In this respect the following points are to be considered: (a) Specific objectives to be achieved through this medium. Pay is directly related to the maintenance of human resources. Controlling involves identification of actual results, comparison of actual results with expected results as set by planning processes and taking corrective action so that actual results match with expected results. (d) Evaluating the candidates and fixing their salary and benefits. Maintenance of working conditions and welfare activities 7. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". This function involves human resource planning for determining the number and types of personnel required, recruitment through which personnel may be located and attracted to offer themselves for consideration for selection, selection process through which suitability of the personnel may be determined and suitable candidates are selected, placement concerned with placing a person on the job who has been selected for it, induction by which the new employee is provided relevant information about his job, organization, and growth opportunity in the organization besides introducing him to his superiors, peers, and subordinates. Procurement Such candidates are selected and appointed. All the functions of human resource management must be linked to the human resource management objectives so that they contribute to the achievement of these objectives. In Human resource management Job analysis is the process of describing the nature of a job and specifying the human requirement such as skills, and experience needed to perform it. Compensation affects staffing in that people are generally attracted to organisations offering a higher level of pay in exchange for the work performed. The purpose of employment selection is to choose the right candidate for a job. This issue arises because unlike production and marketing which are primarily line functions, human resource is basically a staff function. . The process of finding and hiring the best-qualified candidate from within or outside of an organization for a job opening, in a timely and cost effective manner. The ongoing process of systematic planning to achieve optimum use of an organization’s most valuable asset – its human resources. Performing the HR functions in the changed situation requires specialized knowledge and training. Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating and encouraging them to apply for jobs in an organization. Today, in many companies, head of HR department sits in corporate strategy-making group. Directing involves careers planning, salary administration, ensuring employee morale, developing cordial relationships and provision of safety requirements & welfare of employees. The fundamental objective of every organisation is. HRM performs two sets of basic functions, namely managerial functions and operative functions. The process of identifying and establishing the credentials of a candidate for a job to ensure success is referred to as selection. The five most common activities of HRM personnel in organization are identified as: iii. (a) Identifying the training needs of the individuals, keeping in view the organizational needs. The operative functions of the HRM include procurement of manpower, development of manpower, and payment compensation to manpower and so on. Advisory Functions. Managerial function - Planning, Organising, Directing, Controlling 2. The HR manager has to ensure the release of retirement benefits to the retiring personnel in time. Factors Affecting Human Resource Planning. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Huge Collection of Essays, Research Papers and Articles on Business Management shared by visitors and users like you. Human Resource Management – Managerial, Operative and Advisory Functions, Functions of Human Resource Management – HRP, Recruitment, Selection, Placement, Induction and Orientation, 1. Found inside – Page 3This definition is a comprehensive one and covers both the management functions and the operative functions. ... organizing and controlling the functions of procuring, developing, maintaining and utilizing a labour force, such that the ... These activities relate to the physical and social well-being of the employees and their families. Uniformity in HR practices is based on the principle of justice and equity which is the natural process from human point of view. (b) Operative Functions : The following are the Operative Functions of Human Resource Management 1. Directing is a knowledge, discipline, and formal way of communicating to others what you expect from them or an organization. The operative functions of HRM are those duties or functions which are handled by Human Resource department in an organization. About the Superiors, Subordinates, etc. Purchasing is the process of how goods and services are ordered. These works are broadly classified into two categories: Human resource management(HRM) is required at all levels of an organization. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. It is very important to note that all other resources . Planning 2. 6. ADVERTISEMENTS: Some of the major functions of human resource management are as follows: 1. Match between sub-group profile and individual’s profile, 4. The new Sixth Edition of De Cenzo/Robbins' Human Resource Management features a current, real-world perspective that gives readers a crystal-clear picture of what today's HRM is really like. Induction and placement of personnel for their better performance also come under the employment or procurement function. Career planning and . This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. THE CONCEPTS AND OPERATIVE ROLES OF HRM. Operative function - Procurement, Development, Compensation, Retention, Integration, Maintenance 1. 3 OPERATIVE FUNCTIONS. The human resource management functions aim at. The purpose of human resources is to bring together the available human resources and physical resources with the organization, the manager sets a framework for operative tasks. (a) Q37. 5. This increases the overall efficiency and productivity of the workforce, resulting in better business as well as greater profitability for the company. Organizing involves establishing an intentional structure of roles for people in an organization. To play this quiz, please finish editing it. (b) Development. The management functions of human resource management are: 1. The role of HR is to ensure that new employees acquire company-specific knowledge and skills so that they can perform their tasks efficiently. SURVEY. Human resource management is a relatively modern concept, which involves arrange of ideas and practices in managing people. Human resource management is not the brain, not yet the blood stream, it is the nervous system. Content Filtration 6. He also gives authentic information to the trade union leaders and conveys their views on various labour problems to the top management. Human resource planning involves foresting the human resource requirements of an organization and the future supply of human resources, and making suitable adjustments between these two in correlation with organizational plans. Management development looks at enabling an employee to develop his overall personality and his capability for continuous improvement. Before uploading and sharing your knowledge on this site, please read the following pages: 1. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". It involves developing people for better performance and changing their positions over a period of time so that proper coordination can be maintained between the individuals and jobs. Safety and Health of Employees. (iii) Copy of rules and regulations is to be given to each employees, supplemented by a short discussion about the company, its products, etc. This function measures performances against goals and plans, identifies deviations and by placing the process back on track, helps in the accomplishment of plans. All these techniques assist in effective control of the qualities, time and efforts of workers. Employee Compensation 3. Motivation 5. A) Survival B) Achieving targets C) Profit D) compete in competition. Simultaneously he sets the standard for management performance and subsequently analyzes the results based on such criteria through performance evaluation and job analysis. Functions of Human Resource Management (Classified): The functions of HRM can be broadly classified into two categories, viz: 1. Moreover, there have been many legislative developments in Australia which had a major impact on the arrangements for terminating the employment contract. Operative Function. Below 12 is not good, 13-16 need some . Found inside – Page 13As far as operative functions of human resource management department is concerned, they broadly deal with ensuring right people for the right job at the right time. From procurement to the development of the human resource, ... 2. (b) Conducting follow-up study and evaluating employee performance so as to determine how well employee has adjusted to the job. At the planning stage it is expected of the HR managers to ensure an overall integration between the individual goals and the organisational goals and the plan of action should be executed in such a manner that all the employees while realising their individual goals should contribute towards the successful realisation of the organisational goals. The key functions of HRM can be summarized as the acquisition, maintenance, development and termination of employees. To minimize imbalances caused due to non-availability of human resources of right kind, right number in right time and right place. (iv) Department head or supervisor is to designate a fellow employee to escort newcomer during first several days and to act as his ‘sponsor’. If you are working on a similar presentation and require related content or infographics, you can snip out these elements from our slides in a few simple clicks. Such candidates are selected and appointed. It is the separate department of an organisation which helps to manage all its functions and operations of the organisation in order to smooth functioning and in order to chive the target of the company. Create a pool of candidates so that the management can select the right candidate for the right job from this pool. Besides these basic functions, human resource management involves supporting functions in the form of human resource information system, human resource accounting, and human resource audit either to support its own functions or to interact with other functions of the organization. Disclaimer 8. As the first function of human resource management is to wangle the employees, so the last should be the separation and return of that person to society. He can do a great deal in maintaining industrial peace in the organisation as he is deeply associated with various committees on discipline, labour welfare, safety, grievances etc. Records which must be maintained include application forms, health and medical records, employment history (jobs held, promotions, transfers, layoffs) seniority lists, earnings and hours of work, absences, turnover, tardiness and other employee data. Complexity in HR functions has been generated because of the following factors — multi-location business operations including multi-country operations, corporate restructuring including downsizing of workforce, newer organizational designs, changing job profile, changing workforce profile, higher-level aspiration of employees, increasing role of woman employees, plethora of laws governing HR practices, and increased competition for acquiring good-quality human resources. To maintain congenial industrial relations by maintaining optimum level and structure of human resources. Operative functions are those which are relevant to specific departments and therefore, these vary in different departments of an organization. 10. It has been noticed that the effectiveness with which an employee works in an organisation is directly related to the effort put in by the management in directing, motivating and guiding them in the right direction. An organisation is a means to an end. Personnel Management: it’s Definitions, Objectives and Functions, Interview – Definition, Classification, Procedure, Merits and Demerits. So that good opportunities for growth and satisfaction of work can be seen there. It includes functions such as job analysis, human resource planning, recruitment, selection, placement, and induction. (v) To introduce (after a careful study) a testing programme to supplement the interview. Executive development is the concept of developing the employees of an organization to meet future changes and challenges. ‘Right man for the right job’ is the basic principle in selection. Compensation: Wage and Salary determination and administration Integration: Integration of human resources with organization. (ii) To tie the suggestion system to the supervisory training programme and to “sell” it to the supervisory personnel through that medium. This includes all requirements of personnel, recruitment, and selection of suitable candidates, an appointment to the right place of the workforce, and estimation of orientation. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. (iii) To determine the manpower needs of the organisation. Placement of individuals in job matching their abilities. Complete and up to date employee records are essential for most HRM functions. Organizing is the process of initiating plan implementation by clarifying jobs and working relationships among organizational members to achieve organizational objectives. The field of HRM was founded on the idea. Developing also includes the concepts of organisational change and development and how these processes impact upon employees. (iv) To consider effective means of stimulating and rewarding executives. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Account Disable 12. It is the process of analyzing organizational structure and changes to be made. It is expected of the human resource department to provide for various welfare services which relate to the physical and social well-being of employees. (i) To provide for adequate facilities in respect of legal advice, canteen, recreation, first- aid, etc. These emotions and feelings go a long way in determining human behaviour including work behaviour. (b) Designing suitable training programmes to eliminate the gaps in knowledge, skills or attitude. Staffing emphasises the recruitments & selection of human resources of an organization. It is the process of choosing the most suitable candidates (Properly qualified and competent) out of many interested candidates. They know that they are valuable assets and demand to be treated as such. (i) Communication – It is the process of exchange of information in a proper manner so that organization objectives are achieved. Benefits and compensation are a major part of the total cost expenditure of any organization. Obtain the number and quality of employees that can be selected in order to help the organization to achieve its goals and objectives. It is the responsibility of Human resource department to provide good working conditions to its employees. It covers the functions such as job analysis, human resources planning, recruitment, selection, placement, induction and internal . Human Resource Management involves two categories of functions. The operative functions of P/HRM are related to specific activities of personnel management viz., employment, development, compensation and industrial relations. Such specialized knowledge and training are possessed by HR professionals only. Besides compensating the employees, it is important for the management to constantly motivate them and increase their morale with the help of various financial as well as non-financial incentives. Human Resource Management (HRM) is a systematic approach that works to fill the gap between an organization and its employees. On HR matters, they do not have adequate perspectives but they use the human resources most. The above discussion shows that in the present-age, HR department has its relevance in any type of organization, business or otherwise, knowledge-based or industrial, service or manufacturing, and so on. It may be made because of a failure of the employees to meet job requirement. Careful organizing ensures effective use of human resources. It focuses on providing adequate, suitable .and equitable remuneration to employees for the attainment of organizational objectives. Before publishing your articles on this site, please read the following pages: 1. The direction function is meant to guide & motivate the people to accomplish the personnel programs. INTRODUCTION Human resource management (HRM) can be referred as the different practices of hiring, managing, deploying the employees of an organisation. It bridges the gap between where we are and where we want to go. Procurement Function. These days, the responsibility of maintaining good industrial relations is mainly discharged by the human resource manager. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Procurement: The first operative function of human resource manager is concerned with the act of obtaining the right kind and number of persons necessary to accomplish the organisational goals. These are put in five broad categories- human resource acquisition, human resource development, employee performance and compensation, motivating and maintaining human resources, and industrial relations. 1. 3. Summing up, the functions of human resource management are:- 1. Found inside – Page 154What is not an operative function of HRM? (a) Procurement (b) Development (c) Organising (d) Integration 66. The total number of special Economic Zones notified by the Government of India till March 2011 under the SEZ act, ... (ii) To formulate a checklist for carrying out annual personnel audit. (iii) To determine policy with respect to rehiring. (i) To compile and publish in tentative form an employee hand-book subject to periodic revision, containing details of company history and a clear and concise outline of company policy with respect to such items as “employment”, “security plans”, “vacations”, “wages”, etc. To assess the surplus or shortage of human resources and take measures accordingly. Encouraging Human Use of Human Beings: There is a need for human use of human beings. (i) To grade jobs in relationships to each other, to some established base or to similar jobs in other plants with frequent examination of results. To ensure the satisfactory performance of an employee, his skills, abilities and motives to perform a job must be the requirements of the job. ii. Maintenance 3. Thus, relevance of HR department in any organization, particularly not the small ones, can be seen in the following context: With the increased complexity of business operations, HR functions have become more complex than what they used to be few years ago. Adequate flexibility must be maintained in human resources planning to suit the changing needs of organization. To make the best use of its human resources and. Know the Functions of Human Resource Management 5. Organising is the process of allocating tasks among the members of the organisation, creating various departments and structure of the organisation. Operative Functions: a. i. 3. All the employees must be aware of the complex authority and responsibility relationship that exists within the organisation.
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