccines, depopulation and covid hysteria, Mayo Clinic-trained Doctor: Lab Testing Shows COVID Jabs Will Make People Prone to Cancer, HIV, HPV, etc. Which brings us to the second development: the Pentagon has recently granted itself police powers on American soil. Speech recording and transcript here, For years many scientists have been challenging the numbers put out by the Gore climate propaganda machine. Wars are being waged, millions of innocent lives are taken for profit and greed. Chemotherapy boosts cancer growth and long-term mortality rates. Self-Sufficiency: a universal solution to the globalist problem, Self-sufficiency and the harassing of technology in the hands of the people are the greatest fears of the global oligarchy – fears that oligarchs throughout the centuries have harbored. Millions of people throughout the world are likely affected, yet most do not realize that microwave radiation and electrical pollution are the cause of their symptoms. Covering the education system, poisoning of citizens, fluoridation, and over medication of the population. Support the troops” is a clever PR slogan that causes Americans to turn a blind eye to the brutal exploitation of our soldiers and military families for profit and for an evil ideology. A draconian Internet censorship bill that has been long looming on the horizon finally passed the house of commons in the UK yesterday, legislating for government powers to restrict and filter any website that is deemed to be undesirable for public consumption. Sortable by title and patch release date! The U.S. and Canada are now further advancing this agenda through the Beyond the Border agreement. We must expose the puppet masters to free the masses from their grip. If we had freedom, integrity and personal responsibility, we wouldn’t even be facing the global collapse that has already begun. He asks for the help of every citizen to expose the truth. Haiti Video here | Articles by Benjamin Fulford here, | Articles on HAARP + Induced Earthquakes here, HAARP US Military Weapon That Can Cause Earthquakes and Alter The Climate, 13 reasons to suspect HAARP caused the Haiti earthquake here, The Truth Has Fallen And Taken Liberty With It, Today Americans are ruled by propaganda. Read article here, Police Are More Dangerous To The Public Than Are Criminals. You can actually start today, by boycotting corporations you may not have even considered part of this nefarious agenda and corporations you not only can certainly live without, but would be better off for it. Their complicity in war crimes and crimes against democracy will never be forgotten. Read article here, Sociapitalism: How the Government Became the Next Bubble | When This Bubble Bursts America Will Be Changed Forever, In the last thirteen years, a new financial order replaced capitalism in America. This surge past the record set by its predecessor marks another grim milestone in the Obama administration’s escalation of American militarism. Never m ind his food – was he jabbed? For the Entire World to Know and Remember — Especially the High Courts, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (The becquerel is a unit of radioactivity. Multiple update articles in one here. Read article here, An excellent film by A beautiful scholar studies a tough-as-nails cop--what can go wrong? Here is the Canadian Charter Rights for Individuals | Empower Yourself – Know Your Rights! Covertly, insidiously, mercilessly, a global depopulation agenda has been launched. We can trace it forward too; the ways of deceptive government did not end with the ascent of Obama. By The Center Square Staff, A Just the… The parallels between Nazi Germany and the United States of today are going to absolutely shock many of you. The only way for that to be possible is prior knowledge. There is so much evidence for this now that only the fools still relying on Satanic corporate propaganda do not realize it yet. Read more here. The estimated number of aggravated assault offenses rose 12.1 percent, and the volume of murder and nonnegligent manslaughter offenses increased 29.4 percent.”. Please watch this film, it is disturbing but the truth is disturbing and warrants our immediate response. April 1, 2011.” read article here, The Democrat in office has taken a position on unilateral murder so extreme as to be “profoundly troubling” in its legal reach and potential for future use. Read 11 Articles on Libya in 1 here, “Support The Troops” Is One Of The Most Cruel Hoaxes In History. Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva grabbed headlines earlier this month after announcing he would not enforce the vaccine mandate on his staff, putting local leaders in a tough position. If history is any indicator, the agents of the CFR will use Google as a tool to eliminate competition to their interests. Children ‘Bathing in Radiation’ at Schools, Experts Say. Faster-Paced Fun - Gameplay has been streamlined for a tighter, faster, and more compelling experience.Greater Accessibility and Ease of Play - An easy-to-use interface will be immediately familiar to RTS and action game players, and newcomers to the series will be able to jump in and play. Read article here, Truth11 Films | Fukushima 3/11 HAARP and Nuclear Attack on the World. It’s time to wake up. 'I can just go out and do it. | Read article here, Governments are the great mass-murderers of our world, Throughout human history, more human beings have been maimed, tortured and murdered by governments than by any other type of organization on the planet. The Reaload. But we cant stop there. This film is a big picture understanding of the plans that are being carried out around the world to cull the population. OSHA Suspends Biden’s Employer Vaccine Mandates Following Court Order, Jeffrey Prather talks about fifth-gen warfare and how Americans can fight for freedom – Brighteon.TV, Military Occupation — By Our Own Army — For 160 Years, BREAKING: Alberta not requiring COVID vaccines for K-12 students, Nearly 10,000 more people have died than usual since July from NON-‘Covid’ illnesses as expe rts demand urgent investigation into whether NHS delays from lockdown were to blame – yes they would have played a notable part but it’s THE BLOODY FAKE VACCINE YOU GUTLESS IDIOTS, Australian Household Goods Store Owner Denounces Restrictions on Un-Fake-Vaccinated People. They are beyond redemption. His word is final. The many will choose whats best for the many, not the few. Our future and our family is worth it. The 35-year-old singer revealed that … In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. So do secret trial proceedings. The video of this peaceful protest was Banned on you tube. The best-known plan for martial law/continuity of government is called REX 84. Private Pensions, 3. The American police perform no positive function. He mocks democratic rule. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society. See call to action article here. Read article here. Especially where it concerns human health and environmental integrity, the effects of these various frequency assaults have been nothing short of catastrophic. The camps are built, the drills have been run. 8.68K Views 3 Likes. The “law and order” conservatives and the “compassionate” liberals stand silent while police psychopaths brutalize children and grandmothers, murder double amputees in wheel chairs, break into the wrong homes, murder the family dogs, and terrify the occupants, pointing their automatic assault weapons in the faces of small children. Video: #Yes, It’s a “Killer Vaccine”: Michel Chossudovsky, Ten Things You Need to Know about the Experimental COVID mRNA Vaccines, Just Days After Bill Gates Warned of a Coming Smallpox Bioterror Attack, 15 Vials Labeled ‘Smallpox ’ Are Found in Research Lab in Pennsylvania, Why There is a Civic and Moral Duty to Oppose Tyrannical Bureaucracies, Portland: Rittenhouse Protest Escalates Into Riot Video, Corporate Media Silent as Mass Protests Taking Place Worldwide in Reaction to New Lockdowns, Mandates, World War III: The Global War on Health and Freedom, Dutch Police Opened Fire on Citizens Protesting COVID-19 Tyranny, Used Car Prices Explode To New Record High, Democrats continue to push for mandatory lockdowns, vaccines under the guise of “following science”, Deep State Pedophiles Exposed: Child Trafficking ,Hollywood Pedophiles, Major Companies, Politicians, Vatican, Deep State Demons, American Heart Association blames cannabis legalization for sudden spike in youth heart disease — AN YTHING to deflect from the clot shots, Evangelist Franklin Graham develops pericarditis, undergoes heart surgery after aggressively pushing covid “vaccines” on Christians, Pfizer, BioNTech, Moderna each make $65,000 PER MINUTE on covid “vaccine” scam while people are killed by vaccines and suffer from vaccine injuries, food shortages, collapsing supply chains, Former Australian Army Special Forces Lieutenant Colonel.”This stops when we say it stops or they will proceed with killing us all”, COMPLIANCE MIND GAMES: United Kingdom to change definition of “fully vaccinated” to require COVID-19 booster shots, Young Global Leaders: WEF Puppets Destroying Society, Tennessee becomes latest state to ban COVID-19 vaccine mandates as Biden’s unconstitutional order continues to lose in federal court, Dark Winter Ahead? Recruiter reveals shocking text from property firm boss who said size 16 jobseeker was 'too fat' for the... Met Police missed FIVE opportunities to save vulnerable teenager, 17, killed by her boyfriend when she 'fell... 'I'm sh***ing myself!' We can not let the efforts of Ron Paul and many others go to waste, by simply replacing evil with the same evil and a different logo. For all those still in denial that America is a militarized police state, this should be the ultimate cure to your delusion. Their militaries bomb civilians every day without mercy. Read article here, A Noble Lie: A New Film Exposing The Truth Of The 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing, Noble Lie: A myth or untruth knowingly told by the elite to maintain social harmony, or the social position of the elite. Why is this? It is disturbing. They have merely disappeared from our televised news streams. Their accelerating program towards the culling of billions of human beings from this planet, SERCO is the lynch pin which implicates the Crown as perpetrator of this well-planned genocide. This movie also covers atrocities such as Pol Pot masacre of Cambodian people in 1975. Patients basically live in a permanent state of disease until their death. Read article here, The Riots Of England Are Exactly What The Establishment Want = Don’t Play Into Their Hands = Riots Are Not The Solution. Its time the masses stopped spewing the term conspiracy theorist and actually looked into the facts, if they did they would find conspiracy fact. It does not charge for advertising or for content. Read breaking headlines covering politics, economics, pop culture, and more. This film exposes information never before examined or brought to the attention of the American public. So the solution therefore is in unity we must stay. Today, Iceland is one of the freest nations on earth, thanks in large part to the solidarity of its people, who have proven that they value freedom and independence over blind complacency. There still is no virus. The FBI spied on him and found that he was having an affair with his biographer, a woman 20 years younger than his 60 years. Although great lengths are taken to ensure the population are swayed by the news of horrible events, mass shootings, real, staged or provoked it is not the reason the guns are wanted out of our hands. Just two short months prior to 9/11, then Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld oversaw a significant change to DoD procedures for dealing with hijacked aircraft, making it the personal responsibility of the Defense Secretary to issue intercept orders. If they are not in the gutter of history already, they soon will be when 9/11 truth reaches critical mass. In what may be the first of it’s kind in the nation, a group of 9/11 Truth activists organized, designed and paid for a commercial billboard in which 1,200 Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth invite the public to “Examine the Evidence.” Read article here, Big Brother Watches You But You Are Not Allowed To Know Its Secrets, One of the hallmarks of an authoritarian government is its fixation on hiding everything it does behind a wall of secrecy while simultaneously monitoring, invading and collecting files on everything its citizenry does. In regards to aerosol spraying into the earth’s atmosphere, a recent update to data assembled by The Carnicom Institute reveals the chemicals used and their respective levels of concentration. The masses must rise up, unite, and demand world peace. The Liberty Beacon / This article was posted by TLB Staff. Nazi Rule has been in place since ww2 | Read article here, For lots of excellent Truth Documentaries click here, Co-operation vs. competition / Competition is enslaving us all / Economics, slavery and the financial crisis, The human spirit will thrive with co-operation: far more than with competition. Why does Washington want this hegemony so badly that Washington is willing to murder women, children, aid workers, husbands and fathers, village elders, anyone on earth including its own American heroes? It clarifies that goal. Read Article Here, In America today, there are approximately five unemployed workers for every single job opening, The truth is that there are not nearly enough jobs out there for everyone that wants one. Most chemotherapy patients either die or are plagued with illness within 10-15 years after treatment. Copyrights are suppose to only apply to creative material in nature as Judge Philip Pro believes posting an entire article is Fair Use for non commercial entities online since copyright should only apply to content creative in nature and facts cannot be copyrighted. Never before has a documentary assembled all the pieces of the globalists' dark agenda. Read article here. Calling for a global understanding of how to protect yourself and detoxify yourself from the harmful radiation that now affects us all. THREE MASONIC LODGES BURNED DOWN YESTERDAY IN VANCOUVER. “What did you say…? Daily global efforts with an aim to dominate the weather completely while dumping disease causing chemicals on us daily. With All The Extreme Government Corruption, Why Are People Still Supporting The System With Money? Read article here, Tokyo Contaminated From Fukushima; Not Fit for Habitation. Watch below and read article and watch two other Kaufman/Spiro interviews covering Reuters (Rothschild’s) fake fact checking and if masks should be worn. List of Nintendo Switch game patches/updates. If Americans wish to retain the remnants of their liberty, they cannot trust the media to warn them about government tyranny. Oh yes! Armed With The Truth, United We Stand • The Truth Will Set Us Free, Health Mandates oust Cops nationwide, Police Leaders warn of fallout On the Left: There are Focus Articles, allow you to simply read down and get a wide cross section of the events that have and that are, shaping our world. Watch movie Here or download at, Jason Burmas New Movie | Invisible Empire | A New World Order Defined, This is a comprehensive guide to the new world order and should be watched by everyone. There is no money drives or requests for donations. The Big Picture When It Comes To Naked Body + Behavior Scanners, Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano admitted yesterday that body scanners would eventually find their way into U.S. public transportation, trains and boats, but Big Sis is already beta-testing technology that goes even further, by forcing Americans to undergo a behavioral interrogation before they are allowed to enter sports events, rock concerts and shopping malls. Once in physical bondage, then economic slavery and finally their plan is totalitarian fascist control with perpetual mass genocide in the name of eugenics and the fake war on terror. Obama Declares He Will Rule By Authoritarian Decree, The Obama administration has announced it will now rule by fascist decree and ignore Congress and the American people. Read article here, Nuclear Experimentation | Year 69 Of A 100,000 Year Wast Cycle. Non-consenting Airline Employees Push Back. Pronouncing guilt by accusation assures his conviction. Globalists and their eugenic minions have misrepresented population statistics for decades in order to justify their agenda to wipe out large portions of the population. Sezon 4. This also applies to trolling, the use of more than one alias, or just intentional mischief. The comments below have not been moderated. Many of the officers leaving departments plan to head to more flexible employers. Read More Here, John F. Kennedy | Shadow Government Speech. At the state and local level every American faces brutal, armed psychopaths known as the police. The only compensation required from his friend is watching the killings . . . and taking a few pictures that he shares with a couple of his friends. And anytime you have a government that operates in the shadows, speaks in a language of force, and rules by fiat, you’d better beware. Read article here and see the Icelandic President discuss choosing democracy and human rights over the banks here, The Genocide Of The American People | Food As A Weapon. Army Preparing To Use Lethal Force Against Unarmed American Civilians, A document released by the U.S. Army details preparations for “full scale riots” within the United States during which troops may be forced to engage in a “lethal response” to deal with unruly crowds of demonstrators. The Powerpuff Girls are a trio of artificially made superhuman kindergartners created by Professor Utonium. We must simply organize ourselves. In an Instagram post in May 2019, Rebel revealed she was trying to get down to her goal weight of 75kg. In addition, U.S. and Russian Special Forces teams went around hunting down and killing the financiers and Khazarian agents stoking the flames. Ten distinguished speakers headlining the “Understanding Deep Politics” Conference in Santa Cruz this May 14-16—trace the era of deep politics to JFK’s assassination; to the aftermath of World War II, Hitler, Lenin, Weishaupt, or Machiavelli, from there to ancient secret societies, and even back to the dawn of human governance itself. They purchased them and put an editor in place in every one. So why is Washington now supporting al-Qaeda’s overthrow of the secular, non-Islamist government in Syria which has never ever done anything whatsoever to Americans!? I'm A Celebrity's launch night viewing figures plummet by 2m next to 2020's historic lockdown numbers... yet... Government steps in with millions of taxpayer cash to prop up Bulb Energy which would be biggest firm so far... Half a million drivers are waiting more than 10 weeks for new driving licences due to DVLA backlog. The math makes no sense any more, they need it to fail so they can start the next one hundred year pyramid scheme of fractional reserve banking. Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), The new boss has proven to be the same as the old boss, and the American people, the permanent underclass in America, has allowed itself to be so distracted and divided that they have failed to notice the building blocks of tyranny being laid down right under their noses by the architects of the Deep State. Final report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States. There was no live coverage of the first plane hitting, there was no coverage on TV of the first plane until a video surfaced that evening. Alcohol and Beer Companies, 4. Chicago, Minneapolis, Los Angeles and Seattle police departments have all grappled over this issue as well. This report covers all of the current information around the world of the destruction and death that these vaccines are causing: Read Report Here. Now we’ll see what you are made off Au strians, Benjamin Fulford 11/15/21 Report: Khazarian mafia hide in bunkers as war is declared | Full report, Detection of Graphene in COVID-19 Vaccines, Smallpox Drugmaker Stock Surges Amid Fears of New Pandemic, Marc Mezvinsky, Chelsea’s Husband, to Face Military Tribunal, Exposing the ‘Alien Agenda’ Lead to Whistleblower’s Murder, The FDA has asked a federal judge to make the public wait until the year 2076 to disclose all of the data an d information it relied upon to license Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. After closer inspection you can see that no planes were present in those towers either. And forge a system of self-government where the masses decide what is best for the masses. Its time we realized our power of strength in numbers.
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