phyllanthus urinaria uses

Thus, the aim of this book is to present the most updated information on the structural properties of tannins, their food sources and variations, biological properties, and health, among other important issues. Chamberbitter (Phyllanthus urinaria) is also known as gripeweed, leafflower, or little mimosa.It is a warm-season, annual, broadleaf weed that emerges from warm soils beginning in early summer. Whenever touched, the leaves shrink automatically just as Mimosa Pudica (Touch-me-not). Join ResearchGate to find the people and research you need to help your work. Neuropharmacological profile is studied for each mice using Irwin’s observational test, the mice were observed for 4 h after oral administration for various behavioral, neurological, and autonomic changes at 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 h. Results: P. niruri showed negligible actions at 300 mg/kg and 600 mg/kg body weight. The increase of antibiotic resistance worldwide, rising numbers of deaths and costs associated with this, and the fact that hardly any new antimicrobial drugs have been developed during the last decade have increased the interest in Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) therapeutic interventions, if proven safe and effective. Certain form of economic loss in yield and quality is caused on crops where the weed is prevailing. Why is Phyllanthus niruri tea our flagship product? It is used as a diuretic and purgative to treat a wide variety of uro-genital disorders, diarrhea and diabetes, as a bitter tonic and to treat fever, including malaria throughout the world. Phyllanthus cantoniensis Schweigg. The anti-cancer activity of P. urinaria extract is mainly due to induced apoptosis of cancer cells as demonstrated by DNA fragmentation and increased caspase-3 activity through both intrinsic and extrinsic pathways. Love this Website? Phyllanthus urinaria(P. urinaria), a widely used herbal medicine, has been reported to possess various biological activities. In the light of the scarcity of research to P. urinaria, which grows mainly in tropical regions such as India, Sri Lanka, Indochina, Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia and the United States, has long been used in traditional oriental medicine for the treatment of liver damage, hepatitis, jaundice, renal disorders, enteritis, diarrhea, and dropsy. The results are supported by the increase in blood lymphocyte count and antigenic stimulation in immunological organs (spleen). The most studied species is Phyllanthus amarus. The extract was then tested qualitatively using the DPPH IC50 method. All Rights Reserved. Results: Nirocil treated group significantly enhanced the antibody titer in comparison to the control group. We all have our top weeds to deal with in the garden. The pharmacological and medicinal properties of the plant as an analgesic, a relaxant, retroviral, and retro bacterial agent have been exploited to cure hepatitis, kidney, urinary, bladder and other ailments. Scientific names: Phyllanthus niruri, Phyllanthus urinaria, Phyllanthus amarus, Phyllanthus debilis Other common names: Gripeweed, leafflower, little mimosa, shatterstone, stonebreaker 1 gale of wind Chinese: Ye Xia Zhu Thailand: Look Tai Bai Vietnam: Diep Ha Chau 2 Brazil (Portuguese): Quebra Pedra Costa Rica (Spanish): Chanca Piedra, Yerba de San Pablo, Rompepiedras © 2021 Healthbenefitstimes. The developed nanoparticles have the immunomodulatory activity that is better than unformulated extract. The correct figure is given here. Glycans and Glycosaminoglycans as Clinical Biomarkers and Therapeutics - Part A, Volume 162 in the Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science series provides informative monographs on a variety of research topics related to ... Although the currently approved drugs for HBV control the disease's progression and also limit associated outcomes, these drugs may not fully eradicate HBV infection. of nature-derived immunomodulatory agents, either alone or combined with the currently This data on sputum proteins in patients with TB may aid in the development of biomarkers to assess the severity of pulmonary TB. Plants. This report aimed to characterize the whole P. uri-naria plant, present the anticancer effects of P. urinaria both in vivo and in vitro, and explore relevant mechanisms. Stonebreaker has a long history in traditional herbal medicine in every tropical country it is found in. The results of the qualitative analysis with meniran color visualization are positive containing fl avonoids and phenols. However, clinicallyPhyllanthus niruri Linn accelerates appearing and aborting crustcompared to placebo. Considering the increased levels of regulatory cytokines and also regulatory T cells (Tregs) during CHB, it seems that these cells are deeply involved in CHB infection. This study was designed to obtain the chemical fingerprint and to investigate the effect of Phyllanthus urinaria on telomerase activity and apoptotic pathways in the human nasopharyngeal carcinoma cell line (NPC-BM1). on and browse a wide selection of fantastic suppliers.Save money while stocking an ingredient for use in several different food items. Phyllanthus urinaria. Phyllanthus urinaria, one of the herbal plants belonging to the genus Phyllanthus (Euphorbiaceae), is widely distributed in China, Southern India and South America. The genus Phyllanthus (L.) is one of the most important groups of plants belonging to the Phyllantaceae family. species. Therefore, it can be concluded that native Indonesian herbs can be developed into phytopharmaca as immunomodulators. (3 mm) in diameter usually warty, hanging, 6-seeded, 1 mm long transversely ribbed on the back, and sides. extract decreased BGL by 23% and 39% at the doses of 10 and 30 mg/kg, respectively. Results of detection of IL-10, IFN-γ, perforin-1, urease, ADA2, and caspase-1, showed relatively high specificity in distinguishing patients with TB from healthy controls, although sensitivities varied from 13.3% to 66.1%. Patients with chronic infections who then, aspect, particularly the T cells, play a critical role in the pathogenesis, able to stimulate and restore the antiviral T cell response directly and, eliminate hepatitis B viruses from the liver cells, used in those trials. (3 mm) in diameter usually warty, hanging and 6-seeded. Phyllanthus niruri is a plant with possible health benefits. Phyllanthus is the largest genus in the flowering plant family Phyllanthaceae.Estimates of the number of species in this genus vary widely, from 750 to 1200. Leaf infusion is taken to treat cough in Rodrigues. Anti-Cancer -This report aimed to characterize the whole P. Urinaria plant, present the anticancer effects of P. Urinaria both in vivo and in vitro , and explore relevant mechanisms. Phyllanthus urinaria herbal tea offers a different set of health benefits. Correction to: Infectious Disease Management and Control with Povidone Iodine. Paste obtained from 10 g root with water when taken with 1 tsp rock sugar or. An Ayurvedic herb, Phyllanthus has been used in connection with secondary hepatitis and other pain, and in Ayurvedic medicine for over 2,000 years. Conclusions: The study concludes that the Ayurvedic formulation Nirocil syrup has immunopotentiating activity. Methicillin-resistant strains are often resistant to other classes of antibiotics, making their treatment difficult. Optimize the mixture of nanoparticles using simplex lattice design (SLD) with the help of Design-Expert (DX) software. of antibiotic-resistance will hopefully be reduced. Decoction obtained from leaves is beneficial for skin disorders. Yet it is a widely distributed tropical weed. In more recent years, however, P. niruri has been shown in modern medicine to cure or treat multiple disorders. Detection of sputum transferrin and urease was highly associated with pulmonary TB infection. Functional use(s) - cosmetic agents. Study report. This book is divided into 2 volumes and offers detailed information on plant-derived bioactive compounds, including recent research findings. The whole treatment period was 1-6 months with 2-20 visits. In a randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled. Summary: (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); POLICY It has a wide number of traditional uses: employing the whole plant for jaundice, gonorrhea, frequent menstruation, and diabetes and using it topically as a poultice for skin ulcers, sores, swelling, and itchiness. clinical practice. With the development of newer antiviral drugs, viral suppression of HBV is achievable, however elimination of HBV from infected individuals (functional cure) remains an issue. Although being an utterly frequent, non-mortal, yet distressing disease, and despite good knowledge of the pathogenesis and the availability of specific and safe treatment, vulvovaginal Candida (VVC) infection remains one of the most enigmatic problems for both physicians and patients. All rights reserved. Tropical plants in the genus Phyllanthus have a long history of use in Ayurvedic medicine (the traditional medicine of India) for the treatment of hepatitis, kidney and bladder problems, intestinal parasites, and diabetes. The purpose of this book is to provide the advances in plant in vitro culture as related to perennial fruit crops and medicinal plants. Basic principles and new techniques, now available, are presented in detail. P. urinaria is used in folk medicine as a cure to treat jaundice, diabetes, malaria, and liver diseases. Phyllanthus urinaria or Chamber Bitter is a common medicinal plant to treat urinary issues including urinary stones and kidney stones. This new clinical resource clearly explains how to approach integrated care in a way that combines Chinese herbal medicine with Western medicine to enhance and improve medical care for patients with cancer - without undermining or ... Until relatively recently, much of the information on India's research into their medicinal plants has remained within India, mainly published within Indian journals. Categories: Kidney Stone Prevention, Kidney Stone Remedies, Product Information Phyllanthus niruri is what I call a miracle plant and I do not think that is an overstatement, at least as far as we 'kidney stoners' are concerned. This book covers the recent innovations relating to various bioactive natural products (such as alkaloids, glycosides, flavonoids, anthraquinones, steroids, polysaccharides, tannins and polyphenolic compounds, volatile oils, fixed oils, ... The results of quantitative analysis of meniran which are dried by sun drying; fl avonoids 0.90% w/w and 1.65% w/w phenols, in samples stored at room temperature: 2.00% w/w fl avonoids and phenol 56.16% w/w. In this opinion paper, we plea for a thorough examination of women with VVC, especially in those women who suffer from recurrent disease since a long time, sometimes decades, which necessitates intensive examination of the vaginal flora, as this is invariably the reservoir for relapses and recurrent vulvitis. The book considers the physical parameters of these plants and their effect upon various areas of the body and human health, including chapters dedicated to genotoxicity, hepatotoxicity, nephrotoxicity, cardiotoxicity, neurotoxicity, and ... Here we review these novel strategies to achieve sustained cure or elimination of HBV. At 900 mg/kg and 1200 mg/kg P. niruri showed certain behavioral and neuronal changes. Plant decoction is drunk as a diuretic and purgative to treat diarrhea, painful urination, syphilis and liver problems, and also to treat fever in Madagascar, Reunion and Mauritius. We hope that the synergistic effects of the various phytochemical from the four species will be . It is a small tropical annual herb growing up to 2 feet tall. The plant s found growing in dry fields, clearings, roadsides, waste places, gardens and along paths, but is also found in evergreen forest. This book examines the role that exercise and physical activity play in halting or modulating the deleterious effects of these numerous aging concerns by first examining the current state of research into how exercise manifests physical ... The petioles are very short and the blades . Regardless of the efficacy of these methods, CHB patients may experience serious liver injuries due to the cytotoxic action of CD8+ T cells. The effects of different dilutions (0.25 μg/mL, 0.5 μg/mL, and 1 μg/mL) of N. sativa oil on the proliferation of gingival fibroblasts were evaluated. Immunopharmacol. Background: Your E-mail: Your Name: send. Results: The optimum mixture of the formulation process was obtained in the composition of chitosan 0.270 %, extract 0.626 %, and tripolyphosphate 0.074 % with desirability value of 0.841. Mary Kern RN-BSN (renagade nurse because I prefer herbs to medication) Negative: On Jun 25, 2008, entiel from Huffman, TX wrote: Do not let this plant take a foothold. Medical Uses. Crushed plant parts or an infusion are applied to treat ulcers, sores and tumors. Whole plant or parts of it were used for the treatment of kidney stones, . corilagin, geraniin, hippomanin A, phyllanthusin F and G, repandinin B and phyllanthusiin U), terpenoids (e.g. extract on top of the standard TB regimens. MS, et al. Phyllanthus species: scientific evaluation and, ) and its constituent (thymoquinone): a review on. The research and outcomes presented in this book gather evidence concerning both the pathogenesis and treatment of functional dyspepsia. However, further studies are needed to investigate the safety and efficacy of this approach. in the treatment of acute infections in clinical practice. One that continues to move up my list is leaf-flower. This book presents a comprehensive overview of our current understanding of mutualism origin, plant–pollinator specificity, mutualism stability, and reciprocal diversification. This is the first report on Phyllanthus urinaria isolates for their growth inhibitory activities against inflammatory mediators, in addition to spleen cell cycle arrest in G0/G1 stage. In recent years, Phyllanthus urinaria has demonstrated potential to modulate the activation of critical pathways such as NF- κ B, P13K/AKT, and ERK/JNK/P38/MAPKs associated with cell growth, proliferation . It also occurs in tropical Africa and the Indian Ocean islands, but it is not common there, Gripeweed, little mimosa, Chanca piedra, shatterstone, meniran, stone breaker, quebra pedra, zhen chu cao, ye xia zhu, chamber bitter, kilanelli, leafflower, komikansou, Eerect to prostrate, slender, glabrous annual or short-lived perennial herb, Dry fields, roadsides, waste places, clearings, gardens and along paths, but is also found in evergreen forest, Prefers moist, fertile soils, on cultivated fields, arable peat, grasslands and also on roadsides and waste ground. Their second study suggested that different results were obtained through different Phyllanthus species of plants used (and that yet another species - P. urinaria provided the best anti-HBV results). Considering extracted data and also our unpublished data regarding the association between regulatory cytokines and CHB, we introduced a novel approach for the induction of seroclearance. Physical Characteristics* Phyllanthus is an herb that grows in remote Asian tropical, sea breeze type climates especially in the Indonesian islands as well as central and southern India. Will be reassessed in two years. the immune system. of the studies on P. niruri warrant its potential benefits in various infectious diseases, and are Paste prepared from immature leaves when applied over wounds is beneficial for wound healing. Phyllanthus urinaria is considered as a weed in several countries disturbing several crops like rice, potato, tobacco, groundnut, coconut, young cocoa, maize, cotton, various vegetables and fruit orchards. Most. Phyllanthus urinaria has been characterized for its several biological and medicinal effects such as antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, and immunoregulation. Chronic hepatitis B virus infection is a global health concern as it affects over 240 million people worldwide and an estimated 686,000 people die annually as a result of complications of the disease. This book explores the essence of natural substances from African medicinal plants and their pharmacological potential The authors are world reknowned African Scientists. Leaves 0.6-1.2 x 0.4-0.6 cm, oblong, base oblique, margin ciliate, apex acute to apiculate, glabrous; stipules c. 1mm long, linear to subulate. This review highlights the mechanism through which T-cells undergo exhaustion and the approaches that can avert such events. Antimetastic Effects - Cytotoxicity of Phyllanthus plant extracts were first screened using the MTS reduction assay. The results show that many native Indonesian herbs act as natural immunomodulators. Compared to the control group, there was no cytotoxic effect on the proliferation of the gingival fibroblasts. This was followed by an evaluation of the possible modes of cell death that occurred along with the antimetastatic activity. I have experienced first-hand the power of this simple plant in the fight against kidney stones. Phyllanthus urinaria propagates principally through seeds. Even if only vulvitis is evident, thorough expert examination of vaginal fluid is obligatory to diagnose VVC. e standardized methanol extracts of Phyllanthus amarus and P. urinaria , collected from Malaysia and Indonesia, and their Better stability of active substances in formulas compared to unformulated extracts is expected to increase immunomodulatory activity. BASIONYM: Phyllanthus urinaria Linnaeus 1753. The aim of this study is to evaluate the in vitro antibacterial activity and cytotoxicity effect of N. sativa oil. The human immune system is an organized system comprised of many different immune cells such as macrophages, neutrophils, T-lymphocytes, natural killer cells and various other specialized immune molecules that have evolved to mediate resistance against infections. Phyllanthus a growing problem in Georgia landscapes. Abbreviation used: ATCC: American Type Culture Collection; CLSI: Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute; CoNS: Coagulase-negative Staphylococci; DMEM: Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium; DMSO: Dimethyl sulfoxide; FBS: Fetal bovine serum; HGF: Human gingival fibroblast; MIC: Minimal inhibitory concentration; MRCoNS: Methicillin-resistant CoNS; MRSA: Methicillin-resistant S. aureus. Chularojmontri, L. et al., (2005), Antioxidative and cardioprotective effects of Phyllanthus urinaria L. on doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity, Biol Pharm Bull, 28(7), 1165-71. Phyllanthus urinaria is an herb species in the family Euphorbiaceae. Objective: This study aims to assess the immunomodulatory potential of an Ayurvedic formulation, Nirocil syrup, in Wistar rats. In this study, we focused on treating CHB infection via the manipulation of T cells' responses to identify possible approaches to cure CHB. With 100+ identified bioactive compounds, no other plant in the world offers as many health benefits. In order to forestall this, adequate information about the pharmacological and toxicological profile of herbal medicines and how these would in turn affect the bioavailability of the. This review discusses the ethnopharmacological, phytochemical, and pharmacological studies of Phyllanthus over the past few decades. Objectives: However, in the case of TB, the T-cell exhaustion results are quite ambiguous. The MIC values of N. sativa oil against clinical isolates of Staphylococci were between <0.25 μg/mL and 1.0 μg/mL. They tested each of these extracts against both HSV-1 and HSV-2 infected cells. P. niruri L. has been extensively reported in traditional and folk medication systems such as Ayurveda and Siddha to treat various diseases including diabetes mellitus, jaundice, asthma, joint pain, immunomodulator, loss of appetite, constipation, injuries, as antimicrobial, conjunctivitis, gonorrheal diseases of males and females, inflammatory diseases, skin itching, kidney stones or failures, and urogenital disease [4][5][6][7][8], ... P. niruri has medicinal effects on conditions such as dysentery, influenza, vaginitis, tumors, diabetes, diuretics, jaundice, kidney stones, dyspepsia, anti-hepatoxic, anti-hepatitis B, and antihyperglycemic. Of them, clearance was slightly higher than that of the placebo (41%, the rate of HBe-seroconversion could not be confirmed in this study, important thing which needs further investigation. caffeic acid, ellagic acid, gallic acid, methylester dehydrochebulic acid, methyl brevifolincarboxylate, hexacosanoic acid, brevifolin, brevifolin carboxylic acid, pyrogallol, n-octadecane, methylgallate, trimethyl-3,4-dehydrochebulate, 1,3,4,6-tetra-O-galloyl-β-d-glucose) and waxes (montanoic acid methyl ester, triacontanol). Phyllanthus niruri has many botanical synonyms that are out of use nowadays, but two - Phyllanthus urinaria and Phyllanthus amarus are not only frequently used, but also distinguished by some botanist as a separate species (some says that P. amarus and P. urinaria comes from tropical Asia while P. niruri originates from tropical America, but . In countries where credit and cash flow are a problem, weeding operations will have a negative economic impact on farmers. Methods: A total of 24 mice was divided into four groups of six each (3-male, 3-female in each group). Nirocil syrup was administered for 6 weeks to experimental animals. If it does spread, Chamberbitter might trigger new treatments by . Anti-Diabetes - Hypoglycemic effects of the extracts of two Siamese plants, Momordica charantia (M.c.) This results in tumor control and more effective immunity. There is therefore a need for better regulation of herbal medicine use alongside pharmacovigilance monitoring in Nigeria in order to forestall the occurrence of clinically relevant untoward herb-drug interactions. Phyllanthus urinaria is a low growing plant, reaching heights of about 14 inches. Description. It also goes by a number of other names, such as: The plants prefer moist, fertile soils, on cultivated fields, grasslands arable peat and also on roadsides as well as waste ground. Furthermore, it showed mild tremors in neurological profile indicating CNS excitation. pulmonary tuberculosis [dissertation]. P. niruri as an immunomodulator has scientifically Infusion of the plant is effective for kidney problems. Reddish branchlets are 5–13 cm long, flattened, often slightly winged and sparsely hairy. Over the past five years period, our Pain Center has closely cooperated with the Department of Infectious Diseases, therefore we could start treatment in 116 patients with AHZ in an early stage of their disease. Globular capsule about 0.12 in. ratio in pulmonary tuberculosis: systematic and meta-analysis article. To stop those losses, weeding operations need to be carried out, and these will suffer extra costs to farmers. Based on body weight aqueous extract was given to the mice by orally through gavage tube (Group I – 300 mg/kg, Group II – 600 mg/kg, Group III – 900 mg/kg, and Group IV – 1200 mg/kg). It reproduces by seeds, which are found in the green, warty-like fruit attached to the underside of each branchlet. Such information could help to guide the success of new therapies against chronic TB. Sap of leafy twigs, or a twig decoction, is consumed to treat pain in the side. They are all employed in the treatment against kidney - and gallstones as well, other kidney and liver related problems. in combination with other herbs to provide a synergistic effectiv. This book presents the latest advances in the development of medicinal drugs, including topics such as plant tissue cultures, secondary metabolite production, metabolomics, metabolic engineering, bioinformatics and future biotechnological ...

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phyllanthus urinaria uses