9, No. 34, No. The halo effect, in turn, contaminates the data used in many largescale studies of company performance, including some of the most popular studies of recent years. 3, Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol. Do organizations have to change to learn? 7, No. 46, No. 1, 20 February 2020 | Strategic Organization, Vol. 48, No. 1, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, Vol. These items were selected according to the uniqueness of each item and to maximize the construct's reliability and validity. Because the consequences of such actions depend on uncertain events such as the weather or the opponent's resolve, the choice of an act may be construed as the acceptance of a gamble that can yield various out- comes with different probabilities. Considers the measurement revolution over the past 20 years noting developments such as the early budgetary control measures in DuPont and General Motors during the early 1990s. organizational performance Pigors and Myers (1989) stated that German Book Publishers’ Barriers to Disruptive Innovations: The Case of E-Book Adoption, Trends in local public child welfare agencies 1999–2009, Only a matter of chance? We test these propositions with data from S&P 500 firms and find evidence that stakeholder management leads to improved shareholder value, while social issue participation is negatively associated with shareholder value. Findings 60, No. S1, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol. and Survey design was adopted for the study. 3, Academy of Management Learning & Education, Vol. Specifically, the study aimed to; assess the influence of strategic direction setting on organization performance of state-owned sugar manufacturing firms in Western Kenya, determine the influence of core competence exploitation on organization performance of state-owned sugar manufacturing firms in Western Kenya, establish the influence of organization culture building on organization performance of state-owned sugar manufacturing firms in Western Kenya and assess the influence of organization controls on organization performance of state-owned sugar manufacturing firms in Western Kenya. The path coefficient results showed that entrepreneurial orientation, human capital and competitive advantage are positively related to business performance. 3, 17 January 2010 | Industrial and Corporate Change, Vol. 59, No. The Case of Market Orientation and Firm Performance, Researching Market Orientation and Business Performance, Relevance and creativity through design-driven action research: Introducing pragmatic adequacy, On the Social Construction of Relevance: A Rejoinder, Determinants of export performance: a study of large brazilian manufacturing firms, Causation and effectuation processes: A validation study, Antecedents and performance consequences of learning success in international joint ventures, Different dimensions of knowledge in cooperative R&D projects of university scientists, The rigour–relevance balance for engaged scholarship: New frame and new agenda for trust research and beyond, Success factors for innovation management in networks of small and medium enterprises, Une histoire de la recherche en systèmes d'information à travers 30 ans de publications, Determining quality of business-to-business relationships: A study of Indian IT-enabled service providers, The Value of Intra-organizational Social Capital: How it Fosters Knowledge Transfer, Innovation Performance, and Growth, When collaborative HR practices may not work well: the moderating role of social capital in the Chinese life insurance industry, Measuring Knowledge Management Success: Development and Test of a Theory-Based Measuring Model, A Survey of relationship between the quality of work life and performance of Department Chairpersons of Esfahan University and Esfahan Medical Science University, Using Frontier Analysis to Evaluate Company Performance, Benefits of Aesthetic Design as an Element of New Service Development*, Going Global with Innovations from Emerging Economies: Investment in Customer Support Capabilities Pays Off, Benefits‐based drivers of exporters' attitudinal commitment toward their foreign distributors, Explaining the competitive advantage of logistics service providers: A resource-based view approach, Managing Environmental Knowledge through Learning Processes in Spanish Hospitality Companies, Tangibilidade e intangibilidade na determinação do desempenho persistente de firmas Brasileiras, Performance under ambiguity: International organization performance in UN peacekeeping, Efficiency Measurement Model of Projects Using DEA, The associations between organisational performance, employee attitudes and human resource management practices: an empirical study of small businesses. ... Use of financial performance indicators is a widespread practice, Venkatraman and Ramanujam (1986) opined that more dissimilar measures should be included to measure financial performance. This study adopts a similar perspective, describing a multi-stakeholder performance model for UK water companies, which develops an understanding of performance improvement in financial and quality terms. Both availability and working condition of foreign workers had a significant relationship with perceived job performance. The second demands and rewards adherence to rigorous standards of scholarship. 25, No. 65, No. As a response to theoretical and practical pressures, the evolution of OE models reflects a construct perspective, while the evolution of performance measurement models mirrors a process perspective. Keywords: Information technology, auditor objectivity, efficiency and effectiveness of auditing. Simple random sampling technique was used to arrive at the population sample; total sample size of 269 respondents was used. Furthermore, a high level of horizontal dispersion of pricing authority is advisable in countries in which the enforcement of contracts is difficult. In this article, the authors argue that financial advising is a prescriptive activity whose main objective should be to guide investors to make decisions that best serve their interests. 3, 22 October 2014 | International Public Management Journal, Vol. In this research study, Training and development has been used as an independent variable and employee performance as a dependent variable. transformational leadership on performance both partially and simultaneously. 3, 26 July 2016 | Journal of Management Inquiry, Vol. Kompetenzen als Ressourcen: Organisation und strategisches Management, Adoption of information and communication technology and firm profitability: Empirical evidence from Tunisian SMEs, Organising for Donor Effectiveness: An Analytical Framework for Improving Aid Effectiveness. ahead-of-print, 24 August 2021 | International Journal of Innovation Science, Vol. The study was guided by upper echelon theory, environment dependency theory, contingency theory and trait theory. Organizational Error Management Culture and Its Impact on Performance: A Two-Study Replication. 27, No. The research approach that is used for this study is both quantitative and qualitative research approach. Is Market Orientation Affected by the Size and Diversity of Customer Networks? The influence of organizational governance on technological performance. The findings of the study show a great deal of agreement with the results. Furthermore, secondary data is collected through books, articles, and particularly annual report about Afghanistan. What characterizes superior organizational performance? 83, No. Therefore, it is essential for the companies to reach beyond the strategy for the effective application of Blue Ocean. Towards an organic perspective on strategy, The performance effects of unintended and purposive multimarket contact, Perceptions of the effectiveness of sport organisations: The case of intercollegiate athletics, Network Learning: The Effects of Partners' Heterogeneity of Experience on Corporate Acquisitions, How Much Do Middle Managers Matter, Really? Second, both the Finnish and UK companies use both the financial and non-financial variables to measure their performance despite the UK companies tend to em- phasise more on the financial variables. A scalar measure of the efficiency of each participating unit is thereby provided, along with methods for objectively determining weights by reference to the observational data for the multiple outputs and multiple inputs that characterize such programs. 19, No. 4, 28 May 2008 | Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, Vol. 1, Revue Internationale des Sciences Administratives, Vol. Examples from the literature are described as well as problems in the application of the technique. 31, No. This paper seeks to explore the relationship between HPWS and employee performance among service employees in Automotive Retail Companies in Malaysia. We argue that several ambiguities in the resource dependence model account in part for this and propose a reformulation of resource dependence theory that addresses these ambiguities, yields novel predictions and findings, and reconciles them with seemingly contradictory empirical evidence from past studies. By synthesizing the literature, the foundations are laid for the improved measurement of performance in management research. 4, Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management, Vol. Second, do perceived firm qualities affect measures of firm financial performance? 68, No. 29, No. The comparison is restricted to units using a single resource or securing a single output. This result implied that 31.5% of change in Organization performance was explained by Organization controls, hence the fourth null hypothesis was rejected. A total of 217 questionnaires were gathered from employees operating the various pharmaceutical companies in Jordan and then were analysed using structural equation modelling (SEM). 62, No. 6, 27 February 2019 | Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. 3, Journal of Global Information Management, Vol. Finding shows a high level of correlation between employees' performance and 4, International Marketing Review, Vol. Shareholder Value, Stakeholder Management, and Social Issues: What's The Bottom Line? 29, No. . We review the contexts that frame organizational performance as a dependent variable with specific emphasis on how it is operationalized and measured. 15-05, Available at SSRN: If you need immediate assistance, call 877-SSRNHelp (877 777 6435) in the United States, or +1 212 448 2500 outside of the United States, 8:30AM to 6:00PM U.S. Eastern, Monday - Friday. We conclude by considering a few virtues and hazards of such a solution to dilemmas involving compelling contradictory imperatives and the generality of the issues involved. SPSS and AMOS are used for doing regression analysis; specifically structural equation modeling is applied for data analysis. In this study, the dependent variable is organization Psychologists therefore advise senior managers on the management of organizational climate or culture, on dealing with . The result reveals that the instruments are valid and reliable. 27, No. Also, that organization should seek more input from the lower level managers and supervisors when formulating strategy so that the formulated plans will be effective and in line with both long and short term objectives of the organization. Originality/value This result implied 34.6% of change in Organization performance is attributed to Strategic direction setting. Typically since organizational performance permits analysts to assess organizations, their activities, and situations and compare them to those of their rivals, ... Organization performance is the actual output or results of organization as measured against its goals and objectives. 137, 22 April 2019 | Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, Vol. 4, 21 June 2021 | The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol. The findings indicate that transformational leadership and organizational performance in the selected public sector organizations had a strong positive and significant correlation. Are ICTs Really That Important in Driving Industry Performance? 34, No. significance between dependent and independent research variables, researcher used a multiple regression model. 1, Children and Youth Services Review, Vol. SHRM practices are conceptualized as independent variables measured through a bundle of distinct practices. The organizational performance, as a dependent variable, is of great interest for the international management research, ... Analysts have continuously looked at organizational performance as the extreme subordinate variable concerned with nearly every area in management. 23, No. This article aims to verify how severely the economic crisis affected Polish industries and changed the competitive position of Polish companies. The test criteria was to reject the third null hypothesis if the value of beta was not equal to zero (β3 ≠0). 3, Academy of Management Journal, Vol. A nonlinear (nonconvex) programming model provides a new definition of efficiency for use in evaluating activities of not-for-profit entities participating in public programs. This is because organizational performance allows researchers to evaluate organizations, their actions, and environments and compare them to those of their rivals, ... profit, market share, etc.) 12, No. Examining the effects of technological change and learning from failures in the natural gas distribution industry, The Pursuit of Shared Wisdom in Class: When Classical Chinese Thinkers Meet James March, Self-Assessment of Knowledge: A Cognitive Learning or Affective Measure? Copyright ? 19, No. Thus, future study should include additional variables that are not included in the current study. Können Kommunikationsprobleme zwischen Managementwissenschaftlern und Praktikern in gemeinsamen Forschungsprojekten überwunden werden? These findings are compared and contrasted with the conclusions of other recent studies and implications of the findings for management are discussed. Researchers who study organizational performance in this way typically devote little attention to the complications of using such a formulation to characterize the causal structure of . 20, No. araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Reputation Building and Corporate Strategy. This result implied that 50.3% of change in Organization performance is explained by Core Competencies exploitation. De- cision problems can be described or framed in multiple ways that give rise to different preferences, contrary to the invariance criterion of rational choice. Primary data were employed for the study through the administration of structured questionnaire to 50 purposively selected respondents of five large-scale quoted Nigerian manufacturing firms: Nigerian Bottling Company Plc., Swipha Pharmaceutical Company, Nigerian Breweries Plc., Rasa Industries Limited, and Procter and Gamble. It is therefore recommended that companies whether small, medium or large-scale company should set fund aside for research and development, in other to fine tune required strategic plans and incorporate strategic management in business studies in business schools to serve as a research institute and incubation center for business strategy. From the results, the beta value for organization culture building from the regression model was 0.399 at p< 0.05. Researchers who study organizational performance in this way typically devote little attention to the complications of using such a formulation to characterize the causal structure of performance phenomena. 35, No. This is a book about visionary companies.' The relationship between transformational leadership, perceived leader effectiveness and teachers’ job satisfaction, New product portfolio performance in family firms, The theory and practice of performance measurement. The main objective of the study is to identify which high-performance management practices have the greatest impact on business results. 24, No. Finally, Covid-19 and supply disruption when mediated by organisational productivity both had negative significant relationships on performance. and 5, No. The consequences of this study 1, Academy of Management Annals, Vol. The main aim of this study is to discuss several training methods which can be used to increase employee performance, a . The findings were presented in figures, charts and tables. Managerial implications are also discussed. Data were obtained from a questionnaire survey involving 223 Saudi companies and were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The sample size of 378 was chosen after applying the Freund and William's formula for the determination of adequate sample size. The global economic crisis has significantly altered the landscape of contemporary business markets worldwide. This paper explores the relationship between strategic innovation (SI), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Intellectual Capital (IC) and performance. What leads to the practice of appointing outside directors in the absence of legal mandate? Benchmarking has spread fast and become one of most used competitive technique that improve the performance of an organization by identifying, understanding, and adapting good practices from other organizations. 8, No. Non-economic Organizational Performance of SMEs: Is There a Rationale for a Cognitive Entrepreneur? The purpose of the study is to see the existing literature and theories in order to have a constructed framework of factors affecting employee performance. In short, identifying new opportunities and organizing effectively and efficiently to embrace them are generally more fundamental to private wealth creation than is strategizing, if by strategizing one means engaging in business conduct that keeps competitors off balance, raises rival's costs, and excludes new entrants. 3, 1 April 2007 | Organization Science, Vol. f(n = 370)= 462.091, P<0.05. Thirdly to assess the impediments of effective accountability. Title: High performance management and their impact on business results: the case of Uruguay and Argentina Performance measurement and organizational effectiveness: Bridging the gap, High-Involvement Work Practices, Turnover, and Productivity: Evidence From New Zealand, Problems in the Measurement of Organization Effectiveness, The Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy Into Action, Built to Last--Successful Habits of Visionary Companies, The Difference Between Perceptual and Objective Performance Measures: An Empirical Analysis, Outside Directors and Firm Performance During Institutional Transitions (in China), From Pluralist to Patriotic Politics, Putting Practice First, Organizational Effectiveness: A Comparison of Multiple Models, Managing Value Creation Within the Firm: An Examination of Multiple Performance Measures, Perceptions of Firm Quality: A Cause or Result of Firm Performance. 1, The Journal of High Technology Management Research, Vol. Hence, it was recommended that strategic objective should be in line with the objective of the organization in order to achieve organizational objective and effective employee performance. Results indicate that superior performance is associated with a broad product line accompanied by geographic diversity, an emphasis on planning coupled with sound financial controls and reporting systems, a high level of commitment to product and process innovation, investments in modernization of manufacturing facilities, a reputation for superior quality and customer service, and progressive human resource management practices. 134, 24 June 2020 | Management Decision, Vol. This study aims to determine the level of foreign worker employment factors and level of their job performance and to evaluate the relationship between employment factors and perceived job performance. This paper reviews 17 multivariate models of organizational effectiveness in terms of their primary evaluation criteria, their normative or descriptive nature, their generalizability, and their derivation. 1, International Journal of Project Management, Vol. The results provided the identification of four principal factors, which include all the types of individual capital considered in the analysis. This study is to examine the relationships between financial inclusion with microentrepreneur's firm performance in Malaysia. Dialogmarketing-Excellence: Erfolgsfaktoren der direkten Kundenansprache, What Do We Know about the Success and Failure of International Joint Ventures? This study focuses about HPWS and its components as well as employees' perceptions of HPWS implementation within the organisation. 1, 10 October 2012 | Journal of Management Control, Vol. Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Firm Performance; Structural Equation Modelling; Emerging Markets; Patents, R&D Strategies, Technology Sector. Organizational researchers live in two worlds. 4, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. seçiminde en çok pay sahibi olmanın etkili olduğu görülmüştür. Therefore, this study discovers the important mediating role played by competitiveness in the positive effects of quality and innovation on financial performance of the firms. 4, 9 March 2011 | British Journal of Management, Vol. well with organizational performance because out of five direct relationships with organizational performance three hypotheses show insignificant influence. Data were collected from general managers and chief financial officers from the textile industry of Pakistan to empirically test hypotheses of this study. 2, 27 October 2011 | Logic Journal of IGPL, Vol. In this paper, we examine the importance of year, industry, corporate-parent, and business- specific effects on the profitability of U.S. public corporations within specific 4-digit SIC categories. Taking advantage of China's institutional transitions, our findings, based on an archival database covering 405 pub- licly listed firms and 1211 company-years, suggest that outsider directors do make a difference in firm performance, if such performance is measured by sales growth, and that they have little impact on financial performance such as return on equity (ROE). This study aims to further understanding of accountability and performance in an organization. 33, No. The purpose of this pilot study is to examine the few sample data on the influence of entrepreneurial orientation, social network, human capital and competitive advantage on the performance of SMEs in Nigeria. 13, No. 2, Team Performance Management: An International Journal, Vol. Bowley’s Population Allocation Formula (1964) was used in arriving at the number of questionnaire allocated to each sampled organization because of the differences in the number of employees. Building on the resource-based view, this paper aims to explore the effects of a set of contextual resources, in particular, the international staffing (expatriate and inpatriate assignments) and human capital resources on the performance of foreign-owned subsidiaries in Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries. 2, Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. Most studies on growth drivers of business enterprises are based on experiences in the more-developed countries, the policy conclusions of which may not be appropriate for the development of businesses in the less-developed countries like Nigeria. Results indicate that the excellent firms are not as superior as Peters and Waterman have suggested. The study also concluded that minimization as well as 32, No. Hospital performance: Competing or shared values? Recently, some have suggested that subjective measures may be useful in assessing a firm's financial performance. All these items were adopted and modified from Katsikeas et al. 1, 5 December 2018 | PLOS ONE, Vol. In particular, when a firm performs high levels of work–life balance practices, corporate philanthropy tends to promote more citizenship behaviors in the entire organization, thereby enhancing the relative competitive performance of the firm. The findings provide insights to top management of the textile industry to enhance organizational performance by focusing on indicators mentioned in the study. 1, 20 July 2016 | Journal of Enterprising Culture, Vol. Program Versus Research Performance, Extending the Cyert-March Duopoly Model: Organizational and Economic Insights, Process as Theory in Information Systems Research, The Effect of Core Change on Performance: Inertia and Regression toward the Mean, Falling Forward: Real Options Reasoning and Entrepreneurial Failure. 23, No. 3, 6 February 2017 | Journal of Management Studies, Vol. Overall, 133 surveys were returned, 120 of which were usable for analysis. Neeraj (2012) defined selection as the process of picking individuals who have relevant qualifications to fill jobs in an organization. The study was on the applicability of Blue Ocean strategy among selected manufacturing firms in SouthEast , Nigeria. 8, Academy of Management Perspectives, Vol. 2, Journal of Business Venturing, Vol. Hence, the non-financial measures include the number of employees, customer's satisfaction and the market shares (Zahra, 1993).In the study of (Matar;Eneizan, 2018) which was designed to identify the detriments of the financial performance, the research revealed that the financial performance could be measured through the firm size, return on assets (ROA), leverage, profitability and revenues. 3, 21 September 2015 | Governance, Vol. 5, 15 August 2016 | Management Communication Quarterly, Vol. While this study focused on the applicability of Blue Ocean strategy, future research should be carried out to establish the relationship between the blue ocean strategy and non-financial parameters, such as organizational cultural evolution, organizational design, and structural changes, and strategic control systems emerging within an organization. Andreas Andrikopoulos, Achieving Contextual Ambidexterity in R&D Organizations: A Management Control System Approach, By The question has always fascinated practitioners and academic researchers, and a string of recent bestsellers attests to the current prominence of performance as an organizational issue. Leeds University Business School Working Paper No. The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire, then tested the relationship between variables with partial least squares, using the SmartPLS software.Results: The results of this study indicate that there is a positive and insignificant effect of innovation on entrepreneurial intentions, a negative and insignificant effect of risk taking on entrepreneurial intentions, and a non-significant positive effect on entrepreneurial intentions. The employee performance will affect on organizational effectiveness. The Role of Intellectual Capital on the relationship between Strategic Innovation, CRM on Performance. The originality of the paper stems from the implementation of the empirical survey in the dynamic but under-researched context of the CEE region. The importance of path dependencies is amplified where conditions of increasing retums exist. In this study, the importance of knowledge sharing behavior and the positive effects of both independent variable and mediator variable on the organization are emphasized. 7/8, Journal of Strategy and Management, Vol. In this research, organizational commitment consist of affective commitment, continuance commitment, and normative commitment are independent variables, transformational leadership is a moderating variable, while performance is a dependent variable. 40, No. findings may aid future researchers in their quest in understanding the inherent relationships that lie between the 9, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Vol. 3, Journal of Intellectual Capital, Vol. Few studies have been carried out till date in Pakistani organizational circles to find out the significance and impact of variable that influence the employee engagement. Thus, content and face validity, reliability and structural modelling were also examined. 84, No. The paper's contribution is to explore the moderating effect on performance of IC on the relationship between SI and CRM. The value of T is 38.176 that is significant and above the average value 2, similarly P value is less than 0.05 so these results are providing sufficient grounds to accept hypothesis. It focuses on the estimates of relative efficiency, marginal input-output values and target input-output levels that the two methods offer. The prior studies on experience and bias in accounting domains have focused on varying task familiarity and have found that task familiarity can mitigate order/recency bias. Providing a methodologically more rigorous review than previous efforts, we conduct a meta-analysis of 52 studies (which represent the population of prior quantitative inquiry) yielding a total sample size of 33,878 observations. 16, No. Organizational performance covers three areas of an Journal of Managerial Sciences 254 Volume XI Number 04 organization i.e. The authors sketch some parts of that picture as they have emerged from research on judgment, decision-making, and regret over the last three decades. 83, No. 27, No. The Impact of the Global Economic Crisis on the Performance of Industries and Firms in Poland. Equivalences are established to ordinary linear programming models for effecting computations. 3, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 30, No. 23, No. Please read our, How the Trick is Done – Conditions of Success in Entrepreneurial Digital Journalism, The maturity of relationship management and firm performance – A step toward relationship management middle-range theory, Innovation and Performance of Manufacturing Firms in Aspirant Markets: An Institutional Environment Approach, Fooling ourselves and others: confirmation bias and the trustworthiness of qualitative research – Part 2 (cross-examining the dismissals), The relationship among corporate social responsibility, sustainability and organizational performance in pharmaceutical sector: a literature review, Mediating effect of organisational innovation in the prediction of change-oriented leadership on organisational performance, Aprendizaje organizacional y su influencia en el desempeño de PyMES comerciales de México, Financial performance management and economic cycle variations.
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