10. The Evolution of Whales Based on November 2001 National Geographic Magazine, "The Evolution of Whales".Covering the Evolutionary Origins of Modern Whales and Dolphins. 3. 16. These wolf-like animals are now whales! Early ancestors of the ocean's biggest animals once walked on land. Low frequency sound has greater penetrating power underwater and wider scatter, allowing the baleen whales to communicate over long distances and wider geographic areas. And safer, too. They don�t have a single Pakicetus rib. www.intersurf.com/~heinrich/Basilosaurus1.html Throughout the 1990s, a close relationship between cetaceans and mesonychids, an extinct group of cursorial, wolf-like ungulates, was generally accepted based on morphological analyses. These animals are known as Mesonychids and using the latest technology, and their fossils researchers recreated their possible appearance. 3 Pakicetus are at least twice as great as the differences between Pakicetus and modern whales, the time required for all this evolution to take place should be twice as long as 50 million years. Moreover, the date of Ambulocetus, which was found in the same formation as Pakicetus but 120 meters higher, would have to be adjusted upward the same amount as Pakicetus. Mesonychids were hoofed omnivorous/carnivorous animals which probably went extinct during the Ice Age. It is a fairy tale! Since the differences between the imaginary ancestor and Four-Legged Whale Discovered In Egypt Named After Anubis, God Of The Dead. . This book is a collection of original research papers given at a symposium entitled "Sensory Systems and Behavior of Aquatic Mammals", hosted by the USSR Academy of Sciences. The Blue Whale is over 100 feet long and weighs up to 190 tons--its tongue alone weighs more than an African Elephant, the largest living land animal. We have characterized nine retropositional events of a SINE unit, each of which provides phylogenetic resolution of the relationships among whales, ruminants, hippopotamuses and pigs. Our new ankle data do not unambiguously support either of the predominant hypotheses of cetacean relationships. 9 9. All that matters is that they had the same shaped teeth, which is evidence of evolution. Remember that the Pakicetus was deemed to be an ancestor to the modern whale primarily because it had the same kind of teeth as Basilosaurus. Shimamura et al., Nature 388 (1997), pages 666 -667, �Molecular evidence from retroposons that whales form a clade within even-toed ungulates� https://www.nature.com/articles/41759 �I�M�xI���Z7w��L��pOrOK5ژ� ��b�,�1�i����D���&�E�� And safer, too. Display of Whale Evolution at London’s Natural History Museum. Thus, it has long been reasonable to infer that the origin of whales involved an evolutionary transition from land to sea. Paragraph 1] It should be obvious that cetaceans—whales, porpoises, and dolphins—are mammals. The wolf-sized animals ran about on land 50 million years ago. Except for Basilosaurus, all the other supposed links in this evolutionary chain are found in that part of the world. The objective of this volume is to provide a snapshot of this explosion. The volume paints the scene with a broad brush. Answer (1 of 4): There are several good books and videos on whale evolution. whales, belugas, and all dolphins and porpoises; and the mysticetes, or baleen whales, including blue whales and fin whales. Until 1983 there was an enormous gap between land-living Mesonychids and the water-bound Archaeocetes. Mesonychids, like Pachyaena, were four-legged, hoofed terrestrial mammals that lived from 58-34 million years ago. Pakicetus lacked both of these features, indicating that it was unable to dive deeply and that it could not hear well underwater. The fossil evidence tells us that whales evolved from land dwelling mammals, known as mesonychids. Building on the works by Luce Irigaray, Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Gilles Deleuze, Astrida Neimanis's book is a landmark study that brings a new feminist perspective to bear on ideas of embodiment and ecological ethics in the posthuman ... Morphologically, the evolution of whales was determined to have begun within an extinct group of carnivorous hooved animals called Mesonychids. It takes a lot of skill to do an in-depth analysis of insufficient data, come up with a non-conclusion, get it published in a prestigious journal like Nature, and get funding for the research. Other features, however, show experts that Pakicetus is a transitional form between a group of extinct flesh- eating mammals, the mesonychids, and cetaceans. When we look to answer what evolutionists are saying in this “exercise”, we should realize that the students are not being encouraged to study or research this information. In living whales, the ears contain large sinuses that can be filled with blood, allowing the animal to maintain pressure while diving. It is entirely subjective. Therefore, it should have taken 100 million years, not 10 million years, for the evolution from the imaginary land-dwelling ancestor to Pakicetus. The whale also had a calf with her, which Ziegler estimated was only two weeks old. Scientists say the creatures were a "missing link" between primitive hoofed mammals and the whale family. But the huge marine whales evolved from a small land-dwelling animal about the size of a… President and Founder of Pensacola-based organization, Creation Today, Eric’s passion to reach people with the life-changing message of the Gospel has driven him to speak in five foreign countries and all fifty states. The first ancestors of whales lived on land. Pakicetus also exhibited characteristics of its anatomy that link it to modern cetaceans, a group made up of whales, porpoises, and dolphins. We have characterized two families of short interspersed elements (SINEs) that were present exclusively in the genomes of whales, ruminants and hippopotamuses, but not in those of camels and pigs. This link was made on the basis that details in the skulls of mesonychids and of primitive whales look similar, particularly in the sharp triangular teeth. In other words, the DNA analysis contradicts the story that evolutionists have told for so long. Evolutionists believe that whales evolved from some form of land mammal. The Baleen (toothless) whales, the other branch of whales, developed modified mouth structures that strained plankton from the seawater enabling them to graze the oceans. The conventional wisdom before the 1990s was that whales evolved from land-dwelling wolf-sized artiodactyl predators called mesonychids, which lived from the Paleocene to the Eocene. There are nine major problems with the whale fairy tale. In the book's final chapter, Thewissen argues for approaching whale evolution with the most powerful tools we have and for combining all the fields of science in pursuit of knowledge. Found inside – Page 401Despite phylogenetic uncertainties, the earliest stages in the transition from terrestrial mammal to whale are now evident. The earliest well-preserved intermediate between mesonychids and whales is Ambulocetus natans, described by ... Eldredge, Fossils: the evolution and extinction of species, (1991) pages 168-169 The cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises) are descendants of land-living mammals.There are some evidences that confirm this fact: their need to breathe air from the surface; the bones of their fins that resemble the jointed hands of land mammals; and the vertical movement of their spines, a common characteristic of a running mammal rather than the horizontal movement of fishes. All whales and their ancestors, from the land-dwelling Indohyus to modern day humpbacks, have a variant of this thickened and detached ectotympanic bone. But, long ago, not all ungulates were herbivores. Whales generally give birth tail first, whilst land mammals give birth head first. But toothed whales (and dolphins, etc.) The numbers don�t compute, and they have known it for 60 years. These hoofed predators came in diverse forms, from tiny to horse-sized. �^lFZi��Ē�h�1)�� According to current thinking, the earliest whales hunted in rivers and were unable to feed in salt water. Odd as it may seem, a four-footed land mammal named Pakicetus, living some 50 million years ago in what we know as Pakistan today, bears the title of "first whale.". Whales are marine mammals grouped in the order Cetacea ().Most mammals live on land and the fossil record of early mammals is terrestrial. Fossil remains indicate that whales evolved from hoofed land mammals - perhaps the shore-dwelling, hyena-like Mesonychid that started a returned, bit by bit, to the sea roughly 50 million years ago. We are so glad you asked! You can count the number of differences in DNA. It has been suggested that Pakicetus fed on fish in shallow water and was not yet adapted for life in the open ocean. The presenter of the audio narration is assuming evolution to construct his new animal labels. Yet it �demonstrates a mixture of traits which are unique to the terrestrial Mesonychids as well as marine whales, and indicates that the cetaceans [whales] are descended from the Mesonychid carnivores.�. The first hint that they were probably right came in 1983, when researcher Phil Gingerich found a 52-million year old skull in shallow deposits in Pakistan. This is yet another instance of a sighting of a �mythical� creature that looks just like a creature that really existed, but evolutionists claim has been extinct for 35 million years. Michael Anissimov Mesonychids are carnivorous mammals, and some are closely related to dolphins. But, after saying that there is too little data to analyze, and that no meaningful comparison can be made, they tell how they analyzed the data and made a comparison. Now Carroll suggests we place the mesonychids in the Cetacea. These animals are known as Mesonychids and using the latest technology, and their fossils researchers recreated their possible appearance. Simpson realized that the fossil record of whales had something important to say about the very nature of the evolutionary process. (Ev), the diagram at the beginning of this essay, other modern sightings of �prehistoric� animals. Found inside – Page 53Huxley's and Marsh's " marine carnivore " whale ancestors were less embarrassing , but still little more than a guess . ... who had been studying mesonychids in Wyoming , decided to seek their origins in Asia , where many Eocene mammal ... So, this critter looked like a �mythical sea serpent�. Straddling the two worlds of land and sea, the wolf-sized animal was a meat eater that sometimes ate fish, according to chemical evidence. and various other skull features placed the now extinct mesonychids as the most likely group of land animals from which all whales of today evolved. Why don�t evolutionists claim that whales evolved from bats? Follow their extraordinary journey from shore to sea. These furry land mammals, known as mesonychids, ran around on four legs. Limbs and tail: Description; Did it swim? The Florida Department of Education has some suggested ideas on how to teach High School students about the evolution of the whale.1 In another place, the FL DoE have, quite correctly, emphasized the importance of students understanding that a hypothesis must be capable of being tested.2 Yet, the activity offered to “prove” whale evolution involves listening to a talk about whales, and placing illustrated flags of the fossils on an evolutionary timeline chart. One of them is to get rid of its pelvis. Camp, �The Overselling of Whale Evolution� http://trueorigin.org/whales.htm As her beloved grandfather, chief of the Maori tribe of Whangara, New Zealand, struggles to lead in difficult times and to find a male successor, young Kahu is developing a mysterious relationship with whales, particularly the ancient bull ... Zygorhiza, Prozeuglodon, Dorudon ~ 36 mya (million years ago . Bajpai and Gingerich dated Himalayacetus using the shells of one species of tiny marine organisms called foraminifera, found in the same rock formation. 6 extinct flesh-eating mammals, the mesonychids, and cetaceans. Closer inspection reveals some problems. Geography apparently doesn�t matter much to evolutionists. (Ev+) The evidence for this is not there – especially as no feet were actually found with this particular specimen. Their terrestrial origins are specifically indicated by: Their need to breathe air from the surface; The bones of their fins, which resemble the jointed hands of land mammals; and The vertical movement of their spines, characteristic more of a running mammal than of the horizontal movement of fish. (Ev) The mammalian order Cetacea is divided into three suborders: (1) Oligocene to Recent Odontoceti or 'toothed whales'— living today; (2) Oligocene to Recent Mysticeti or 'baleen whales'— living today; and (3) older and more primitive Eocene Archaeoceti or 'archaic whales'— which evolved from land mammals and gave . Female elephants live between 60 and 70 years, but give birth to only about four cubs in their lifetime. It isn�t even a complete skull. b�h-[�����l�����u��1p� 2βv����[�o���6p�H~��:M|ZdTg��p^���`�X��A�� /A4$[2���+� �-�!��̘?�`a�[����?Y� kU���v�S��!O�i 똒�$H��Y�X�=\�#��v�?�B\[{��. Typified by hooves and sometimes by horns or antlers, today these creatures fill most of the existing niches for large herbivores all over the world. The name of the early species is Himalayacetus subathuensis. How? There are two kinds of whales living today: toothed whales and baleen whales. In fact, Andrewsarchus is closely related to hippos and to whales, both members of a larger order of mammals called artiodactyls. If Himalayacetus was swimming in salt water 1 million years before Pakicetus, then Pakicetus and the supposed transitional forms have nothing at all to do with whale evolution. Carroll and others believe that the skull shape and the dentition of what they think were early whales resembled mesonychids. The big, dangerous animals that liked to hunt mesonychids could not swim. Consider what this evolutionist has just told us. of evolution revealed by the fossil record. MODERN whales (order Cetacea) are marine mammals that evolved from a land-mammal ancestor, probably a cursorial Palaeocene-Eocene mesonychid 1-3 . WHALES EVOLUTIONWhales are marine mammal descendants of land mammals. Labels indicate the position of the nose; nostrils near the end of the mesonychid snout, further up the snout of the ambulocetus, and a single nostril or blowhole on the top of the head of the modern whale. Yet, they also represent a group of species for which much remains unknown. There are over 80 species of cetaceans composed of porpoises, dolphins and whales. This volume represents the latest of published and previously unpubl The cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises) are descendants of land-living mammals, and remnants of their terrestrial origins can be found in the fact that they must breathe air from the surface; in the bones of their fins, which look like huge, jointed hands; and in the vertical movement of their spines, characteristic more of a running mammal than of the horizontal movement of fish. Eric Hovind wants everyone to be a HERO. One hundred and fifty years later, Evolution: The Grand Experiment critically examines the viability of Darwin's theory"-- Ankle specializations are universally used to characterize Artiodactyla, and would provide an excellent test for the inclusion of whales in that order. DNA analysis is quantitative. In the standard scheme, Pakicetus inachus is dated to the late Ypresian [Ypresian is 50 to 55 million years ago], but several experts acknowledge that it may date to the early Lutetian [Lutetian is 42 to 50 MYA]. The whale's closest living relative is the hippopotamus. In a glass case, one can see three skulls. He lives in Pensacola, Florida with his wife Tanya and three children and remains excited about the tremendous opportunity to lead an apologetics ministry in the war against evolution and humanism. land mammal from which whales would have most likely evolved. The Evolution of Whales. Pachyaena Pakicetus Ambulocetus Rodhocetus Basilosaurus Zygorhiza Year reported Country where found Geological age (mya) Habitat (land, fresh water, shallow sea, open ocean) Skull, teeth, ear structure types most like. Himalayacetus would be a fully formed, abrupt appearance of a salt water whale, throwing cold (salt) water on the theory of whale evolution. Did Whales Evolve from Land Mammals? Is it any more ridiculous to think that a bat could evolve into a whale than to think that a wolf could? In comparison, a human pregnancy lasts an average of 280 days or 40 weeks. Other newly found fossils add to the growing picture of how whales evolved from mammals that walked on land. These hoofed predators came in diverse . 4 0 obj like a land mammal! Presumably it must have happened very recently, after toothed and toothless whales diverged, which must have been less than 35 million years ago if both evolved from Basilosaurus. � these data mean that the question of whale evolution has �finally been decided.� Not everyone is so sure, however. Found inside – Page 145Bodiless head fragments made at best a tenuous link between whales and land mammals, but they suggested where to look and what to look for. For a time, cranium, jaw, and teeth appeared to link Pakicetus to the primitive Asian family of ... 2005). In other words, the display, as an argument for evolution, is an example of the circular logical fallacy. Let�s get back to Basilosaurus and the other archaeocetes. This picture of whale evolution was about all we had until . Patently absurd, Simpson realized. Later on, mesonychids were thought to be closely related to whales. Hoofed, wolf-like, carnivorous mammals called mesonychids hunt for food . Whale expert J.G.M. The . But these date ranges can only be compiled by assuming evolution. The species of foraminifera suggests that the whale lived during the early Eocene epoch, whereas Pakicetus fossils have come from middle Eocene rocks. They don�t have any Pakicetus vertebrae. Found inside – Page 51Thewissen, Hussain, and Arif suggested that based on its highly flexible vertebrae, Ambulocetus swam with an up-and-down flexure of its body similar to ... 101–2) claims “there are no transitional fossils linking land mammals to whales. These anatomical clues meshed well with its habitat, since the Pakicetus bones were found in deposits that had been laid down at the mouth of a river on the shore of a shallow sea, where the opportunities for deep diving would be limited. They could just as easily have been separate species that had some coincidental similarities that evolutionists mistook for evidence of evolution. Over the past several years, however, comparisons of the genetic material of whales and other living mammals suggested that they belonged instead among the even-toed ungulates, which include cows, deer, hippos, pigs, and camels. Based on the foregoing, it is reasonable to believe, even from within an evolutionist framework, that all the early archaeocetes were essentially contemporaries. This suggests that this animal would go back and forth to the ocean, like a sea lion. The first species to be discovered ( Rodhocetus kasrani ) already exhibited such features as a large pelvis fused to the vertebrae, hind legs, and differentiated teeth. These "wolves on hooves" are an extinct order of carnivorous mammals, closely related to artiodactyls.. Mesonychids first appeared in the early Palaeocene with the genus Dissacus.They went in decline at the end of the Eocene, and became extinct in the early Oligocene. So, naturally, it had to be suppressed. A Whale of a Story. Right now we want to emphasize the sixth problem that plagues evolutionists, which is that there isn�t a clue as to how and when toothed whales developed echolocation. Pakicetus (Erroneously identified as a Mesonychid) Ambulocetus Rodhocetus Dorudon Gray Whale Humpback Whale Sperm Whale Killer Whale Unidentified Brontothere (possibly Balochititanops) Unidentified flightless bird (possibly Ergilornis . It is ironic that we are writing this essay in response to a claim that whale evolution provides an excellent example of transitional forms, and evolutionists like Simpson and Eldredge are concerned about �the absence of intermediate, transitional forms between the terrestrial ancestor and the Eocene whales�. Unfortunately, the few cetacean ankle bones known are too incomplete or too reduced to allow meaningful comparison with other mammals. (Cr) Their land-dwelling ancestors lived about 50 million years ago. They came to the following conclusion. However, unlike the cases of sea otters and pinnipeds (seals . The aquatic lifestyle of cetaceans first began in the Indian subcontinent from even-toed ungulates 50 million years ago, over a period of at least 15 million years, but a jawbone discovered in Antarctica may reduce this to 5 million years. Found insideBut they are even more surprised to learn that whales are related to hoofed mammals and are descended from a group of ... Even though mesonychids were land mammals with hooves, there were many similarities in the skull and skeleton ... The blowhole, dorsal fins, lack of teeth and tail fluke all came from years of other creatures such as the Mesonychids and many other animals. They are being told the “truth” about evolution from someone who already believes in evolution. Mesonychids is a group of extinct primitive mammals unearthed from Paleogene to Oligocene terrestrial deposits in Europe, North America and Asia. But then, out of the blue, Basilosaurus appears in Louisiana! Found inside – Page 103Whale. of. a. Tale. Marine life was at an all-time high in diversity in the early Eocene, but still some niches were vacant. ... Even though mesonychids were land mammals with hooves, there were many similarities ... Second, the demand. Pennisi, Science, Vol 284, 25 June 1999, �Genomes Reveal Kin Connections for Whales and Pumas� page 2081 https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.284.5423.2081 We will simply bring that to your attention and pass on to the issue that Simpson is really concerned about. He had his answer: whales are descended from artiodactyls, not mesonychids. In the standard scheme, Protocetus is dated to the middle Lutetian, but some experts have dated it in the early Lutetian. The descent of whales from land-dwelling mammals is a compelling example of evolution. Why do they think it came from a whale ancestor? Although fragmentary, the skull had teeth that were nearly identical with those of Mesonychids and the Archaeocetes. Last October we discussed other modern sightings of �prehistoric� animals that call the evolutionists� time scale into question, so let�s not go there again. The first hypothesis, mainly supported by DNA sequence data, is that one of the groups of artiodactyls (for example, the hippopotamids) is the closest extant relative of whales and that Artiodactyla are. by Admin on November 22, 2021 in Nature. 16 The Complete Guide to Prehistoric Life is a whos who of the prehistoric world from primitive amphibians and giant armoured fish, to predatory dinosaurs and sabre-toothed cats. Research on the Origin and Early Evolution of Whales (Cetacea) Introduction . The traditional view that the order Artiodactyla is monophyletic has been challenged by molecular analyses of variations in mitochondrial and nuclear DNA. stream London's famous Natural History Museum has a display "proving" the evolution of the whale. It is a transitional fossil that shows how whales evolved from land-living mammals. 13 New fossil remains, including key data from the ankle region, verifies that whales are not closely related to . www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Hangar/2437/ambulo.htm, www.intersurf.com/~heinrich/Basilosaurus1.html, http://create.familyeducation.com/article/0%2C1120%2C3-4771%2C00.html, http://sciencenews.org/sn_arc98/10_10_98/Fob3.htm, https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.284.5423.2081. (Ev+) What makes teeth so much more important than ears when trying to figure out which animals had common ancestors? As Dilbert once said to Wally, �I admire your ability to get paid for that.� Really. ARTIODACTYLA is the order of even-toed, hoofed . 8. This was accepted for years, but in scientific circles today this view of whale evolution is controversial. Background information, materials, and step-by-step presentations are provided for each activity. In addition, this volume: Presents the evidence for evolution, including how evolution can be observed today. Labels indicate the position of the nose; nostrils near . It is devastating to the theory of evolution. �, The earliest known cetacean, Pakicetus, demonstrates a mixture of traits which are unique to the terrestrial Mesonychids as well as marine whales, and indicates that the cetaceans are descended from the Mesonychid carnivores. 1983, when the first of a series of discoveries began to fill the empty gap between land animals and whales. Carroll and others believe that the skull shape and the dentition of what they think were early whales resembled mesonychids. Pakicetus: The First Whale. Whale evolution has not been tested by this activity. One branch of the ungulate family, called the mesonychids, were predators. So, paraphyletic means "a parallel group of animals." 12 and various other skull features placed the now extinct mesonychids as the most likely group of land animals from which all whales of today evolved. 5. "Rodhocetus is one of several extinct whale genera that possess land mammal characteristics, thus demonstrating the transition from land to sea that whales went through. Pakicetus , extinct genus of early cetacean mammals known from fossils discovered in 48.5-million-year- old river delta deposits in present-day Pakistan. Modern whales' ancestors were deer-like animals who decided they'd had enough of life on land and wandered into the sea. One hundred million years prior to the Eocene puts us back into the Middle Mesozoic, long before true mammals show up as small, very primitive terrestrial creatures � 1 [italics in the original]. http://create.familyeducation.com/article/0%2C1120%2C3-4771%2C00.html 2 (1995): 402. Found inside – Page 7In fact , the Pakicetus , found in anatomy and behavior 1979 by our U - M of living whales and expedition to ... of living mammals ( we humans species to over 80 species extant today . with a land - mammal fauna in continental fall in a ... Typified by hooves and sometimes by horns or antlers, today these creatures fill most of the existing niches for large herbivores all over the world. But if whale transitional forms are the best examples that evolutionists have got (and they are the best they�ve got), then the theory of evolution is in a whale of trouble. But now that DNA evidence has made the old whale tale less credible, scientists are more open to new data about whale evolution. If the older date (early Lutetian) is accepted, then Protocetus is contemporaneous with Rodhocetus> and Indocetus. But it is presented as fact, and evolutionists intend children to believe it is true. Mesonychids are medium-to-large-sized carnivorous mammals closely related to even-toed ungulates (pigs, camels, goats, cattle) and cetaceans (whales and dolphins) that lived in the Paleogene, evolving soon after the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago and going extinct around 30 . They found it easier to fish than to hunt on land. They therefore have adopted the mesonychids as the land mammal from which whales evolved. Publisher description The Indian fossil, however, came from marine sediments containing oysters and other ocean species, indicating that Himalayacetus swam in salt water. The skull was found in association with other fossils that lived on the bank of a river or along the sea shore. have ultrasonic sonar just like another mammal--the bat. A Whale of a Story. Whales travel from Alaska to Hawaii to give birth. The term "whale" is often used to refer to all cetaceans. Different teeth is evidence that they evolved from a common ancestor. Whales are probably descended from a strange group of animals known as mesonychids, which had hooves but were carnivorous. Despite the whale-like characteristics of the skull, however, Pakicetus lacked two important adaptations which are present in modern whales. The cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises) are descendants of land-living mammals.There are some evidences that confirm this fact: their need to breathe air from the surface; the bones of their fins that resemble the jointed hands of land mammals; and the vertical movement of their spines, a common characteristic of a running mammal rather than the horizontal movement of fishes. They need to breathe air from the surface.2. The differences in shape between Pakicetus and modern whales is only half as great as the differences in shape between Pakicetus and Simpson�s unspecified, imaginary land-dwelling ancestor. Michael S. Y. Lee, Nature 395 (1998), pages 558 -559, �From fins to limbs and back again� (a review of At the Water�s Edge: Macroevolution and the Transformation of Life by Carl Zimmer) This comprehensive book provides new insights into the morphological, metabolic, thermoregulatory, locomotory, diving, sensory, feeding, and sleep adaptations of Cetacea (whales and dolphins), Pinnipedia (seals, sea lions and walrus), ... Found inside – Page 295Pakicetus (Figures 7.16 & 7.17) is a land mammal and the oldest whale, is the first known archaeocete. It is from the early Eocene epoch (52 mya) of Pakistan. Although it is known only from fragmentary skull remains, those remains are ... It probably bred and gave birth on land. 10 In 2007, Thewissen and other collaborators announced that Indohyus, a small deer-like mammal belonging . Found insideAt the same time, however, Pakicetus has a robust incus intermediate in form between those of terrestrial mammals and whales and an involucrum (thickened medial rim of the bulla), a diagnostic cetacean feature associated with aquatic ... The common ancestor of whales and hippos likely was a .
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