For best experience this site requires Javascript to be enabled. their web site LLC converters are found in power supplies of 100W - 500W, levels commonly used for LCD TVs, hence we present a Reference Design for a 200W Resonant Power Supply with the DGD2113 Gate Driver. Manufacturer Application Category. The PMP20637 power stage has over 140W/in^3 power density. Reference Design . 400V - 12V/500W High Frequency Resonant Converter Reference Design Using High Voltage GaN Devices Texas Instruments The PMP20289 was built and tested to verify the performance of a high frequency (>400kHz nominal switching frequency) LLC series resonant converter (LLC-SRC) implemented with Texas Instrument's high voltage GaN FETs under . Found inside â Page 171In Figure 9, the differential efficiencies obtained are shown, taken as reference DUT1, as it is the device that shows best ... Differential efficiencies of the LLC resonant converter with respect to the best SJ-MOSFET (DUT1). ââââââââ. Description. The digital control stage is based on the STM32F334 microcontroller with high resolution timer for fine regulation of the control loop, USART, CAN and SMBus outputs to communicate status information for monitoring, and opto-coupled serial communication suitable for . UM2348: Getting started with the STEVAL-DPSLLCK1 evaluation kit for the 3 kW full bridge LLC digital power supply This reference design describes an off-line AC/DC switched-mode power supply (SMPS) using an LLC resonant converter topology. Written in plain language, Fundamentals of Power Electronics sets forth the basic principles of power electronics. AN1336. 24V - 32V. « The objective of this series is to serve as a textbook to engineers entering the field as well as a reference to experienced practicing Power Electronics specialists. This book covers several research items related to LLC resonant converters, which were published in a Special Issue of Energies on the subject area of "Advances in High-Efficiency LLC Resonant converter". This reference design is a high efficiency, high power density and light weight resonant converter reference design. AN1338. Features These proceedings address a broad range of topic areas, including telecommunication, power systems, digital signal processing, robotics, control systems, renewable energy, power electronics, soft computing and more. LLC resonant converter are presented. 0000004533 00000 n This single-stage LLC converter reference design illustrates how to convert AC input voltage (100-120 Vac and 200-240 Vac) to isolated ±42-V DC output with the UCC256302 resonant controller. The full resonant behavior of this GaN based LLC resonant converter allows for soft switching turn on over the entire range, from full load to no load. preferred Found inside â Page 1078... 440 LLC resonant converter, 933, 972â973 Loop gain, see also Control system design, Negative feedback, ... 351 effect on closed-loop reference-to-output transfer function, 353 measurement of , 392â398 null loop gain, ... This reference design describes an off-line AC/DC switched-mode power supply (SMPS) using an LLC resonant converter topology. Design a modified CLL multi-resonant converter. PMP22089. AN4720: Half bridge resonant LLC converters and primary side MOSFET selection. The whole board weight is less than 210g. LLC converter - properties and principle of operation LLC resonant converter is multi-resonant conver ter and is characterized by its unique DC - gain characteristic, which has two resonant frequencies (fr1 and fr2). AN2450: LLC resonant half-bridge converter design guideline. 0000016119 00000 n View the TI PMP20795 reference design block diagram, schematic, bill of materials (BOM), description, features and design files and start designing. and Human Trafficking Statement, Analog sensing (resonant tank current, output voltage, output current), High-Voltage Development Platform Controller Card, Kinetis V MCU, KV46, 150 MHz, Multilink universal development interface. RDLLC56F82748. Design Methodology of Bidirectional CLLC Resonant Converter for High-Frequency Isolation of DC Distribution Systems April 2013 IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 28(4):1741-1755 0000017331 00000 n 0000074235 00000 n Its electrical specification is tailored to a typical high-end application for LCD TV or monitor . ©2006-2020 NXP Semiconductors. 390V - 48V/1kW high frequency resonant converter, 950kHz resonant frequency with less than 210g weight, Utilizes TI's high voltage GaN FETs as input switches, Optimized LLC SR conduction with UCD7138/UCD3138A. PMP20795 For over a decade, power-supply industries have widely applied the LLC series resonant converter (LLC-SRC) shown in Figure 1 with two resonant inductors (two "L": L m and L r) and one resonant capacitor (one "C": C r) as a low-cost, high-efficiency isolated power stage.An LLC-SRC has a soft-switching nature without a complicated control . The book includes an in-depth study of acoustic noise and its minimization along with application examples that include comparisons between ac and dc drives and SRM drive. This new edition also includes a chapter on the impact of power semiconductor devices on energy savings and reduction of carbon emissions. 3 and peak efficiency of >98%. I am using PMP21366 - 700W PFC reference design, alongside with PMP21683 - 550W resonant converter reference design. Power Supplies Product Type. Once AC input is provided and VCC reaches 26V level, RVCC voltage is generated to. The UCC25600 LLC controller is best fit for high wattage resonant power design as it offers all the key Found inside â Page 42The Full Bridge LLC Resonant Converter (Figure 50) is widely used in telecom industry for the benefits like high efficiency at resonant ... Reference [41] shows a design procedure for such configurations for these applications. Design files. Whether you are a student, a newly-minted engineer entering the field of power electronics, a salesperson needing to understand a customer's needs, or a seasoned power supply designer desiring to track down a forgotten equation, this book ... Written by a specialist with more than 47 years of experience in the field, this volume covers magnetic design theory with all of the relevant formulas. The MPS LLC Tool will help you to define a value for the resonant tank (formed by L r, C r and L m) to ensure that the converter is working on the quasi resonant region achieving soft switching.The tool will suggest a design solution depending on the Input-Output specification but the user can modify the key parameters.. LLC converters are becoming more and more famous because of their ability . " Concludes each chapter with a 2018 problems' section.The distinguishing feature of the Indian edition of this book is the accompanying CD which contains:- A ten minute video introduction to the book, using slides- Set of chapter wise ... IRS2795 Power Loss Calculation 6. The whole board weight is less than 210g. The proposed design is validated using simulations as well as experiments and is compared with a reference APWM HB series resonant converter design that uses an auxiliary LC circuit for ZVS. 200W LLC Resonant Converter Reference Design −Overview −Half-Bridge Converter / Resonant tank −Synchronous Rectifier −Flyback Auxiliary Power Summary In this webinar, we will start with some background information on resonant converters and why resonant converters are gaining interest. TIDM-1001 Design files. It converts a 390V input to a 48V/1kW output. AN-6104, Half-Bridge LLC Resonant Converter Design using FAN7688 Application Note. ICs | 2020-03-09. To enable on your browser, follow our, KV46 Digital LLC Converter Reference Design, Real Time Control Embedded Software Motor Control and Power Conversion Libraries, Kinetis KV46 LLC resonant converter example hardware, Kinetis KV46 LLC resonant converter example software, Slavery distributors, or the prices, terms and Numerous efforts have been devoted to using biomass as a feedstock for the production of bio-based materials, biochemicals, and biofuels that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on conventional fossil resources. Targeting high power density applications such as fast DC chargers for electric vehicles (EV) that the voltage gain is calculated with reference to the equivalent resonant circuit shown in Figure 7. The use of a reference design can reduce development time, improve time-to-market, and ease manufacturing issues that can arise from a design that is started from scratch. 0000001332 00000 n Targeting high power density applications such as fast DC chargers for electric vehicles (EV) UCC25630x or UCC25640x RVCC is designed for this purpose. Integrating GaN Systems' 650-V enhancement-mode transistors, the high-density, high-efficiency full-bridge converter achieves a power density of up to 146 W/in. Resonant LLC Converter: Operation and Design 4 Application Note AN 2012-09 V1.0 September 2012 1 Introduction While a resonant LLC converter has several desired features such as high efficiency, low EMI and high power density, the design of a resonant converter is an involved task, and requires more effort for optimization compared to PWM . FEBFAN7688_I00250A, Evaluation Board based on FAN7688 250W, 400V to 12.5V LLC Resonant Converter Reference Design using part FAN7688SJX by onsemi Found inside â Page 973In previous studies, several simulators are designed to evaluate the effect of the partial shading conditions on the overall efficiency of the system [9-11]. ... solar array simulator based on LLC resonant DC-DC converter. One board, called OBC LLC switch board, containing all active components and next board, called resonant tank board, containing LLC converter resonant members - resonant inductor, resonant capacitor, transformer(s). Introduction Similar to the two previous editions, this book can be used for a In this context we will focus distributor. Then we will discuss EVAL 2ED2101 HB-LLC is a fast-switching, resonant ZVS 200W LLC-converter power stage with active synchronous rectifier output stage. Upon selection of a 2013 Key waveforms Figure 2.1: Schematic and basic waveforms for HB LLC converter operating at resonant frequency. Among various types of resonant converters, the LLC series resonant converter (LLC-SRC) in Figure 1 attracts interest because of its better output regulation, lower circulating current and lower circuit cost. • Secondary Side PFM Controller for LLC Resonant Converter with Synchronous Rectifier Control The PMP21495 reference design is a 6.6 kW bi-directional dual-active-bridge resonant converter reference design that allows 380 V DC to 600 V DC input and 280 V DC to 450 V DC output. It converts a 390V input to a 48V/1kW output. The LLC converter is a resonant inverter with 3 reactive elements where DC input voltage is turned into a square wave by a switch network arranged as either a half- or full-bridge. Design files. With the use of single stage LLC-SRC, the converter efficiency goes up to 90% at 335W full output power with 120VAC input. This book includes the original, peer-reviewed research papers from the 9th Frontier Academic Forum of Electrical Engineering (FAFEE 2020), held in Xiâan, China, in August 2020. Evaluation Board & Reference Design: GS-EVB-LLC-3KW-GS 3KW High Efficiency LLC Evaluation Board & Reference Design A high density, high efficiency GaN-based 3kW LLC Resonant Converter to reduce design cycles, costs and time to market for data center, telecom, and industrial switching mode power supply (SMPS) applications. %PDF-1.5 %���� 289 0 obj <> endobj xref 289 20 0000000016 00000 n LLC REFERENCE DESIGN Figure 9 shows a high-level block diagram of Microchip's LLC Resonant Converter Reference Design. Don't have an NXP coupon? Introduction & Device Overview 2. GaN Systems has introduced a new reference design for a high density, high efficiency GaN-based 3kW LLC Resonant Converter (GS-EVB-LLC-3KW-GS). The LLC is a resonant converter that operates with frequency modulation instead of the Pulse Width . This serves to minimize losses in both power transistors and magnetic components. It includes control of a power factor correction (PFC), a DC/DC LLC resonant converter, and a DC/DC buck converter. This reference design demonstrates the implementation of a LLC Resonant Converter using MC56F83783 or MC56F82748 Digital Signal Controllers (DSC). A split bobbin is used to incorporate the resonant inductance (leakage inductance) and magnetizing inductance into a single magnetic component. Download ready-to-use system files to speed your design process. Home. Ever wondered why seemingly similar power supplies have significantly different performance and reliability characteristics?The answers to these and many more questions can be found in this Essential Guide to Power Supplies.Whether you're ... Mode Power Supply (SMPS) dsPIC Digital Signal Controller(DSC) Grid Connected Solar. This design consists of a front-end, bidirectional bridgeless boost power factor correction (PFC) based on the UCC28180A device, achieving end-to-end peak efficiency of >94% at 90Vac input and >95.5% at 230Vac input. Image courtesy of the reference design technical manual Two Phase Interleaved LLC Resonant Converter Reference Design Using C2000™ MCUs. Design of Resonant Half-Bridge converter using IRS2795(1,2) Control IC By Helen Ding Table of Contents 1. The design has a regulated ±42-V output that can handle up to 6 A of continuous output current and 12 A of peak current for 100 ms. Transformer and Resonant Circuit Design 4. It feeds the resonant LLC tank that filters out harmonics providing a sinusoidal like voltage and current waveform. This design integrates 650V enhancement-mode transistors that achieve >100W/inch 3 high power density (AC/DC PSU), >96% efficiency, and exceeds 80+ titanium standard for power . The design specifications are summarized in Table 1. Found inside â Page 101DOI: that exists between the constant desired voltage (reference ... is to verify the LLC series resonant DC-DC converter design circuit as shown in Figure 13 and control techniques analysis. Please clear your search and try again. Therefore, the design methodology of a resonant converter will be different from a PWM converter. Reference Design SPECIFICATION Device Series Application Input Voltage Output Power Topology I/O Isolation FAN9673Q, NCV4390DR2G, NCV3843BVD1R2G, FAN3224TUMX−F085, . Sponsored by Texas Instruments: A unique microcontroller helps deliver a higher level of performance and efficiency to . ±1.5°C Analog Output Temperature Sensor, 3â17V 1A Step-Down Converter in 3x3 QFN package, 3V-17V 1A Step-Down Converters with DCS-Controlâ¢, Highest isolation rating, triple-channel, 2/1, reinforced digital isolator, UCD3138A Highly Integrated Digital Controller for Isolated Power, 600-V 70m⦠GaN with integrated driver and protection, 600-V 50m⦠GaN with integrated driver and cycle-by-cycle overcurrent protection, 600-V 70-m⦠GaN with integrated driver and cycle-by-cycle overcurrent protection, 150-mA, low-dropout voltage regulator with bypass & enable, Economy low power BICMOS 1MHz current mode PWM with 12.5V/8.3V UVLO, 50% duty cycle, 0C to 70C, Precision (0.025mV), low noise (7.5nV/rtHz), low quiescent current (760uA) op amp, Low-side Power MOSFET Driver With Body Diode conduction Sensing, Low-noise, 1-A, 420-kHz transformer driver with soft start for isolated power supplies, LMG3410R070 600-V 70-m⦠GaN half-bridge daughter card, 200V to 400V Input (Nominal), Triple-Output Bias Supply with Input Voltage Sensing Reference Design, DC power supply, AC source, electronic load, Dual digital controllers for primary & secondary side control, Server PSU with 12V output & digital control (<=1kW), Server PSU with 12V output & digital control (>1kW), Server PSU with 12V/5V/3.3V multi-outputs & digital control. ETD44 is used for the transformer and the resonant inductor is implemented using the leakage inductance. Applying the extended describing function method to LLC resonant converter yields a small signal model. LLC Resonant Half Bridge Converter Operation 3. 0000016694 00000 n makes no The HVP-LLC development board is an integral part of NXP ® high-voltage platform.. Found inside â Page 327Dynamic Analysis and Optimal Design of High Efficiency Full Bridge LLC Resonant Converter Dong-Keun Jeong1, ... dynamic analysis and optimal design for LLCresonant converters, there are not papers which is dealt withspecific reference. Includes TI products in the design and potential alternatives. An easy way to start your resonant tank parameter design is to start with our LLC-SRC reference designs. 1. LLC Converter Design 5 Design Note AN 2013-03 V1.0 March. Microinverter. The small signal modeling of the LLC resonant converter is presented in Chapter 3. LLC converter design procedure is not direct and finalizing the optimum resonant tank component values will need some iterations. transformer, resonant inductor, and resonant capacitor) are dramatically reduced, thus the power density is improved. Figure 1 shows a topology for a half bridge LLC resonant converter with switching frequency at 100KHz and 500KHz. 0000016301 00000 n 3. For example, PMP5141 has L r =72µH, L m ~350µH, and C r =0.033 µF and is designed for 240W output power with 280V to 400V input voltage range. Reference Design . Covering the basics of the magnetic components of power electronic converters, this book is a comprehensive reference for students and professional engineers dealing with specialised inductor and transformer design. EPC2023. 1. agreed upon by you and any The switching circuit is implemented with a half-bridge topology, so that the output voltage will swing between 0V and Vd = 400 Vdc nominal. vehicles. Transformer and Resonant Circuit Design 4. The LLC resonant converter is of SRC (Series Resonant Converter) type. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . You can purchase this product from 0000073555 00000 n Overview. GaN-Based 3KW Full Bridge LLC Resonant Converter Reference Design for Datacenter, Telecom, and Industrial SMPS Applications . hardware design and control loop design is described in LLC Resonant Converter Design Using MC56F82748 (document DRM172). The topics cover novel traction drive technologies of rail transportation, safety technology of rail transportation system, rail transportation information technology, rail transportation operational management technology, rail ... The SL-DPSLLKCK1 is a digitally controlled full bridge LLC resonant DC-DC converter with output synchronous rectification. Design of Resonant Half-Bridge converter using IRS2795(1,2) Control IC By Helen Ding Table of Contents 1. This document focuses on the digital control of key parts of the off-line AC/DC SMPS system. Addition- 0000012325 00000 n businesses and set This reference design demonstrates the implementation of a LLC resonant converter using MC56F83783, MC56F81xxx or MC56F82748 digital signal controllers (DSC). 0.5V - 1.0V. Several methods are briefly introduced, and the method of extended describing function is described in detail. Reference designs. R. L. Steigerwald (see 2. of Section 9: Reference) has described a simplified method, applicable to any resonant topology, based on the assumption that input to output power The full-bridge LLC resonant converter design, integrating GaN Systems' 650 V E-mode transistors, exceeds the 80 PLUS Titanium standard for power supply units, achieving high power density (AC/DC PSU) above 100W/inch 3 and high efficiency of more than 96 percent. Content is provided "as is" by TI and community contributors and does not constitute TI specifications. It describes the features, system operations, board setup procedure, and GaN-based LLC key parameters. A functional look at the GS-EVB-LLC-3KW-GS. This book is devoted to resonant energy conversion in power electronics. 0000016445 00000 n Then we will discuss This book presents high-quality papers from the Seventh Asia International Symposium on Mechatronics (AISM 2019). This book offers in a single reference a concise representation of the large body of literature on the subject and supplies tools that designers desperately need to improve the accuracy and performance of their designs by eliminating trial ... The 20 kW full bridge LLC resonant converter can accept (650 VDC - 750 VDC) as an input and provide (300 VDC - 550 VDC) at the output with a peak efficiency of 98.4%. IRS2795 Passive Components Design 5. Texas Instruments. 3KW LLC isolated DC/DC resonant converter reference design (GS-EVB-LLC-3KW-GS) based on the 650V Gallium Nitride (GaN) transistor from GaN Systems. This provides a fully digital design of an LLC resonant converter based on HVP-LLC. Along with the newly released 3kW LLC design, our 3kW Totem Pole PFC reference design has been updated and . AN2644 The LLC resonant half-bridge converter 7/64 In resonant inverters (and converters too) power flow can be controlled by the switch network either by changing the frequency of the square wave voltage, or its duty cycle, or both, or by special cont rol schemes such as phas e-shift control. 230-V, 400-W, 92% High Efficiency Battery Charger With PFC and LLC for 36-V Power Tools Reference Design 4.1.2 UCC25600 — LLC Controller Power tool designs demand high frequency DC/DC conversion and high efficiency with small form-factor. A reference design for a GaN-based 3-kW LLC resonant converter exceeds the 80 Plus Titanium power-supply efficiency rating. If you have questions about quality, packaging or ordering TI products, see TI support. The bill of materials (BOM) cost of this design is highly optimized with the single-stage structure and the use of UCC256302 LLC resonant controller. With fixed 950kHz switching frequency in steady state, 97.6% peak efficiency is .
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