One of the problems or dangers inherent in scheduling processes is that they often do not address the issues of resource utilization and availability. For example, Figure 5-9 shows a screenshot of a Microsoft Project 2016 template called “Agile Project Management.” It includes links and brief instructions for creating sprints, the product backlog, and the sprint backlog. For example, a project might provide a better e-mail system or develop technical training for users. Power is much stronger than influence, because it is often used to force people to change their behavior. Pareto charts help you identify the vital few contributors that account for most quality problems in a system. They only let high-potential employees attend Six Sigma Black Belt training, which is a substantial investment of time and money. It ensures that a subset or subsets of the entire system work together. Members of his IT department did all of the planning. Project managers work with the project sponsors, the project team, and other stakeholders to meet project goals. Have Cliff attend the meeting, too. I just wanted you to have some perspective. Figure 4-3. The main outputs are project documents updates. Fixedprice contracts involve a fixed total price for a well-defined product and entail the least risk to buyers. The project team must focus on delivering the work as planned. Some common techniques include brainstorming, the Delphi technique, interviewing, root cause analysis, and SWOT analysis. For example, the project manager might suggest hiring an independent contractor to do the technical writing work instead of using a full-time employee. For example, if an expert assigned to a particular task provides a most likely estimate of 10 weeks, an optimistic estimate of 8 weeks, and a pessimistic estimate of 15 weeks, you then ask about the probability of completing that task between 8 and 10 weeks. Figure 3-2 shows the agenda that Erica provided for the project management intranet site project kick-off meeting. For example, negative risk events might include the performance failure of a product created as part of a project, delays in completing work as scheduled, increases in estimated costs, supply shortages, litigation against the company, and strikes. The number one strategy to handle understaffing is requiring workers to put in more hours. If there is no need to buy products or services from outside the organization, then further procurement management is not needed. If the project manager knows that cost is not as high a priority as the schedule, it shouldn’t be difficult to ask the project sponsor for needed funds, as long as the request makes sense. Quick Quiz 1. ResNet was the first large IT project at Northwest Airlines led by a business manager instead of a technical expert, and it was a roaring success. Costs will be provided in U.S. dollars. 3. See the What Went Right? Per Scholas is the oldest and largest professional IT workforce development program in New York City. (These columns are hidden in Figure 6-7.) Print the Gantt chart and network diagram, each on one page. Recall that your schedule and cost goals are to complete the project in six months for under $120,000. a. You can learn how to use many of these functions and features in Appendix A (available on the Companion website for this text). A proposal is a document prepared by a seller when there are different approaches for meeting buyer needs. In TQC, product quality is more important than production rates, and workers are allowed to stop production whenever a quality problem occurs. Ethics guide us in making these types of decisions. Some experts suggest that traditional project managers do not make great ScrumMasters. Additional parking information will be provided for all athletic events as event dates approach. If you’re curious where the acronym came from, the word “iso” comes from the Greek language, meaning “equal.” IEEE also provides many standards related to quality and has detailed information on its website ( Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award originated in 1987 in the United States to recognize companies that have achieved a level of world-class competition through quality management. Provide adequate testing to verify that the project’s products perform as expected. Promotion: the ability to improve a worker’s position 5. Salaries of survey respondents across 37 counties were 23 percent higher for those with the Project Management Professional (PMP®) credential than those without it. User stories should be testable and small enough that programmers can complete and unit test their code in a timely manner. To avoid confusion, it is important to decide on a numbering scheme and then use it when referring to WBS items. Function point analysis can also be used to estimate software development costs. Additional sections highlight other important concepts related to each knowledge area, such as Six Sigma, testing, maturity models, and using software to assist in project quality management. Attendees can then apply the new concepts and techniques they learn in the classes to their jobs. In contrast, intangible costs or benefits are difficult to measure in dollars. They also know that a good project leader needs to be a business leader as well, with strong interpersonal and intrapersonal skills. For this they use an integrated toolbox, including PM tools, methods, and techniques. Even if the project met initial scope, time, and cost goals, the users of the computers or their managers might not be satisfied. Further defining project scope Project Charter: Upgrades may affect servers . The Project Management Institute (described later in this chapter) first published the Organizational Project Management Maturity Model (OPM3®) Knowledge Foundation in 2003. The most entertaining and comprehensive guide to every baseball fanâs dream road tripâincluding every new ballpark since the 2004 editionârevised and completely updated! Making fun of clients or donors. They have also found that e-learning is sometimes more cost-effective than traditional instructor-led training courses. Notice in Figure 11-7 that if you just look at the potential outcome of the two projects, Project 1 looks more appealing. 1990 - A $1 million electronic scoreboard and message center are built at the south end of the stadium. Over 5,000 people participated, and respondents reported that 47 percent of the projects completed in their organizations in the past year used a predictive approach, 23 percent used agile, 23 percent used a hybrid of predictive and agile, and 7 percent used other approaches. After Ben started yelling at her, Sarah quickly decided to mirror his voice tone, tempo, and body posture. Also recall that many organizations view agile as a mindset, focusing on driving business value to customers. Managers should try to create a cooperative work environment to meet the needs of people with a high need for affiliation. Program managers monitor the progress of program components to ensure that the overall goals, schedules, budget, and benefits of the program are met. Monitoring and controlling processes overlap all of the other project management process groups because changes can occur at any time. Use of the public address system for paging is not allowed. Individual projects often address tactical goals, whereas portfolio management addresses strategic goals. Two crucial skills of a good project manager are team development and team management. June 2, 1924 - Construction begins under the direction of A.E. Project costs, like project schedules, grow out of the basic documents that initiate a project, like the project charter. Some projects have all funds available when the project begins, but others must rely on periodic funding to avoid cash flow problems. For example, when they were not getting many responses to their survey, Erica asked Joe for help. Suppose your college or organization is considering a project to develop an information system that would allow all employees, students, and customers to access and maintain their own human resources information, such as address, marital status, and tax information. A few of the tools and techniques for schedule development include the following: A Gantt chart is a common tool for displaying project schedule information. * World-class organizations take about half as long as average organizations (19 versus 35 hours) to develop one function point. Likewise, organizations should use logic to decide when to use a predictive approach or an agile approach to managing specific projects. New examples that highlight IT project management at work in real, newsworthy companies. They are sometimes referred to as hard logic. Note that you decided not to include the idea of providing an online version of the event as part of the initial project as your sponsor and team decided that physical events would be most effective. One of the most frustrating aspects of project change is not having everyone coordinated and informed about the latest project information. Considerations for Agile/Adaptive Environments The PMBOK® Guide – Sixth Edition provides the following information for project communications management: Project environments subject to various elements of ambiguity and change have an inherent need to communicate evolving and emerging details more frequently and quickly. You do not need to show Ideal velocity.) It often includes elements of all four frames described previously. Listen to the entire message that the other person is trying to communicate. 2. A task may have multiple R, C, or I entries, but there can be only one A entry per row to clarify who is accountable for each task. These limitations are sometimes referred to in project management as the triple constraint . Mistakes in several mission-critical IT systems have caused deaths, and quality problems in many business systems have resulted in major financial losses. Jane Walton, the project portfolio manager for IT projects at Schlumberger, saved the company $3 million in one year by organizing the organization’s 120 IT projects into a portfolio. Some CEOs even take a strong leadership role in promoting the use of IT in their organizations and empower employees to use IT effectively. This chapter describes each project management process group in detail through a simulated case study based on JWD Consulting. You may need to redraw the diagram to make it look presentable. Common Sources of Risk on IT Projects Several studies have shown that IT projects share some common sources of risk. Again, it is the project manager’s responsibility to integrate all project changes so that the project stays on track. 7. Conduct thorough software testing per the approved test plans. The team then develops activity definitions for the work involved in each activity on the WBS, as you learned in Chapter 6, Project Schedule Management. The SMART criteria are guidelines suggesting that milestones should be: Specific Measurable Assignable Realistic Time-framed For example, distributing a marketing plan is specific, measurable, and assignable if everyone knows what should be in the marketing plan, how it should be distributed, how many copies should be distributed and to whom, and who is responsible for the actual delivery. Many organizations use a similar approach by sending teams to special locations where they work together to navigate white water rapids, climb mountains or rocks, and participate in rope courses. Also notice the columns for entering the number of units or hours and the cost per unit or hour. Diverse Technologies Many of the job titles for IT professionals reflect the different technologies required to hold those positions. Could the organization develop a good proposal based on the information it provided in the RFP? Figure 7-3. By focusing on tasks on the critical path that could be done more quickly for no extra cost or a small cost, the project schedule can be shortened. The sophistication and effectiveness with which project management tools are being applied and used today is enabling companies to do business, use resources, and respond to market requirements with greater speed and accuracy. As mentioned in Chapter 6, Project Schedule Management, a typical worker does productive work between 70 and 80 percent of the time. It is important that project managers understand their current organizational structure. Also remember that you cannot manage risks if you do not identify them first. The numbers on the vertical axis represent the percentage of Joe’s available time that is allocated for him to work on the project. The team’s budget expert has approved this approach for the estimate. According to RUP expert Bill Cottrell, “RUP embodies industry-standard management and technical methods and techniques to provide a software engineering process particularly suited to creating and maintaining component-based software system solutions.”* Cottrell explained that you can tailor RUP to include the PMBOK® process groups because several customers asked for that capability. A project requires resources, often from various areas. In the opening case, Nick’s company was negotiating a potential buyout with a larger company. Create a burndown chart for the given data using Excel or the software of your choice. 3. You are an ENTJ, Bobby is an INTJ, Kim is an ISFP, Ashok is an ESTJ, and Alfreda is an ISFJ. In face-to-face interactions, how is most information conveyed? There were two-day reviews at the beginning of each project phase to discuss problems and develop solutions to prevent conflict. Ask what the other person would do. All projects go through clear stages and clearly define key milestones. Figure 10-1 summarizes the inputs, tools and techniques, and outputs of project communications management. We would like to show you a description here but the site wonât allow us. Project Risk Management 11.1 Plan Risk Management 11.6 Implement Risk Responses 11.7 Monitor Risks 11.2 Identify Risks 11.3 Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis 11.4 Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis 11.5 Plan Risk Responses 12. Figure 1-2. The supporting details include the ground rules and assumptions used in creating the estimate, a description of the project (such as scope statement and WBS) used as a basis for the estimate, and details on the cost estimation tools and techniques used to create the estimate. After identifying important skills and the types of people needed to staff a project, the project manager should work with top management and project team members to create an organizational chart for the project. The lots are now the site of Cary Quadrangle, and the courtyard within the Quad, Spitzer Court, honors the gift. 13. By keeping track of the critical path, the project manager and the team take a proactive role in managing the project schedule. These reports can be an excellent resource and can help future projects run more smoothly. An initial estimate provides a total of 80 hours per week. Quality is often a key factor in projects, as is customer or sponsor satisfaction. Communication between the development team and user group is likely to be too little and needs to be encouraged by co-location. Earned value management is an important method used for measuring project performance. The unique purpose of this project would be to create a collaborative report with ideas from people throughout the company. Figure 6-4. Prepare a proposal that suggests what training, documentation, executive support, and team management approaches are needed to start a pilot for Agile. If people can’t meet face to face, they can have virtual meetings instead. Hardware could be broken down further to include malfunctions, availability, and cost. For a more complex project, an entire page or more might be needed for each of the work package descriptions. He burrowed into the technical details of his particular project. In this case, technological issues, though not simple by any means, are probably the least difficult to identify and resolve. * Many companies that want to work in the government market have realized that they will not get many opportunities even to bid on projects unless they have a CMMI Level 3. Many organizations also use make-or-buy analysis to decide whether to purchase or lease items for a project. Figure 11-4 shows a sample risk breakdown structure that might apply to many IT projects. Project Closing The closing process involves gaining stakeholder and customer acceptance of the final products and services and then bringing the project or project phase to an orderly end. Write a few paragraphs explaining which projects you would bid on. Organizational issues are often the most difficult part of working on and managing projects. Design of experiments c. Six Sigma d. Benchmarking 4. “The internet has 3.5 billion users There are 3.03 billion active social media users 91% of retail brands use 2 or more social media channels 81% of all small and medium businesses use some kind of social platform Internet users have an average of 7.6 social media accounts Social media users grew by 121 million between Q2 2017 and Q3 2017 That works out at a new social media user every 15 seconds Facebook Messenger and Whatsapp handle 60 billion messages a day”* Globalization has significantly affected the field of IT. Adjectives to describe analyticals include critical, indecisive, stuffy, picky, moralistic, industrious, persistent, serious, expecting, and orderly. In Project 2016, you can insert a hyperlink from a task or milestone listed in a Gantt chart to another file that contains relevant information. Variations of this letter can be found on many websites. Something as simple as a standard college course illustrates these issues. as a resource sacrificed or foregone to achieve a a. money b. liability c. trade d. cost 2. In the opening case, Marie’s company hired outside consultants to help complete an operating system conversion project because it needed people with specialized skills for a short period of time. However, after she proved her value by successfully managing the first project, the company kept her on, giving her bigger and bigger projects to manage. This style is most effective in a crisis or when a turnaround is needed. You can easily see the patterns of Defect 1 increasing over time, Defect 2 decreasing the first several months and then holding steady, and Defect 3 fluctuating each month. She showed Jessie how to enter that amount as a fixed cost split equally between the Ask the Expert and User Requests features, because she thought they would have to purchase external software and services for those. 2. Review a document related to risk management, such as the Microsoft Security Risk Management Guide. Sessions that focus on presentation skills typically use video to record the participants’ presentations. Copyright and all rights reserved. 6. A rank for each risk event: The rank is usually a number, with 1 representing the highest risk. It can be positive or negative. Figure 5-5. Budgetary estimates are made one to two years prior to project completion. Directing and managing project work, which involves carrying out the project plans by performing the activities included in it. The primary lesson? Improving communication is also an effective strategy for mitigating risks. The schedule performance index (SPI) is the ratio of earned value to planned value; it can be used to estimate the projected time to complete the project. “The computer giant is looking to zero-out its carbon emissions through a number of initiatives, such as offering small businesses and consumers curbside recycling of their old computers, stuffing small recycling bags with free postage into new printer-ink cartridge boxes, and operating a ‘Plant a Tree for Me’ program.”* Dell did reach his goal; as of March 2012, Dell had helped its customers save almost $7 billion in energy costs. 5. Their total hours will be allocated as follows: 25 percent to project management, 25 percent to software development, 25 percent to training and support, and 25 percent to non-project work. A is a deliverable-oriented grouping of the work involved in a project that defines its total scope. The communications management plan varies with the needs of the project, but some type of written plan should always be prepared. Many technical projects fail because the project team focuses only on meeting the written requirements for the main products being created and ignores other stakeholder needs and expectations for the project. Because this document is available to other people in the organization, the project manager must be careful not to include sensitive information, such as how strongly the stakeholders support the project or how much power they have. Any type of contract should include specific clauses that account for unique project issues. 2,459 Likes, 121 Comments - University of South Carolina (@uofsc) on Instagram: âDo you know a future Gamecock thinking about #GoingGarnet? “The question is to have a plan, what is the return on that plan in terms of the technology dollars being spent…. A risk management plan summarizes how risk management will be performed on a particular project. Which of the following is not a best practice for new product development projects? In addition to anticipating and avoiding problems, risk management practices helped software project managers prevent surprises, improve negotiations, meet customer commitments, and reduce schedule slips and cost overruns. Figure 6-2. Suppose there is a 20 percent probability that Cliff’s firm will lose $50,000 on Project 2, a 10 percent probability that it will lose $20,000, and a 70 percent probability that it will earn $60,000. Negative incentives, such as fines or withholding payment, can also be effective if virtual team members are not being productive. Project managers should understand the basic concepts of influence and power, and should practice using them to their own advantage and to help their teams.
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