Andrew Spalding. Professor Cooper 's Top Tags. Make flashcards, study them, and it should be an easy A. Faculty Affiliate, Center for the Study of Race, Politics, and Culture. He likes to be funny and sarcastic, but he really does have a sweet spot for his students. Sac! Very respectful and went out of his way to hold extra review sessions and answer any questions you have. No book no problem the notes are printed out for you just fill in the blanks! Many have deemed the black educator's comments - which can be traced back nearly a decade - to be racist. Yes a different teacher may have an easier class, however, Frank is still the best professor I have taken at UCF. Survival of the fittest half the class dropped by the end of semester. Our faculty are truly a who's who of NYC's creative community. Rate. 110% for personality, however he makes the class SO hard. Would take again. Rate Professor Cooper. I learned how to study from this class. Exams are straight forward and tells you what he want you to know. Stay afloat. These are among the people that Joseph Mitchell immortalized in his reportage for The New Yorker and in four books—McSorley's Wonderful Saloon, Old Mr. Flood, The Bottom of the Harbor, and Joe Gould's Secret—that are still renowned for ... Found inside – Page 297Mr. Cooper has but most clay soils are rich in alkaline silicates , from treatment of the land in after years . ... a little amused by the remark of my whole cost may thus vary for a full dressing , of say 300 also small , and he found ... He does the best job making it tolerable. 3:29. Matthew McConaughey Joseph "Coop" Cooper Anne Hathaway Dr. Amelia Brand Jessica Chastain Murphy "Murph" Cooper Ellen Burstyn Old Murph Cooper John Lithgow Donald Michael Caine Professor John Brand Casey Affleck Tom Cooper Wes Bentley Dr. Doyle Bill Irwin TARS (voice) Mackenzie Foy Young Murph Cooper Topher Grace Getty David Gyasi Dr. Romilly . Displaying teachers 1 - 12 of 24 in total. 29 Oct 2021 0. Black Faculty, Staff and Administrators Association. Found inside – Page 187Cookeville , TN 38505.615-372-3019 R420 May 29 , 1989 Mr. Joseph T. Hamrick Aerospace Research Corporation 5454 ... Prior to accepting my position at Tennessee Technological University in the fall of 1986 , I had worked with the ... . He genuinely does care for his students and it is a good feeling. COUET,ADRIENAssistant ProfessorEngineering PhysicsPHD 2014 Pennsylvania State University, COURTIER,ANNA M. BISHOPAssoc Faculty AssocWisciencePHD 2008 Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities, COVALESKI,MARK A.ProfessorAccting & Info SysPHD 1978 Pennsylvania State University, COVINGTON,ALEXANDER MICHAELAssoc LecturerStatisticsMS 2018 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, COVINGTON,ELIZABETH EFaculty AssociateEuropean StudiesPHD 1998 Calif. State Univ. Consulting Clinical Professor . NECKAR,AMANDA LAsst Faculty AssocSocial WorkMSW 2013 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, NEGRUT,DANProfessorMechanical EngineeringPHD 1998 University of Iowa, NELLIS,GREGORY FRANCISProfessorMechanical EngineeringPHD 1997 Massachusetts Inst Of Tech, NELLIS,MARGARET JSr Student Serv CoordAcademic PartnershipsPHD 1981 University of Chicago, NELSESTUEN,GRANTAssociate ProfessorClassic & Ancient Near E StdsPHD 2008 University of Texas at Austin, NELSON,ADAMProfessorEducational Policy StudiesPHD 1998 Brown University, NELSON,ADAMLecturerEd Leadership&Policy AnalysisPHD 2017 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, NELSON,CONOR RAssistant ProfessorMead Witter School Of MusicDMA 2007 SUNY At Stony Brook, NELSON,DAVIDLecturerLafollette Sch Of Publ AffairsPHD 2013 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, NELSON,EVAN OTHMERAsst Professor (Chs)Family MedicineDPT 2007 Duke University, NELSON,GUNTHER PAULLecturerLife Sciences CommunicationBA 1989 Marquette University, NELSON,JEFFAsst Faculty AssocBiological Systems EngineeringMS 1995 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, NELSON,JENNIFERAssistant ProfessorArt HistoryPHD 2013 Yale University, NELSON,JOHNAdjunct ProfessorCivil & Environmental EngrMS 1976 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, NELSON,NICOLE C.Associate ProfessorDept Of Med History&BioethicsPHD 2011 Cornell University, NELSON,SUSANSr Student Serv CoordGender And Women StudiesPHD 2010 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, NELSON,TRACYAdjunct InstructorManagement & Human ResourcesMS 2017 Edgewood College, NEMET,GREGORYProfessorLafollette Sch Of Publ AffairsPHD 2007 Univ of California Berkeley, NESPER,LARRYProfessorAnthropologyPHD 1994 University of Chicago, NESTERCHOUK,ANYASenior LecturerEnglishMS 2012 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, NETT,JENIEL EMILYAssociate ProfessorMedicinePHD Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, NEUHAUSER,HEIDI MARIEClinical InstructorNursingMSN 2014 Concordia University Wisconsin, NEUMANN,DONNA M.Associate ProfessorOphthalmology&Visual SciencesPHD 2004 University of New Orleans, NEUMAYER,KRISTIN MAssoc Faculty AssocSpanish And PortuguesePHD 2008 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, NEVILLE,LEONORAProfessorHistoryPHD 1998 Princeton University, NEVIN,JACKProfessor EmerMarketingPHD 1972 Univ of IL at Urbana-Champaign, NEWBURY,SANDRA PATRICIAClinical Assoc ProfMedical SciencesDVM 2003 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, NEWMAN,TODD PAULAssistant ProfessorLife Sciences CommunicationPHD 2016 American University, NEWMARK,PHILLIP AProfessorIntegrative BiologyPHD 2010 Univ of Colorado at Boulder, NEWTON,LAURIE AClinical Assoc ProfNursingDNP 2012 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, NEWTON,MICHAEL A.ProfessorBiostatistics&Med InformaticsPHD 1991 University of Washington, NEY,DENISEProfessorNutritional SciencesPHD 1986 Univ of California Davis, NEYRAT,FREDERICAssociate ProfessorEnglishPHD 1998 Univ de Strasbourg II, NGOLA,AMANDA JEANClinical Asst ProfSocial WorkMSW 1999 Washington State University, NGUYEN THI,MINHHIENAssoc Prof L/IComputer SciencesPHD 2005 University of Connecticut, NGUYEN,BETHProfessorEnglishMFA 2012 Univ of Michigan at Ann Arbor, NI,CHAOQUNAssistant ProfessorInformation SchoolPHD 2016 Indiana University, NICHELASON,AMY ELIZABETHClinical Asst ProfMedical SciencesDVM 2008 Univ of California Davis, NICHOLS,KATHLEENAssoc Faculty AssocCurriculum And InstructionEDD 2015 Univ Of NC At Chapel Hill, NICKELLS,ROBERT W.ProfessorOphthalmology&Visual SciencesPHD 1987 University of Calgary, NICKOLAI,ANNALecturerCounseling PsychologyMS Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, NIEDENTHAL,PAULAProfessorPsychologyPHD 1987 Univ of Michigan at Ann Arbor, NIENHUIS,JAMESProfessorHorticulturePHD 1982 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, NILI,YARONAssistant ProfessorLaw SchoolSJD 2015 Harvard University, NIMITYONGSKUL,SONNY AARONAssoc Faculty AssocEngineering PhysicsPHD 2010 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, NIMUNKAR,AMITFaculty AssociateBiomedical EngineeringPHD 2009 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, NIWOT,MELODYAssoc Faculty AssocIs MajorMA 2006 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, NIX,ROBERTAssociate ProfessorSchool Of Human EcologyPHD 1999 Vanderbilt University, NIZIOLEK,CARRIEAssistant ProfessorCommunication Sci & DisordersPHD 2010 Harvard University, NOBLES,JENNA ELIZABETHProfessorSociologyPHD 2007 Univ of California Los Angeles, NOGUERA,DANIELProfessorCivil & Environmental EngrPHD 1995 Univ of IL at Urbana-Champaign, NORDER-BRANDLI,CHANDRAClinical Assoc ProfNursingDNP 2015 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, NORMAN,CORRIEFaculty AssociateReligious StTHD 1994 Harvard University, NOSEK,JOSEPH MICHAELFaculty AssociateEnglishMA 2000 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, NOTARO,KELLIClinical Asst ProfNursingDNP 2020 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, NOTBOHM,JACOBAssistant ProfessorEngineering PhysicsPHD 2013 California Institute of Tech, NOWAK,ROBERT DAVIDProfessorElectrical & Computer EngrPHD 1995 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, NOYCE,DAVIDProfessorCivil & Environmental EngrPHD 1999 Texas A & M University, NTAMBI,JAMESProfessorBiochemistryPHD 1985 Johns Hopkins University, NUCKOLLS,TERRYSenior LecturerEnglishMA 2006 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, NYHART,LYNNProfessorHistoryPHD 1986 University of Pennsylvania, O BRIEN,JERRYFaculty AssociateConsumer ScienceBBA 1979 Drake University, OAKES,GALEFaculty AssociateIntegrative BiologyMS 1982 University of Cincinnati, OAKLEY,JASONLecturerMechanical EngineeringPHD 2001 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, OAKLEY,LINDA DENISEProfessorNursingPHD 1985 University of Washington, OBERSTAR,ERICKAssoc Faculty AssocMechanical EngineeringMS 2005 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, OBRIEN,ANNDis LecturerAccting & Info SysPHD 2017 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, OBRIEN,DANA RClinical Assoc ProfNursingPHD 2019 Capella University, OCALLAGHAN,ELIZABETH M.LecturerEd Leadership&Policy AnalysisPHD 2010 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, OCHELTREE,TERRANCE WILLIAMAdjunct Assoc ProfPharmacy, OCONNELL,DANIEL MAsst Professor (Chs)PediatricsMD 2006 Ohio State University, OCONNOR,ANNE MAssoc Professor (Chs)MedicineMD 2000 Georgetown University, OCONNOR,DAVID H.ProfessorPathology&Laboratory MedicinePHD 2001 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, OCONNOR,SHELBY LYNNAssociate ProfessorPathology&Laboratory MedicinePHD 2004 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, ODEGARD,LYDIAAssoc Stu Serv CoordBacteriologyBA 2016 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, ODELL,LUKEAssoc LecturerAtmospheric & Oceanic SciencesPHD 2019 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, ODORICO,JON S.ProfessorSurgeryMD 1987 New York University, OESTE,ANDREAS AAdjunct Asst ProfMead Witter School Of MusicDMA 2019 Univ of Michigan at Ann Arbor, OETZEL,GARYProfessorMedical SciencesDVM 1981 Ohio State University, OGRAS,UMIT YUSUFAssociate ProfessorElectrical & Computer EngrPHD Carnegie-Mellon University, OGUINN,THOMAS CProfessorMarketingPHD 1982 University of Texas at Austin, OH,EUN SILAssistant ProfessorSociologyPHD 2018 Harvard University, OH,JUNG SUNSenior LecturerInformation SchoolPHD 2010 Univ Of NC At Chapel Hill, OHM,BRIANProfessorPlanning & Landscape ArchJD 1986 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, OHNESORGE,JOHNProfessorLaw SchoolSJD 2001 Harvard University, OKONKWO,OZIOMAAssociate ProfessorMedicinePHD 2009 Univ of Alabama at Birmingham, OLANIYAN,MOJIAssistant Dean/MLaw SchoolJD 1996 University Of Richmond, OLDS,KRISTOPHER NProfessorGeographyPHD 1996 University of Bristol, OLEARY,RENAGHClinical Asst ProfLaw SchoolJD 2014 Yale University, OLEINIK,MARK GEORGEAdjunct ProfessorCivil & Environmental EngrMS 1978 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, OLIVE,PEGGYSr Outreach SpecConsumer ScienceMSSW 1991 Univ of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, OLIVER,PAMELA E.ProfessorSociologyPHD 1977 Univ Of NC At Chapel Hill, OLIVER,THOMAS RProfessorPopulation Health SciencesPHD 1990 Univ Of NC At Chapel Hill, OLLIVETT,TERRI LYNNAssistant ProfessorMedical SciencesPHD 2014 University of Guelph, OLSEN,CHRISTOPHER WProfessor EmerAcademic AffairsPHD 1992 Cornell University, OLSON,CHRISTAAssociate ProfessorEnglishPHD 2010 Univ of IL at Urbana-Champaign, OLSON,JOHN L.Clinical Adjunct ProfessorVolunteer StaffMD 1982 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, OLSON,LEAH JOYAssoc Prof L/ISocial WorkPHD 2009 Louisiana State U & A&M Colg, OLSON,MARKFaculty AssociateCurriculum And InstructionPHD 2005 Michigan State University, OLSON,TRENTLecturerCals Academic AffairsBS 2005 Univ Of Minnesota-St Paul, OLSZEWSKI,DANFaculty AssociateWeinert Center For EntrMBA 1992 Harvard University, ONELLION,MARSHALLProfessorPhysicsPHD 1984 Rice University, ONG,IRENE MAY LINAssistant ProfessorObstetrics & GynecologyPHD 2007 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, OOSTERWYK,JOHANNAFaculty AssociateHorticultureMS 2004 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, ORLOV,DMITRYAssistant ProfessorFinancePHD Stanford University, OROURKE,ANN PAssoc Professor (Chs)SurgeryMD 2002 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, OROURKE,BERNADETT M.Sr Outreach SpecAnimal And Dairy SciencesMS 1997 University of Nebraska-Lincoln, ORR,SARAHClinical ProfessorLaw SchoolJD 1993 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, ORROCK,JOHN LProfessorIntegrative BiologyPHD 2004 Iowa State Univ of Sci & Tech, ORTIZ-ROBLES,MARIOProfessorEnglishPHD 2002 Columbia University, OSBORNE,CHARLES AClinical Asst ProfCommunication Sci & DisordersMA 1983 University Of Central Florida, OSORIO,JORGE EMILIOProfessorPathobiological SciencesPHD 1996 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, OSPOVAT,KIRILLAssistant ProfessorGerman, Nordic & SlavicPHD 2005 Russian State U of Humanities, OSSORIO,PILAR NICOLEProfessorLaw SchoolPHD 1990 Stanford University, OSSWALD,TIMProfessorMechanical EngineeringPHD 1987 Univ of IL at Urbana-Champaign, OTEGUI,MARISAProfessorBotanyPHD 1996 Univ. He really lives up to all the positive reviews though! Mark is a super nice professor, and will be understanding if you communicate your needs well. Christopher Cooper. However, in this authoritative volume, noted scholars José Itzigsohn and Karida L. Brown provide a groundbreaking account of Du Bois’s theoretical contribution to sociology, or what they call the analysis of “racialized modernity.” ... He sets the bar for quality, knowledgable prof, Prof Cooper is 100% hilarious. Found inside – Page 26Perhaps his name might indicate a Scottish origin.1 Professor Todd's Directory of Printers . . . first mentions Wilson in 1799 as being with the firm of Joseph Cooper & Wilson.2 On 21 August of that year , Andrew Wilson , on behalf of ... Found inside – Page 173W. H. Holmes ( Professor of the How merrily we live Michael Este 70- " To God on high ; " " Sleepers , wake ; " and Mendelssohn “ To thee ... The Music by In handsome Spanish mahogany Gothic Case ; French polished JOSEPH Thomas Cooper . Found inside – Page 3072... from this accelerated investment ( By Joseph D. Cooper , Ph.D. , professor of Thursday , February 6 , 1969 in science . ... D.C. ) cern among members of the scientific research and development activities was at a rate of 22 per ... His lectures were extremely entertaining and even though class wasn't mandatory, he made me want to go. Tel: (813) 257-1764 Mailbox: 6F Building: GHS Room: 603 Email: Found inside – Page xxivAnd yes, I am allowed to be effusive and over the top, since they are my grandkids. ... those who worked with me on research projects: Professors Corey Basch, Eileen Gardner, Jaishri Menon, Gurdial Sharma, Joseph Spagna, and Jean Werth. he is funny, smart, and care giving. The list is refreshed annually in March. Cynthia D. Stephens. His tests are a little hard but the study guides have all the questions and if you go to office hours you'll for sure pass. Rebecca White . The amount of memorization and knowledge you have to know is insane. Participation matters Lots of homework Get ready to read Skip class? Found inside – Page 67760 Broughton St., NE., Orangeburg, S. C. je6 TALENT- AVAILABILITIES RATE: 10c a word, minimum $2. CASH WITH COPY. ... WA 7-1883. my 16 DRUMMER — NAME EXPERIENCE ON shows, Latin, swing, society, etc. ... Professor Wright, Casey, 111. Mark gives great lectures, extra credit, quizzes, and there are 2 mandatory field trips. Exams consist of 100 MCQ's w/ only 60 min to take them so you don't have time to think. Good professor with interesting lectures. Hannah Kelley Adjunct Professor. Adjunct Professor: Barg, Alexander Prof - Electrical & Computer Engineering: 2361 A.V. A lot of information but doable if you put the time in. 8. You do NOT need to buy the textbook. Found inside – Page 872JOSEPH BOSEUROPE , FELLOW and WORTII , D.D. F.R.S. A new and much improved Edition , in For the Use of Schools and Young Persons ... E.I.C. Engineers , F.R.S. , F.R.S.N.A. , By ALLEN COOPER , M.A. Master of the Madras Mint , A.M. Civ . The best movies about teachers. He really cares for his students and truly wants everyone to succeed. Says attendance isnt required but threatens to stop posting notes if attendance is low. Alison Downs Spanner. My recomendations are: 1- you should attend every lecture since he explains his notes and gives you good examples. More than 1,000 artists, critics, curators, designers, filmmakers, photographers, writers, and other creative professionals teach our students and share their experience and insights every day. Last Name First/Middle Name Graduate Faculty Status Academic Credentials Positions; Abadi: Daniel J. Political Sci & Public Affairs. His knowledge and passion for teaching don't go unnoticed. Found inside – Page 297Mr. Cooper has but most củay soils are rich in alkaline silicates , from treatment of the land in after years . ... and was not a little amused by the remark of my whole cost may thus vary for a full dressing , of say 300 also small ... Contact: Danielle Flores Lopez ( ). Frank was great. Regardless, you'll learn a lot about how to study and be engaged during class. Peggy Smith Program Support Tech. Labs are a waste of time. Study a Quizlet a few times over, you will be fine. Would take again. Professor Meigs violently opposed it and one day undertook to show its peril to a class of three hundred or more at Jefferson Medical School. Kevin Cooper. The job includes providing medical oversight and primary care for all of the Green Berets in the unit, as well as providing medical training for those in combat and wilderness settings. 3. Found inside – Page 62After that I ate with my left hand for sometime , and before long the football season was over . ... in Professor Beck's class but was soon able to move on to courses under “ Billy ” Graves , Louis Cooper , “ Joey ” Taylor , and “ Joe ... The Social Sciences (FSS) and Vanier (VNR) buildings will be open Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. KRUPENKIN,TOMAssociate ProfessorMechanical EngineeringPHD 1996 Case Western Reserve Univ. Found inside – Page 126Darwin E. Maxson , I remember her interest in this work from my to incur the debt in question ? childhood . " Answer . Its Board of Counselors , appoint- ... Joseph Cooper , of New work , and well deserving aid . " " I will adAns . Chemistry Stockroom Manager . School of . BBA 2004, MBA 2006, PhD 2013, University of Texas at El Paso. He also doesnt drop any exams. University of Chicago. White House handlers shield President Biden from the press as much as possible, and Thursday's town hall on CNN shows why. One of the best teachers in the BIO department. He is very nice, posts everything you need online, underlines major stuff to know for exams but its SO MUCH INFO. David Harrison. Employee Directory If you do not see the person you are looking for please refer to the Faculty & Staff page of their respective department website.. FROM OFF CAMPUS: Dial (323) 953-4000, then the listed extension. Thomas A'Hearn Jorge Abad Hossein Abadi Omri Abarbanel Mark Abbott Kevin Abbott Myriam Abdel-Malek Mervat Abdelhak Mai Abdelhakim Amro Abdelrahim Sara Abdullah Kaleab Abebe Kimberly Abel Aaron Abma Kavi Abraham Sierra Abram Steven Abramowitch Roberta Abrams Brock Abramson Donna Abriola. If you have the chance, take CVA! Associate Professor . Address. He does penalize them if they are late. With 3 100 question MC exams though you have to study. Found inside – Page 4His friend and colleague, an even more formidable presence on the Cornell campus, Professor Lane Cooper, ... True, I studied the tragedies of Shakespeare with Joseph Quincy Adams, ... My only excuse was that I liked poetry. At any rate ... He doesn't *take* attendance but he knows who's there and who isn't. 65 questions, spelling counts, and your whole grade depends on just 4 exams. LEONProfessorElectrical & Computer EngrPHD 1961 Carnegie-Mellon University, SHORT,SARAH JESSIEAssistant ProfessorEducational PsychologyPHD 2009 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, SHOWERS,CAROLIN J.Senior LecturerPsychology, SHREVE,PORTERProfessorEnglishMFA 1998 Univ of Michigan at Ann Arbor, SHUBERT,AMANDAAssoc LecturerCommunication ArtsPHD 2019 University of Chicago, SHULL,JAMESProfessorOncologyPHD 1984 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, SHUMOW,JOSEPH DEYLecturerReal Estate & Urgan Land EconJD 2007 Washington University, SHUSTA,ERICProfessorChemical & Biological EngrPHD 1999 Univ of IL at Urbana-Champaign, SHUTSKE,JOHNProfessorBiological Systems EngineeringPHD 1988 Purdue University, SHUTTS,KRISTINProfessorPsychologyPHD 2006 Harvard University, SIBERT,EDWIN L.ProfessorChemistryPHD 1983 Univ of Colorado at Boulder, SIDEL,MARKProfessorLaw SchoolJD 1985 Columbia University, SIDELLE,ALANProfessorPhilosophyPHD 1986 Cornell University, SIEMSEN,ENNOProfessorOperations & Information MgmtPHD 2005 Univ Of NC At Chapel Hill, SIFAKIS,EFTYCHIOSAssociate ProfessorComputer SciencesPHD 2007 Stanford University, SIGLER,PATRICIA ANNAssoc Faculty AssocConsumer ScienceMS 1995 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, SILBER,HANNAHLecturerIndustrial & Systems EngrPHD 2018 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, SILBERNAGEL,JANETProfessorPlanning & Landscape ArchPHD 1996 Michigan Technological Univ, SILET,KARINLecturerCounseling PsychologyMA 1993 Bucknell University, SILVA,ERINAssociate ProfessorPlant PathologyPHD 2002 Washington State University, SIMCOX,JUDITH AAssistant ProfessorBiochemistryPHD 2014 University of Utah, SIMMONS,ERICA SAssociate ProfessorPolitical SciencePHD 2012 University of Chicago, SIMON,PHILIPPProfessorHorticulturePHD 1977 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, SIMPSON,GAILProfessorArtMFA 1989 Sch Of The Art Inst Of Chicago, SIMS,REVELAssistant ProfessorPlanning & Landscape ArchPHD 2014 Univ of California Los Angeles, SINCLAIR,MATTAssistant ProfessorComputer SciencesPHD 2018 Univ of IL at Urbana-Champaign, SINCOULAR,RANDYAssoc LecturerGeographyMS 2018 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, SINDELAR,JEFFREY JProfessorAnimal And Dairy SciencesPHD 2002 Iowa State Univ of Sci & Tech, SINGER,BENAssociate ProfessorCommunication ArtsPHD 1996 New York University, SINGER,BRADLEY S.ProfessorGeosciencePHD 1990 University of Wyoming, SINGH,ANNE MAssociate ProfessorPediatricsMD 2002 Yeshiva University, SINGH,VIKASProfessorBiostatistics&Med InformaticsPHD 2007 SUNY at Buffalo, SINHA,RAUNAKAssistant ProfessorDepartment Of NeurosciencePHD 2011 International Univ in Germany, SISODIA,BHANUSHRILecturerSouth Asian Sum Lang Instit, SKALA,MELISSAProfessorBiomedical EngineeringPHD 2007 Duke University, SKARZYNSKI,BARTAssoc Faculty AssocEngr Professional DevelopmentMFA 2007 Ohio State University, SKOG,MARLENEAssistant ProfessorDanceMFA 2001 University of Arizona, SKOP,AHNAProfessorGeneticsPHD 2000 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, SKRENTNY,JAMES DOUGLASFaculty AssociateComputer SciencesPHD 2000 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, SLACK,KRISTENProfessorSocial WorkPHD 1999 University of Chicago, SLADKY,KURTClinical ProfessorSurgical SciencesDVM 1993 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, SLUKVIN,IGOR IProfessorPathology&Laboratory MedicinePHD 1987 Natl Tech Univ of Ukraine, SMEDEMA,ADAM RLecturerFinancePHD 2011 Florida State University, SMEDEMA,SUSAN MILLERProfessorRehab Psychology & Special EdPHD 2005 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, SMEEDING,TIMOTHY MICHAELProfessorLafollette Sch Of Publ AffairsPHD 1975 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, SMITH III,LESLIEAssociate ProfessorArtMFA 2009 Yale University, SMITH,AMANDA GAsst Faculty AssocIndustrial & Systems EngrPHD Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, SMITH,AMANDA MARIELecturerInformation SchoolMA 2012 Univ of California Los Angeles, SMITH,ANNEClinical Assoc ProfLaw SchoolJD 1983 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, SMITH,CATHERINE ARNOTTProfessorInformation SchoolPHD 2002 University of Pittsburgh, SMITH,CHRISTINE EClinical InstructorNursingMSN 2015 Univ of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, SMITH,DAMONAssociate ProfessorPlant PathologyPHD 2007 North Carolina State Univ, SMITH,DOUGLecturerAcad&Prg-NoncreditMD 1979 Univ Of IL At Medical Center, SMITH,ELLENClinical Assoc ProfSocial WorkMSSW 1991 Univ of Texas at Arlington, SMITH,HEATHER DAWNAsst Faculty AssocEngr Professional DevelopmentMS 2012 Colorado School of Mines, SMITH,JEANNINA ANTOINETTEAssoc Professor (Chs)MedicineMD 1999 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, SMITH,JEFFProfessorCommunication ArtsPHD 1995 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, SMITH,JEFFREY AProfessorEconomicsPHD 1996 University of Chicago, SMITH,JENNIFER ROSEAssistant ProfessorGeographyPHD 2019 Univ of California Berkeley, SMITH,JOSHUA JAYClinical Asst ProfMedical Sciences, SMITH,JUDITH AAssociate ProfessorPediatricsPHD 1997 University of Chicago, SMITH,LESLEY J.Clinical ProfessorSurgical SciencesDVM 1989 Washington State University, SMITH,LESLIE M.ProfessorMathematicsPHD 1988 Massachusetts Inst Of Tech, SMITH,LLOYD MProfessorChemistryPHD 1981 Stanford University, SMITH,LONESProfessorEconomicsPHD 1991 University of Chicago, SMITH,MARGARETLecturerInformation SchoolMS 2010 Syracuse University, SMITH,MICHELE ANNEClinical InstructorDisease Prevention AdminBS 1986 Univ of Wisconsin-StevensPoint, SMITH,NICHOLASAssoc Outreach SpecFood ScienceMS 2009 Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities, SMITH,SCOTTVisiting Asst ProfMathematicsPHD 2016 Univ of Maryland College Park, SMITH,TESSA KATHERINEClinical InstructorMedical SciencesDVM 2016 Univ of Missouri-Columbia, SNEDDEN,TRACIAssistant ProfessorNursingPHD 2014 U of Northern Colorado, SNELL,JEFFREY TODDFaculty AssociateDivision Of Continuing StudiesPHD 1996 Marquette University, SNYDER,ASHLEY MARIEAssoc LecturerSocial WorkMSW 2012 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, SNYDER,CHRISTOPHERClinical Assoc ProfSurgical SciencesDVM 2004 Ohio State University, SNYDER,KEVINClinical InstructorSurgical SciencesDVM 2016 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, SNYDER,MAGGIELecturerArtMFA 2015 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, SNYDER,VIRGINIA L.Assoc Professor (Chs)Family MedicinePHD 1988 Medical College Of Ohio, SOBER,ELLIOTT R.ProfessorPhilosophyPHD 1974 Harvard University, SOBIESKA,ALEKSANDRA CECYLIAVisiting Asst ProfMathematicsPHD 2020 Texas A & M University, SOELVSTEN,MIKKELAssistant ProfessorEconomicsPHD 2017 Univ of California Berkeley, SOHI,GURIProfessorComputer SciencesPHD 1985 Univ of IL at Urbana-Champaign, SOLDAT,DOUGProfessorSoil SciencePHD 2006 Cornell University, SOLHEIM,KARENClinical ProfessorNursingPHD 2000 Univ of Colorado at Denver, SOLIS LEMUS,CLAUDIAAssistant ProfessorPlant PathologyPHD 2015 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, SOMERS,KATERINA IDETTEAssistant ProfessorGerman, Nordic & SlavicPHD 2007 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, SONDEL,PAUL M.ProfessorPediatricsPHD 1975 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, SONE,HIROKIAssistant ProfessorCivil & Environmental EngrPHD 2012 Stanford University, SONE,JUDITHLecturerCtr For Jewish StMA 2002 Hebrew University of Jerusalem, SORENSEN,ALAN TProfessorEconomicsPHD 1999 Massachusetts Inst Of Tech, SORKNESS,CHRISTINE ANNEDis Professor (Chs)PharmacyPHARMD 1975 SUNY at Buffalo, SOSKOVA,MARIYAAssociate ProfessorMathematicsPHD 2008 University of Leeds, SOUKUP,JASONClinical Assoc ProfSurgical SciencesDVM 2002 Texas A & M University, SOUNNY-SLITINE,M. Professors at California State University, Fresno | Coursicle Fresno State. Cooper, Clarence H. - College of Science - Physics - Lecturer. Judge, Michigan Court of Appeals, First District. He extremely hilarious and passionate about teaching which makes his lectures very engaging and fun to listen to. Professor. All faculty members with last names starting with letter: BRUCEFaculty AssociateEd Leadership&Policy AnalysisPHD 1994 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, KING,STEVEAdjunct InstructorEx Mba Program OfficeMA 2017 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, KINNEY,MELISSAAssistant ProfessorBiomedical EngineeringPHD Georgia Inst of Technology, KINTNER,EILEEN KAEProfessorNursingPHD 1996 University of Arizona, KINZLEY,JUDDAssociate ProfessorHistoryPHD 2012 Univ of California San Diego, KIRCH,JEREMYAsst Faculty AssocElectrical & Computer EngrPHD 2017 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, KIRCHDOERFER,ROBERT NICHOLASAssistant ProfessorBiochemistryPHD 2012 Scripps College, KIRCHGASLER,CHRISAssistant ProfessorCurriculum And InstructionPHD 2017 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, KIRCHGASLER,KATIEAssistant ProfessorCurriculum And InstructionPHD 2018 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, KIRK,GWENDOLYN SARAHLecturerAsian StudiesPHD 2016 University of Texas at Austin, KIRKORIAN,HEATHERAssociate ProfessorSchool Of Human EcologyPHD 2007 Univ of Massachusetts Amherst, KIRKPATRICK,BRIAN WAYNEProfessorAnimal And Dairy SciencesPHD 1987 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, KIRPALANI,RISHABHAssistant ProfessorEconomicsPHD 2016 Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities, KITA,ANGELAAssoc Faculty AssocBiomolecular ChemistryPHD 2014 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, KLATT,JOHNAssistant Dean/M-LAdmin:Student Academic AffairsPHD 2008 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, KLEEDEHN,MARK GAsst Professor (Chs)RadiologyMD 2010 Univ of Alabama at Birmingham, KLEHR,MARY RAIMONDALecturerCurriculum And InstructionPHD 2009 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, KLEIJWEGT,MARCProfessorHistoryPHD 1991 Netherlands, KLEIN,BRUCE STEVENProfessorPediatricsMD 1978 Boston University, KLIEWER,MARK AProfessorRadiologyMD 1985 Duke University, KLINGBEIL,DAVIDAssistant ProfessorEducational PsychologyPHD 2013 Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities, KLINGELE,CECELIAAssociate ProfessorLaw SchoolJD 2005 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, KLINGENBERG,DANProfessorChemical & Biological EngrPHD 1990 Univ of IL at Urbana-Champaign, KLOCKE,SONJAAssociate ProfessorGerman, Nordic & SlavicPHD 2007 Indiana University, KLUG,HEINZProfessorLaw SchoolSJD 1997 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, KNEZEVIC,IRENAProfessorElectrical & Computer EngrPHD 2004 Arizona State University, KNISHKA,SCOTTClinical Asst ProfRadiologyBS 1992 Purdue University, KNOCH,DANIEL WILLIAMProfessor (Chs)Ophthalmology&Visual SciencesMD 2003 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, KNOLL,LAURAProfessorMedical MicrobiologyPHD 1994 Washington University, KNOX,KJERSTI ELISEClinical Adjunct Asst ProfVolunteer StaffMD 2011 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, KNUTSON,JASON JAdjunct InstructorLaw SchoolJD 2000 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, KOBERNUSZ,JEFFClinical InstructorNursingMS 2007 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, KOCH,PAULAssociate ProfessorPlant PathologyPHD 2012 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, KODESH,NEILProfessorHistoryPHD 2004 Northwestern University, KOENIG,JANESenior LecturerEnglishMA 1988 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, KOENIGS,MIKEProfessorPsychiatryPHD 2006 University of Iowa, KOH,LINDSAYFaculty AssociateMead Witter School Of MusicMM 2009 Indiana University, KOKJOHN,SAGEAssociate ProfessorMechanical EngineeringPHD 2012 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, KOKO,MARIEAssoc LecturerLafollette Sch Of Publ AffairsMA 2001 Concordia University, KOLKOWITZ,SHIMONAssistant ProfessorPhysicsPHD 2015 Harvard University, KOLOWRAT,KATIE MClinical InstructorNursingMSN 2016 Chamberlain College of Nursing, KOLTYN,KELLI FAYEProfessorKinesiologyPHD 1990 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, KONG,JOOYOUNGAssistant ProfessorSocial WorkPHD 2016 Boston College, KONOPKA,ADAMAssistant ProfessorMedicinePHD 2012 Ball State University, KONZ,ANDREAAssoc LecturerPsychologyPHD 1988 Univ of Maryland College Park, KOPACEK,KARENAssoc Professor (Chs)PharmacyMS 2017 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, KORLAKAI VINAYAK,RAMYAAssistant ProfessorElectrical & Computer EngrPHD California Institute of Tech, KORNBLUM,RENASenior LecturerDanceMA 1983 Drexel University, KOROSEC,FRANK RICHARDProfessor (Chs)RadiologyPHD 1991 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, KOSS,PHILLIP A.Adjunct InstructorLaw SchoolJD 1981, KOTELNICKI,MARYRUTHAssoc Student Sv SpecWiscienceMS 2008 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, KOTLOSKI,ROBERT JOSEPHAssistant ProfessorNeurologyPHD 2007 Duke University, KOTULLA,RALF CAssoc LecturerAstronomyPHD 2010 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, KOU,SINDOProfessorMaterials Science&EngineeringPHD 1977 Massachusetts Inst Of Tech, KOUTRIS,PARISAssistant ProfessorComputer SciencesPHD 2015 University of Washington, KOWALKOWSKI,ANNAAssoc LecturerBiology Core CurriculumPHD Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, KOWALSKI,ALYCIA AClinical InstructorMedical SciencesDVM 2015, KOZA,JULIAProfessorCurriculum And InstructionPHD 1988 Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities, KRABBENHOFT,KAREN MARIESenior LecturerAcademic AffairsPHD 1984 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, KRACHEY,JOSEPHFaculty AssociateElectrical & Computer EngrMS 2002 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, KRAHN,ELLEN JEANClinical InstructorLaw SchoolJD 2011 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, KRANNER,PAUL WILLIAMAssoc Professor (Chs)AnesthesiologyMD 1988 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, KRATTIGER-ZILTENER,NANCY JOANAssoc Faculty AssocKinesiologyEDM 1976 Northern Illinois University, KRAUSKOPF,SARAAssoc Instructnl SpecCurriculum And InstructionPHD 2020 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, KRAUTHAMER-MALONEY,AMY BETHAssoc LecturerCurriculum And InstructionMS 2001 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, KREEGER,PAMAssociate ProfessorBiomedical EngineeringPHD 2005 Northwestern University, KREITMAIR,KAROLAAssistant ProfessorDept Of Med History&BioethicsPHD 2013 Stanford University, KRISHNASWAMY,BHUVANAAssistant ProfessorElectrical & Computer EngrPHD 2018 Georgia Inst of Technology, KROLL,AMY KNOTTClinical Assoc ProfCommunication Sci & DisordersAUD 2008 Salus University, KROUK,DEAN N.Associate ProfessorGerman, Nordic & SlavicPHD 2011 Univ of California Berkeley, KROUSE,MARY KATEClinical InstructorDisease Prevention Admin, KRUEGER,KATIELecturerMarketingMBA 2011 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, KRUG,HEATHERClinical Assoc ProfCommunication Sci & DisordersMA 1999 Indiana University, KRUGER,ERICProfessorForest & Wildlife EcologyPHD 1992 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, KRUMMEN-LEE,GAIL A.Clinical InstructorNursingMSN 2016 Herzing College.
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