3. That night was very prodigious which I never forget. Yet if it were all to do over again, I know I should act just the same part. What mechanical force allowed it to move about with such prodigious speed? "I was overwhelmed at work with the prodigious amount of filing . You can also find multiple synonyms or similar words of Prodigiously. 'How Roberts, a prodigiously gifted schoolboy, ended up pursuing a life of crime is a book in itself.' 'What is even more remarkable to physicists is the fact that this prodigiously powerful computing device has developed through biological evolution, with all of its apparent uncertainties and redundancies.' It was prodigious toil, obscure heroism unbelievable. Organize by: [Syllables] Letters: Show rare words: [Yes] No: Show phrases: [Yes] No: See prodigiously used in context: 1 rhyme, 1 Shakespeare work several books and articles. She had bored herself so prodigiously the. What a prodigious variety of animals there appears to be in this country.? Prodigious means extraordinary in aspect, such as size or degree. Prodigious definition: Something that is prodigious is very large or impressive . Senyshyn is noted for his prodigious technique and . : Nature is prodigal in its approach to fertility, but we no longer . Also like Beethoven, Mozart worked . (adjective) A prodigious storm. How to use "gifted" in a sentence. far beyond what is usual in magnitude or degree; synonyms: exceeding, olympian, surpassing, exceptional. Because she was overbearing and often facetious, Jane had few friends. 2. Examples of Facetious in a sentence. It helps you understand the word Prodigious with comprehensive detail, no other web page in our knowledge can explain Prodigious better . : The visual analogies are clear, particularly between the bosses of the hydrant and the bulging eyes of one prodigiously exophthalmic sergeant, but the inferences are left up to you. While Aaron thought he was being funny, he did not realize his remarks came across as facetious. His legal genius was superb and his judicial labors prodigious. did i Misspell other words?4.do not Misspell words or have typos.5.searchable dictionary shou That she has done primarily through framing the loosest and most asinine of immigration laws, easily beatable; and secondarily, and again in and out of prison, through extracting near to the last sting of consequence from the commission of crime. of momentous or ominous significance; synonyms: portentous. 6. Weber was a prodigious describer of new and unique dermatological terms. . Practice Test Question #44: Find the conjunction(s) in this sentence: The dog and cat were at it again, growling and snapping prodigiously. Prodigious shouts were made by both armies. Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith. : a prodigious research grant. 6. How to use prodigious in a sentence is shown in this page. 1. Although he was no longer young, it was thought that he was still prodigiously strong. It helps you understand the word Prodigious with comprehensive detail, no other web page in our knowledge can explain Prodigious better . English How to use "prodigy" in a sentence more_vert The event produced a prodigious excitement throughout the camp. The definition of Prodigiously is followed by practically usable example sentences which allow you to construct your own sentences based on it. How this page explains Prodigious ? His hands would have been prodigiously strengthened. gious (prə-dĭj′əs) adj. — Use prodigiously in a sentence. Dean continued to exhibit restrain with his comebacks in deference to the improved moods around Bird Song. He was prodigiously flattered and fluttered. For number two I answered apprehensive, which means anxious or fearful that something bad or unpleasant will happen. prodigiously definition: 1. in a way that is extremely great in ability, amount, or strength: 2. in a way that is extremely…. Misspell sentence examples:1.this is not just bad spelling, but a deliberate attempt to creatively Misspell words.2.because to Misspell is human; to have no idea of correct spelling is to be semiliterate.3.ok, is that ok now? Sentence Examples. There are two separate simple sentences joined by the conjunction 'and'. Prodigiously in a sentence | prodigiously example sentences. In a sentence, it states that amber performed her piano solo and he received a standing ovation. 1. Travelling would be prodigiously increased. Their effect was, in reality, prodigious and universal. Having the brain of a backward hen, it had taken her until middle age to discover the delights of luxurious globe-trotting, and since by then old Morrison's ill-gotten pile had swollen prodigiously, she was able to indulge her wanderlust to the full. Check the meaning of prodigious. Whatsoever sentence examples:1.that is essentially zero and means there is no support for this sector Whatsoever.2.and the problem is that they take exception to any kind of noise Whatsoever.3.there is no suggestion Whatsoever that the two sides are any closer to agreeing4.i don't think they'll have any idea how i'm feeli His prodigious size made his timidity the more amusing. Click on a word above to view its definition. "gifted" in a sentence. The Word "gifted" in Example Sentences. The friction will make the vein more conspicuous. LaFaro's prodigious technique on bass made this concept possible. 1. greenview in a sentence grownup in a sentence waged in a sentence tinier in a sentence hose in a sentence krithika in a sentence newburgh in a sentence genteel in a sentence stored in a sentence chimpanzees in a sentence bondmen in a sentence bālareḍḍi in a sentence jesse in a sentence hanifen in a sentence sun's in a sentence kufa in a . He is a man of prodigious talents, and replete with variety of knowledge. Rare words are dimmed. Spanish Translation of "prodigiously" | The official Collins English-Spanish Dictionary online. She sighed prodigiously, and rolled her eyes. Union Test Prep is a small team dedicated to bringing the best test-prep material to everyone, free of cost. Prodigious Definition. In . Tremendous and stupendous are two words related to prodigious. Prodigiously quotes from YourDictionary: The benefits of medical research are real - but so are the potential horrors of genetic engineering and embryo manipulation. How this page explains Prodigious ? 5. Because I have made fifty thousand this last year in Timbuctoo bonds, must I convert it all into a house, so large that it will not hold me comfortably, -- so splendid that I might as well live in a porcelain vase, for the trouble of taking care of it, -- so prodigiously "palatial" that I have to skulk into my private room, put on my slippers . See more. Impressively great in size, force, or extent; enormous: a prodigious storm. Choose a language, then type a word below to get example sentences for that word. PRODIGIOUSLY means impressively and to a large extent. What a prodigious distance those bells can be heard! This, to a naturally arrogant talented practitioner was a huge humiliation! bab.la is not responsible for their content. click for more sentences of prodigious. Prodigious definition, extraordinary in size, amount, extent, degree, force, etc. A prodigiously long tail, beetling eyebrows with long black hairs, black ears, face, feet and hands, and a general greyish-brown colour of the fur are the distinctive characteristics of the langur. Jack was a prodigious reader when he was young. Prodigious definition, extraordinary in size, amount, extent, degree, force, etc. It was the same thing over again: he got nothing out of us, and we were remanded; our resolute behaviour annoying him prodigiously. 20 examples of simple sentences "gifted" . prodigious: [adjective] being an omen : portentous. We devise heart transplants, but do little for the 15 million who die annually of maln. Thus Option C is the correct answer. After overindulging in a prodigious meal, I really needed a nap. A prodigiously long tail, beetling eyebrows with long black hairs, black ears, face, feet and hands, and a general greyish-brown colour of the fur are the distinctive characteristics of the langur. Procurer: someone who procures customers for whores (in England they call a pimp a ponce).. Download Now. The same year was one of special importance in the prodigiously versatile activities of Leonardo da Vinci. Home All Words Top 50 Top 100 Top 200. Prodigiously has 3 different meanings, translation & definations. He was conspicuous by his absence. There were several references to countries where capital punishment is carried out in prodigious , horrific quantities. Disparaging example sentences, listen the pronunciation, easily copy & paste. Use Relation in a sentence example. A prodigious whistle announces his feelings. Home; Words; relation; relation in A Sentence. : The Venetian comedy also includes a pair of social parasites living off the prodigality of the extravagant young couple. Support us and study ad-free for your exam on Union Test Prep. Prodigiously Sentence Examples Arachnids are prodigiously numerous. Prodigiously: to a prodigious degree.. prodigious Sentence Examples The page not only provides Urdu meaning of Prodigiously but also gives extensive definition in English language. . In A Sentence.me. . Number three I answered prodigiously it means causing amazement or wonder. She looks forward to immersing herself in the life's work of many an author unfamiliar to her, and plans to read, Over the course of several months, Algren's skill with the bokken also grows, The ball will swing for most of the innings, in fact, An author of fiction and philosophical essays, she was fluent and, Lola, California is a startling novel, as, Often, at pedagogy conferences, we witness, A gnome is little interested in other gnomes, but all that surrounds it however, interests it, Beyond the borders between the traditional and the popular, Spain and Argentina, these two artists join the continents, As a result, worldwide demand for our products is still on a, I understand last century poets in raptures with these columns, these trunks gathered in so slender, so, In doing so they gave the nation two new heroes to admire: one a wiry, squat, bandy-legged right-winger by the name of Garrincha and the other a shy but, The main Altar is recovered with gold leaf, the pulpit is carved, The visual analogies are clear, particularly between the bosses of the hydrant and the bulging eyes of one, A keen hunter and fisherman, Tito was also, Therefore, either billions more people will continue to live without even the most basic requirements for reasonable living, or the demand for energy will grow, Korea DPR's coronation provided the biggest surprise of a spectacular three-week competition that illustrated both the continued evolution of the women's game and the emergence of some, I know that you are centred on the beautiful firearms produced in Liege and who interest us, In my youth I loved spider plants and would propagate them, By this practice they were hulling the British ship, If I could catch my life and talk to it, I would abuse it, At the outset, be it confessed that it was a study that attracted him, He must have been, to take the picturesque so, Addle makes friends with the owner of the mini-mart, a, It deals so largely in pain that its scattered delights are. Taran bowed his head in deference to his master. Prodigious talent requires expert musical instruction to bring it to fruition. The scene we beheld prodigiously surprised us. 149- This pointer will point to the next available block, which will most likely be the block following our extra-large vector; we can sanity check this a little, but it's not really necessary - the block size is large, and this is a pretty safe bet.. 150- To adapt the system for archaeological sites, Antonio Jiménez . Their Drink should be such as allays Thirst, and abates the Fever; such as dilutes, relaxes, and promotes the Evacuations by Stool, Urine and Perspiration. 19 editor-approved samples. Download Wordinn Dictionary for PC. The fuss she makes about them is prodigious. Worst the the opinion word because somebody meant think . : A keen hunter and fisherman, Tito was also . A sentence is the largest independent unit of grammar: it begins with a capital letter and ends with a period, question mark, or exclamation point. There were crude medieval notions that fossils were freaks or sports of nature (lusus naturae), or that they represented failures of a creative force within the earth (a notion of Greek and Arabic origin), or that larger and smaller fossils represented the remains of races of giants or of pygmies (the mythical idea). Chapter 1414: Common purpose (3) Huang Yueli looked at his fleeing figure as she found it even funnier. Prodigiously: to a prodigious degree.. There were several references to countries where capital punishment is carried out in prodigious , horrific quantities. Others were pulled from our literature database. This pleasing prodigality would be easier to browse if the columns of text were not so close-set. This insect can make a prodigious leap in proportion to its size. Chapter 1434: Celestial Light Sect's traitor (1) When this sentence was spilled out, Fang Shaoning felt that he was especially wretched! How to use prodigious in a sentence is shown in this page. Huang Yueli shook her head helplessly, "You don't need to act in this way right! resembling or befitting a prodigy : strange, unusual. 4. 20 sample sentences for PRODIGIOUS. The trace left in him by the Revolution was prodigious. The wheels, called naoura, are of the most primitive construction, made of rough branches of trees, with palm leaf paddles, rude clay vessels being slung on the outer edge to catch the water, of which they raise a prodigious amount, only a comparatively small part of which, however, is poured into the aqueducts on top of the dams. Other people slapped his face and he still thanked them for it! He has taken prodigious pains to flatter and win over many to his interest. It had been a prodigiously long speech for the Duchess. Their tongues wagged with prodigious activity utterly unleashed. Impressively great in size, force, or extent; enormous. seh-tayn-tah . Procurer: someone who procures customers for whores (in England they call a pimp a ponce).. Download Now. She was a prodigious flirt, and soon set her husband at defiance. My mother was a prodigiously dynamic person. This truth is caught up by some influential organ of social life-is expanded prodigiously by human experience, and, when travelling back as an illustrated or improved text to the Bible, is found to be made up, in all its details, of many human developments. A 25-year-old maths graduate is due to be sentenced today for murdering his girlfriend at the flat they shared in Leeds.. Joe Atkinson initially denied murdering 24-year-old Poppy Devey Waterhouse at the flat in Richmond Hill on December 14 last year, but changed his plea at a hearing last week.. Miss Devey Waterhouse was born in London, but moved to Leeds to work as an analyst for bookmakers . | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples He was a man of prodigious bone and sinews. bab.la is not responsible for their content. But his prodigious talent moved him inevitably toward a musical career. These pianists could only play with the aid of cortisone injections ( something I would strongly advise . Learn more. He was also the most prodigiously gifted child she had ever encountered. The prices of farms rose pr However, things had not come to . Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith. His talent is quite prodigious and we are looking forward seeing him at this level where I am sure he will be very effective. She is very proud of her son who has a prodigious talent for playing the guitar. If it could be enforced, he believed it would be prodigiously partial. We continue to like our house prodigiously. 0. There are several thousand common idioms in English which present a huge problem to English learners. Short & Simple Example Sentence For Prodigiously | Prodigiously Sentence. so great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe; synonyms: stupendous, colossal. Download Wordinn Dictionary for PC. In a teaching career spanning nigh on three decades, I very seldom encounter a pianist with near enough perfect deployment of the body. What does prodigiously mean? John Doe is a prodigious type of man. in a sentence. . 2. Commonly used words are shown in bold. How to use afflicted in a sentence. His powers of memory are said to have been prodigious. 8. 'How Roberts, a prodigiously gifted schoolboy, ended up pursuing a life of crime is a book in itself.' 'What is even more remarkable to physicists is the fact that this prodigiously powerful computing device has developed through biological evolution, with all of its apparent uncertainties and redundancies.' It states that her mother is planning for his birthday party. Afflicted definition is - grievously affected or troubled (as by a disease) : mentally or physically impaired. This man of a century possesses a prodigious obstructive power! Explanation: In this sentence, "Johann Sebastian Bach" stands in apposition to "the great German composer"—they both refer to the same person. in a sentence petunias in a sentence directors in a sentence bruni in a sentence nocturnal in a sentence amour in a sentence prodigiously in a sentence deen in a . Prodigiously meaning in Urdu Ajeeb o ghareeb tor par عجیب و غریب طور پر. She had bored herself so prodigiously the last two days. . Extraordinary; marvelous: a prodigious talent . It is one of absolute loyalty and deference, as to the teaching of inspiration. 8 sentence examples: 1. Sentence Examples for prodigious. Next of Prodigious. 4. His talent is quite prodigious and we are looking forward seeing him at this level where I am sure he will be very effective. Check the meaning of prodigious. This is an instruction or order which. 10 examples of sentences "gifted". : It would be some time before it bloomed and lit up the cliffs with its yellow-flowered prodigality again. He was a prodigiously quick writer who seldom revised, but pressed on, keen to get his ideas down on paper. (adverb) Therefore, you must surround "Johan Sebastian Bach" with commas. Use Asinine in sentence. In a prodigious manner; enormously, wonderfully, astonishingly or impressively. Previous of Prodigious. These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. Similarly, how do you use prodigious in a sentence? Their images are awful, and their ignorance prodigious. Find 81 ways to say PRODIGIOUSLY, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. These peculiarities of the coma seem inseparable attendants on the two foci, and are as conspicuous in the achromatic meniscus as in the plano-convex object-glass. Hence, a prodigious rise in rents and a plague of landlord profiteering. Moby Dick is a prodigiously boring book, with a murky streak of . Next of Prodigious. I'm sorry if I sounded facetious, but seriously, The Quadruple Bypass burger will kill you. 2. 8. 'Then doubtless,' replied his father, 'you would prodigiously like, after you have been labouring all day, to have your work to do over again, for the sake of diverting a foolish boy. The scope of the Expanded Universe grew at a prodigious rate. prodigious. These latter are exceedingly picturesque, often consisting of a . The first simple sentence and clause is: Listen carefully. It was through the second world war that Russia 'experienced' itself increased greatly in power, wealth and prestige. Find 32 ways to say COMMODIOUSLY, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. prodigiously pronunciation with meanings, synonyms, antonyms, translations, sentences and more Which is the right way to say setenta in Portuguese? The effect of the apparition was prodigious. : a prodigious research grant. The amount of corn destroyed was prodigious. Li Moying gave a cold harrumph, "At last he's gone, at least he knows what's good for him!". Since Stan's car accident, he has been taking prodigious amounts of pain pills. Sentence Examples for prodigious. The costs are mounting prodigiously. She looked at him down her prodigious nose. If it could be enforced, he believed it would be, Although he was no longer young, it was thought that he was still, Conseil and I were soon dressed in these diving suits, as were Captain Nemo and one of his companions—a herculean type who must have been, This animal, which has been stigmatized as the most, The Zingarans weaved and rocked on their feet, but they wielded their swords with power and effect, swearing, The Child was just stirring out of Sleep when I came upon ’em; her Face was flusht as the Dawn; her reddish Lashes were like thick Fringes upon her Infant Cheaks; and she had grown most, At last we rose and dressed; and Queequeg, taking a, Fanny could read, work, and write, but she had been taught nothing more; and as her cousins found her ignorant of many things with which they had been long familiar, they thought her, Fired, however, now beyond all bearance of delay, he remounts, and begged of me to have patience, stroking and soothing me to it by all the tenderest endearments and protestations of what he would moreover do for me; at which, feigning to be somewhat softened, and abating of the anger that I had shewn at his hurting me so, Without adding to the guilt of my infidelity, that of an audacious defence of it, in the old style of a common kept miss, my answer was modest, and often interrupted by my tears, in substance as follows: "That I never had a single thought of wronging him" (which was true), "till I had seen him taking the last liberties with my servant wench" (here he coloured, Unfortunately her father awoke while this was going on, and hearing a noise in the garden, came to the window, and at once perceiving that all those who were there were Christians, raising a. See more. Nevertheless, we were not to be shaken off so easily; and taking a malicious pleasure in annoying our old enemy, we resolved, for the present, to stay where we were. prodigious in a sentence - Use prodigious in a sentence and its meaning 1. Answer (1 of 3): A clause contains a subject and predicate and is either part of a sentence or makes a whole simple sentence. On the long table was spread a map of prodigious size. All sentences include two parts: the subject and the verb (this is also known as the . He was a prodigiously gifted artist. She is a prodigiously talented pianist. 3. The Swelling of the Face abates in Proportion to the scabbing and drying up of the Pustules; and then the Hands are puffed up prodigiously. The scar on his forehead is conspicuous. A fact is something that is true and you have information to back it up , an opinion is what someone think ,Ex that was the worst game ever. Support Union Test Prep. These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. The word "sentence" is from the Latin for "to feel." The adjective form of the word is "sentential." The sentence is traditionally (and inadequately) defined as a word or group of words that . far beyond what is usual in magnitude or degree; so great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe. A number of pianists have arrived at my door, prodigiously talented, but suffering great pain deriving from some of the aforementioned physical afflictions. These two programs will give an overview of his prodigious output. Idiom Sentences - An idiom is a combination of words that together have a meaning which is separate from the literal meaning or definition of the words of which it is made. Consider even the prodigious conqueror Alexander the Great. We tried to list the best first. 2. Sentence Examples for pygmies. Over 100,000 Spanish translations of English words and phrases. www.use-in-a-sentence.com English words and Examples of Usage . What does prodigious mean? . This prodigious intellectual power was one of her chief characteristics. Examples of Prodigious in a sentence. Also with Prodigiously sentences, similar words, Synonyms, Antonyms and more. Previous of Prodigious. All the parts of speech in English are used to make sentences. Any Relation to Lip? The main Altar is recovered with gold leaf, the pulpit is carved prodigiously in wood, and all the chapels and lesser altars, have a similar style of execution. Use 'pointer' in a sentence | 'pointer' example sentences . 2. The great German composer, Johann Sebastian Bach, was a member of a prodigiously talented musical family.
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