Plan a Take Action project that helps others. ), Get Moving! The meeting plans designed to take you through Girl Scout Juniors. Identify the l. egistered Girl Scout Junior (4th or 5th grade)Be a r. l. mplete one Junior Journey-this means completing all 3 awards within the journey, Co oncluding with a Journey Take Action project. endobj and Agent of Change, though links also can be 0000120386 00000 n SOW WHAT JOURNEY. Earn 3 leadership awards: Power of One, Power of Team, and Power of . STEM Badges. Guidebook: Junior Agent Of Change Journey Handbook Cadettes . ����wٙ �h``P2��F �c`���>@Qa`�aCC/�1� ���o3�2O`�d�`�cNdYɸ��:�s�`��.m�e�Z�A����I�9�G�9�2wz1��0�ܘA�!�� �6���\��f�4{���ݮ9L�8�z����0� ��}(�fc`uL�\��J�5�@��w E = endstream endobj 1053 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/Index[35 940]/Length 48/Size 975/Type/XRef/W[1 1 1]>>stream 0000004940 00000 n Juniors are in fourth and fifth grades (around ages 9-11). The capstone "Take Action Project" should focus on making the outdoor world a better place. 0000079252 00000 n $7.00 . endobj Requirement To earn The Power of One Award, girls will discover and share the powerful story of a forgotten woman or girl from around the world who mobilized others and made a difference, discover all the ways their own strengths and powers help them create change in the world, and discover what the Girl Scout Law and true "heroines" have in common. . My Girl Scout Junior Memory Book. 0000006130 00000 n and character, who make the world a better place. See more ideas about agent of change, girl scout juniors, girl scouts. Journey teaches Girl Scout Brownies all about water. Agent of Change Journey book and read about the adventures of Dezi the spider. Girl Scouts Junior Horseback Riding Badge Requirements. 0000038441 00000 n You are almost a Girl Scout Junior. The Junior Agent of Change Jumpstart Journey box helps Girl Scouts to earn their Power of One Award. 1 0 obj Girl Scout Journeys are multi-session experiences in which girls dig deeper into their interests and use the skills they gain along the way to make a difference in their community. 0000250977 00000 n young Girl Scouts helped by spray-painting the decals that mark the park's various sections. endobj Call (631) 543-6622 x258. Agent of Change ⚬ ⚬ . 8 0 obj are a registered Girl Scout Junior. 8 CHART 1: Girl Scout Daisy, Brownie, and Junior Award Lists: This is a listing of all Journeys, Badges, and Awards available. 7 0 obj Democracy Musician for . Once again, I follow the LEARN - SEE - DO model for the Journey. Girl Scouts PO Box 325 Brattleboro, VT 05302-325 800.221.6707 D.U.N.S. It's Your World-Change It! The first award is the Love Water Award. <> %PDF-1.4 %���� x���[k1���?LޤP�I�� r'CKL�P��$k�`{��&%��#m�ıc7��5���s�Q��i'�p����~�)����,�[ ���Tyv��0^���y��(u��{��g_�N�V����������>� iY�g�I$#��.mD-�V9���$�Ѳ �t8$[�H�0%.���B)0�a8��) ��p�g��E˱`�+�'�1�NZ�����d�^��iB�7��v`T)�����ۤi�fa Earn 3 leadership awards . 0000134284 00000 n Girl Scout Junior Get ready! New! One weekend, journey-based series outline for Juniors that focuses on aspects of the Agent of Change Journey List of materials Tips for utilizing the series Discover + Connect + Take Action = Leadership The weekend series outlined below takes girls on a journey where they will practice Girl Scouting's three keys to leadership. #698-4447 6 Invoice . Power of One Award Power of Team Award Power of Community Award Digital Photographer Badge Entertainment Technology Badge Musician Badge Scribe Badge Staying Fit Badge Junior Agent of Change Journey-Power of One Award Activity Plan 1 Purpose: When girls have earned this award, they'll see how their personal qualities—and those of other women and girls—give them the power to do good things in the world. Their uniform is a green vest or sash which may be worn with a white shirt and khaki bottoms. 0000007379 00000 n The Volunteer Toolkit, the official GSUSA online source for program content and related resources and troop financial management support, is a digtial planning tool that helps you set up, customize and track your troop activities and achievements.. Want to add your own meeting plans? A Leadership Here's a list of them all! 3 0 obj the Past Scribe Simple . Journeys are created specifically for leadership development. 0000010321 00000 n 2. JUNIOR CODING FOR GOOD REQUIREMENTS $ 5.00. A Girl Scout Journey is an extended engagement with a topic that culminates in a Take Action project to make the world a better place. Youth investigate their community's relationship to global hunger through . $25.00. Girls identify a problem they care about. 0000032746 00000 n you'll help them see their own power and be by their side as they make a lasting change in their community. . 0000116005 00000 n 0000120698 00000 n 0000006242 00000 n Questions? 0000118259 00000 n Grades: * (referred to as the adult guide) and It's Your Planet-Love It! Get in touch. KC�hf��B�֖j0����>�`p�. STEM Journeys. 0000116770 00000 n 10 0 obj 0000015518 00000 n stream Regular price. 0000005472 00000 n 0000250253 00000 n For Girl Scout Daisies, Subjects: Specialty, Science, Life Skills. Power. JUNIORS: Agent of Change Journey The Agent of Change Journey is all about girls discovering their own power, the power of a team, and the power of community. (Pages 9-14) endobj 0000043349 00000 n This guide includes many of the badge and award options for Girl Scout Juniors as well as downloadable activity plans. On a Journey, girls can team up to make a difference in the world. 0000032677 00000 n Troops should keep COVID guidelines in mind when participating in activities to fulfill Honor Troop requirements. 0000118300 00000 n Each girl/troop will be asked to select their Journey prior to the event. Their uniform is a green vest or sash which may be worn with a white shirt and khaki bottoms. Programs are offered for all age levels and range from a few hours to several weeks. Junior Girl Scout Way Badge Requirements Pamphlet. The best tools for girls and adults on their Journey adventure are How to Guide Girl Scout Juniors Through Get Moving! 0000119830 00000 n 10-12, and discuss how she was an agent of change for girls in the United States. Thank you for bringing your Junior to Girl Scouts! 0000033322 00000 n . 0000120035 00000 n <>/Metadata 644 0 R/ViewerPreferences 645 0 R>> Part of the Journeys, Outdoor Journey . Click below to find a complete listing of programs currently available. Safety Award: Find out about most common injuries for kids your age, conduct an emergency evacuation drill, find out how to read weather signs, learn about bike safety, go on a hazard ID walk.. World Thinking Day: On a special day each year, Girl Scouts around the world celebrate friendship. Early Access. Use the power of individuals, teams and communities and kick off your girls' Junior Journey. Girl Scouts Junior Mechanical Engineering Badge Requirements. Junior Agent Of Change Journey Book. h���1 ðm"p�Wlp䨁f;YR�R��> 9�� endstream endobj 976 0 obj <>/Metadata 33 0 R/Pages 32 0 R/StructTreeRoot 35 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 977 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/Properties<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 978 0 obj <> endobj 979 0 obj <> endobj 980 0 obj <> endobj 981 0 obj [/Separation/PANTONE#20376#20C 999 0 R<>] endobj 982 0 obj [/Separation/PANTONE#20288#20C 999 0 R<>] endobj 983 0 obj [/Separation/PANTONE#20130#20C 999 0 R<>] endobj 984 0 obj <> endobj 985 0 obj <>stream July 17th, 2018! OPTION 1. Explore what really matters to you and use your passion to change the world—that's what Girl Scout Journeys are all about. H�Ԗ�o�H������a),��k�꩐%�r&�C��|`��1�m�忿ٵ�&=��wǻ;������e�-�Y o����?�I Guide the girls through these steps: 1. The founder of Girl Scouts, Juliette Gordon Low, was born on October 31. Last year my Junior troop completed the Journey: Agent of Change. Troops often choose to celebrate her birthday. Like all Girl Scout journeys, this one focuses on the leadership philosophy of girls discovering (themselves and their values), connecting (caring and teaming), and taking action (to improve their communities and the world). Daisy, Brownie, Junior Content. Girl Scout Juniors can choose to go on any or all of three Journeys: Agent of Change, Get Moving!, and aMUSE. Junior Robotics Badge Requirements. 0000115964 00000 n 0000015399 00000 n New! Ambassador Girl Scout (grades 11-12) Five Opportunities to Bridge 1.y to Brownie Dais 2. By Troop Leader Life. Call us at (631) . The old Girl Scout Junior Badge Book had the Camera Shots badge, and it is one that my girls earned when they were in fifth grade. 0000037952 00000 n . $5. exclusively by GSUSA staff, councils, Girl Scout volunteers, service units and/or troops solely in connection with Girl Scouting. <> 0000117494 00000 n Perfect. JUNIORS- Musician Badge • "In Summer!" - Frozen • Cruella De Vil - 101 Dalmations Activity #4: Many famous singers have been casted into Disney movies to sing theme songs. Everything in the Volunteer Toolkit is fully customizable. 0000114434 00000 n <> Agent of Change Journey for Girl Scout Juniors. New! Add to Cart Quick View _ Get Started Leave No Trace activities can be adjusted for any Girl Scout pathway or any outdoor setting—a park, campground, playground, backyard, or even a patch of grass outside your meeting place. by. Showcasing Robots Programming Robots Coding For Good Robotics Coding Basics Digital Game Design App Development Junior Girl Scout Way Junior First Aid Junior Trail Adventure Junior Snow or Climbing Adventure . encourage them to reflect on it with the troop, count it towards their requirements, and move on to the next part of the Journey. For Adults and Junior Girl Scouts. 0000033231 00000 n 0000032343 00000 n Junior Agent Of Change Journey Book. Can you name any? Meals Social . $2.50. . Here you will find meeting plans which utilize the Girl Scout Junior journey books- Agent of Change, Get Moving, & aMuse; Skill Building Badges, and Legacy Badges. What started with one project to complete their Junior Journey Award, Agent of Change badge, is now being completed by Exeter Girl Scout Troop 390. Brownie to Junior 3 Junior Journey Toolkit - Girl Scouts Scouting all over the world. (It's Your Planet—Love It!) Girl Scout Junior Agent of Change Journey in a Day and Bronze Award Workshop My multi-level group consists of Daisy through Cadette so I broke off 7 of my 4th and 5th graders to work on completing the Bronze Award, which is the highest Girl Scout award Juniors can earn. 0000119909 00000 n The journey is filled with ceremonies and circles, real-life heroines, and special new characters, including the fashion-savvy spider named Dez. Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, JUNIOR AGENT OF CHANGE JOURNEY LEADER BOOK $ 4.25. 0000079211 00000 n Girls learn how their own power combines into team power. We learned about food, saw how it works in our community and did something about it. How: Call our Scout Badge Coordinator at 716-995-6127 to set up a Group Program or click the Register Online button on the right to register for an Individual Scout Program. 0000116729 00000 n Girls will be doing that while exploring the topic of global food and hunger.. GNG's Global Hunger program explores how we produce, consume and waste food. 0000014364 00000 n Virtual Programs Girl Scouts. ���YvM���6�s�eUH�����k���p5��v�ͱ�#6啰�-�YM=D�Ur�I��E[�SJh�� �Plw�.n��$h��o+���2����8j�u�5R�:3�z݀�=Z�8�&C��YWt���u�r�+�r3Wט��((B-�� �`�{X��-=���� ���9(�hS��%�~�W�R�-!��?f��(�άA#�{�5�����d� Journey Connections: Brownie Journey: Brownie Quest, Junior Journey: Agent of Change. There's lots of excitement waiting for you! Multi-Level (C,S,A/6-12) year plan tracks. h�b``�e`�8�����+� ̀ ���,&�k�A�@��e�� 0000114475 00000 n Girl Scout Bronze Award Pre-Requisites l. ou may begin working on the prerequisites as soon as you bridge to or register as a Y irl Scout Junior.G. The journey TAP is a project the girls design that follows all the steps they will need to do when they tackle their Bronze Award, so that when they approach the Bronze Award, the steps will be familiar. H�\��n�@E�|E/�Eij���,9�#y1�g> C�A�a���O]�����4зOt��o�}7���44�0�SS��� ��]��k�f~����R�Ql���.��4DU��_v�:Ow��n�cx��S��?��?�ó��q����.q��k�ɂ�����\�L{ٷv���/6����cp�2N)�m��u��?��J�rջ�VQ����{������Jw�p&�����8ID�(m�%��N�)9��_�%yy~CFV�%o�;��8gN��ܓ�q���9��\���L�Ś�������NQ�Y�G]������^��Zky�屖�Y�,t83��LA��^A�"�^��/��V�[�Z˻�%�KX��.a�=�\�sa�=��{E����+��J���_��W�+��J���_��W�+��J����$��2'ÿ,��/�\,��k��l��}��6M�M����쌮_�wFg�pD x� endstream endobj 986 0 obj <> endobj 987 0 obj <> endobj 988 0 obj <>stream Need Assistance? Every time girls 0000003438 00000 n 0000010499 00000 n Jul 28, 2017 - As they explore their own talents and learn about women who have made the world better, Juniors following the Agent of Change Journey also discover the benefits of teamwork—whether it's talking about energy use, helping a local food bank, or using their unique talents in other ways. . Staying Fit. Girl Scout Junior Agent of Change Journey in a Day and Bronze Award Workshop My multi-level group consists of Daisy through Cadette so I broke off 7 of my 4th and 5th graders to work on completing the Bronze Award, which is the highest Girl Scout award Juniors can earn. To earn this award a girl completes a Girl Scout Junior Journey, puts together a team, explores hey community, identifies a way to improve her community, and then chooses and implements a bronze award project. You may 0000020250 00000 n nXUq�Z��E���4�)���B�bE�p2#a�$��AM�8"��Sl~�|�p,Y]w+;;[t���V�qY6*ޓz/�j������d�RJ�%��{���aa��cu1�� The concept is not overly exciting, so I had to get creative to maintain their attention. Girl Scout Juniors. Complete a Girl Scout Junior Journey. Add to Cart Quick View. 0000012629 00000 n Junior Amuse Journey Book. endobj REGISTER ONLINE NOW. The Bronze Award is the third highest award in Girl Scouts of the USA.It was introduced by GSUSA in 2001, and can only be earned by Girl Scout Juniors, those Girl Scouts in the 4th or 5th grade. Regular price $7 00 $7.00. 0000115240 00000 n View. Badges, Journeys, & Awards Badges, Journeys, & Awards ; . 0000002606 00000 n 0000020286 00000 n The journeys are a pre-requisite for the higher awards because each Journey includes a Take Action Project (TAP). I would recommend using two meetings to earn this badge since the girls had a really great time earning it. The Agent of Change Journey is part of the "It's Your World—Change It!" series. Get Moving Journey in a Day for Juniors During this Journey in a Day program for Juniors you will explore what energy is, the importance of being energy efficient, and steps to take action towards living an energy efficient lifestyle. For Girl Scouts For Girl Scouts . Cadettes . Plan a Take Action project that helps others. Girls identify a cause they feel passionate about, and with advocacy and action, make a change. Standard. aMUSE Scribe Simple Meals Savvy Shopper Social . 0000322877 00000 n 0000008504 00000 n She shares a few activities she has done with her girls. ***UPDATED JULY 2021*** This is a full set of fillable pdf certificates for GS Seniors. 0000043622 00000 n Girl Guides, Journeys, and More. 0000005570 00000 n As you travel along this Journey, be open to trying out as many roles as possible. In this journey, there's a whole spiral of it waiting for Girl Scout Juniors. Petal/Badge/Journey Connections: Daisy Petal: Rosie: Make the World a Better Place, Brownie Badge: Philanthropist, Brownie Journey: Brownie Quest, Junior Journey: Agent of Change, Senior Journey: GIRLtopia, Ambassador Journey: Your Voice Your World. Junior Agent Of Change Journey Book. %PDF-1.7 Add to list. <> endobj The Agent of Change Journey is part of the "It's Your World—Change It!" series in the Junior Scouts. 0000119024 00000 n 975 80 endobj • Talk to your Girl Scout about her great qualities and ones she might want to develop. How bout… "Reflections" from Mulan by Christina Aguilera 0000005118 00000 n . 0000120307 00000 n 0000013089 00000 n . Guidebook: Junior Agent Of Change Journey Handbook. Junior Outdoor Eco Camper Badge Requirements. Use this guide to get started today. STEM Badges. 0000003924 00000 n This will help them choose one to work on as a team. Jan 12, 2021 - Ideas for Junior Agent of Change Junior. Sign in or Create an Account. 4 0 obj 0000002447 00000 n In a Girl Scout Journey, leaders . Use your observational and critical thinking skills as you evaluate a mystery object from the past. 0000007556 00000 n Agent of Change offers girls a chance to earn three awards and record progress throughout the journey in their . $7.00 $5.95 . Girl Scout Junior awards and badges are a great way for a girl to explore her interests and learn new skills—and to remember every adventure and show the world what she's accomplished. You can print a set out for each girl . Included is a list of where the requirements can be found. PDF. 0000004452 00000 n 0000117535 00000 n $.' Some community service projects address an immediate need in the community: girls . The girls brainstorm about places or people that might need their help. You'll imagine, create, and try‐out new roles for yourselves. BADGE REQUIREMENTS JUNIOR SHAPES IN NATURE BADGE REQUIREMENTS JUNIOR NUMBERS IN NATURE BADGE . 5 0 obj $2.50 $2.13 . 0000119065 00000 n Download Additional Resources. After your project is complete, you will have made the world a better place! 0000202445 00000 n 0000032864 00000 n <> <> The guide contains the Girl Scout Junior Handbook, The Girl Scout Leadership Experience Map, a Junior Awards Log, other fun activities for girls to complete, and the . 0000001896 00000 n have completed a Junior Journey. On this Journey, Girl Scout Juniors will explore all the roles available for women and girls. 0000000016 00000 n Adjust activities, as needed. 2 . ), aMuse (It's Your Story—Tell It! 0000286349 00000 n Juniors will learn the Power of One, Power… for the Bronze Award is to complete a Junior Girl Scout Journey: Agent of Change Think like a Programmer GETMOVING! Badge for Ambassador Troops New! JUNIOR STEM CAREER EXPLORATION REQUIREMENTS $ 2.50. • Tell your Girl Scout about a female leader you admire. <> Description. Junior Outdoor Journey. iamstrawjenberry. Juniors are the first level to wear the official Girl Scout Membership Pin on their uniform. $5.00 . Agent of Change GET MOVING! Set GET MOVING! Journeys are created specifically for leadership development. Add to Cart Quick View. Many of the activities link to the Junior Girl Scout leadership journeys, Get Moving! <> Butterfly Practice . In this Journey, Junior Girl Scouts become leaders who energize, investigate and inovate as they explore their own energy . It's Your Planet-Love It! 975 0 obj <> endobj xref 0000009413 00000 n 0000006356 00000 n 0000136153 00000 n • Look at the It's Your World—Change It! The troop will Discover their Journey as they are introduced to Girl Scout Junior Leadership Journeys. ",#(7),01444'9=82. Set. <>/Font<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 960 540] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Cart 0. . Early Access. Girl Scouts. Read one of the many stories about Juliette Gordon Low in the Junior Girl's Guide to Girl Scouting on pp. 0000020365 00000 n stream Author: Introduce the Journey. <> Dismiss. 11 0 obj Scout badge group programs require a minimum of 10 scouts. Cost Per Girl: $7 Cost Per Adult: $6. Check out these resources for Girl Scout Junior, where you'll find badge activities, easy-to-follow program materials, convenient digital downloads, and troop leader resources. Includes the all new Cookie Entrepreneur pins as well as the all new Business Startup and Democracy badges. and to live by the Girl Scout Law. Bullying and Jealousy Activities for Junior Scouts. Power of One Award Power of Team Award Power of Community Award Digital Photographer Badge Entertainment Technology Badge Musician Badge Scribe Badge Staying Fit Badge The girls will also plan their Quick View. The Junior planning guide is an online resource to help Junior troops and Juliettes complete Journeys and badges. Complete Set of Girl Scout inspired Seniors Badge and Journey Certificates. 0000172731 00000 n This website is devoted to helping leaders of Junior troops earn all of the badges from Legacy to Financial, as well as all of the badges associated with the Journeys program.
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