%PDF-1.3 %���� One-third of the Folketing can demand that an otherwise passed bill should be confirmed in a referendum, though some bills, among those fiscal bills, cannot be subject of a referendum. This needs a supermajority of 5/6 in the Folketing, or that it is approved in a referendum. The Danish Parliament (Folketinget) cannot make any laws which may be repugnant or contrary to the Constitutional Act. Access to professions shall only be regulated for the public good, so trade guilds cannot regulate this themselves.[19]. § 20 allows Denmark to hand over sovereignty to intergovernmental organizations, which is often a requirement for joining them. Hide. The current constitution entered into force on 5 June 1953, when published in, This page was last edited on 7 November 2021, at 19:39. The Constitutional Act of the Kingdom of Denmark (Danmarks Riges Grundlov) was adopted on the 5th June 1953 (based on the Constitutional Act of 1849 as subsequently revised).The Constitution has not been changed since 1953, however, changes have been made in the constitutional legal structure by way of legislation and treaties. Denmark's current Constitution dates back to 1953. Denmark does Prior to the 1953 referendum, the electoral age was 25 years. Meanwhile, Greenland's 57,000 people rely on fishing and . Found inside – Page 180A change in the Danish Constitution abolished Greenland's colonial status in 1953, and it became a country formally on equal terms with the other Danish countries. At the same time, Greenland became a part of the Danish Kingdom, ... Danish Constitution (5 June 1953 with revisions to 1992; English translation) Folketinget/Danish Parliament: Archive of documents by year and session (1997-present; Danish transcriptions). Those unable to support themselves have the right to public support, if they submit to the related requirements. Censorship is forbidden. In fact, the current monarch of Denmark is, For this reason, when reading the Constitution, the word. It consists of 179 members,[e] of which 2 members are elected in Greenland, and 2 in the Faroe Islands. Et af folketinget vedtaget forslag til en sådan lov kan først stadfæstes af kongen, når bestemmelsen om ændring af valgretsalderen i overensstemmelse med . In addition, changes must pass a referendum, where at least 40% of all eligible voters must support the change. If a vote of no confidence is successfully passed against the Prime Minister, the government must resign or call a snap election. It recognises the signing of the first Danish Constitution on 5 June 1849 and celebrates the most recent, on 5 June 1953. The male preference cognatic primogeniture was changed in favour of an absolute primogeniture (eldest child, regardless of gender). A certain type of civil servants, known in Danish as tjenestemænd (lit. The constitution says "not more than" 179, but the Danish election law says that exactly 179 members are elected. This right is not included in the constitution, but was established by the Supreme Court in the beginning of the 20th century, when it decided to hear cases about the constitutionality of land laws. Incorporation means that ECHR is a part of Danish law. Denmark: Constitution (1953) The Danish Constitution is also applicable to Faroe Islands and Greenland. Under the Danish Constitution, Danish citizenship can only be acquired by law, meaning that the Danish Parliament signs a law in which the names of the applicants for citizenship are specified. A constitutional and electoral age referendum was held in Denmark on 28 May 1953. [38][39] In 2020, the gang Loyal to Familia was dissolved by the Copenhagen City Court; a judgment that has been appealed. It additionally honours the constitution of 1953, which was adopted on the same day. It also enshrined fundamental civil rights, which remain in the current constitution: such as habeas corpus (section 71), private property rights (section 72) and freedom of speech (section 77).[3]. On the other side, German nationalists in Schleswig were keen to keep Schleswig and Holstein together, and wanted Schleswig to join the German Confederation. [30] The current ombudsman, as of December 2019[update], is Niels Fenger. Postwar politics. [42] The case was later dismissed. The Parliamentary Ombudsman is an independent institution under the Folketing, in charge of investigating and inspecting public authorities. [6] Under Lex Regia, absolute power was inherited for almost 200 years. All taxes, state loans, and military inscriptions must be set in laws. Ændring af den til enhver tid gældende valgretsalder kan ske ved lov. The legislative branch held by the Folketing, the executive branch held by the Danish government, and the judicial branch held by the Courts of Denmark. In 1953, the fourth constitution abolished the Upper Chamber (the Landsting), giving Denmark a unicameral parliament. Found inside – Page 60A. The Constitutional Legal Status of Home Rule “ Home Rule ” is not even mentioned in the Danish Constitution Act , either ... power for Greenland , therefore , could not exist within the framework of the Danish Constitution of 1953 . The first Danish Constitution was signed on this day in 1849, and the current version of the constitution was adopted on June 5, 1953. (politics, historical) The Reichstag of Germany. [45][46], Proponent of the first interpretation include Alf Ross,[45] Poul Meyer,[45] and Jens Peter Christensen. (Danmarks Riges Grundlov (Grundloven) [Danish Constitution], Law No. [4], During the late Middle Ages and the renaissance, the power of the king was tempered by a hÃ¥ndfæstning, a coronation charter each king had to sign before being accepted as king by the nobility. At this point the king and Højre finally accepted parliamentarism as the ruling principle of Danish political life. To celebrate the day, we wanted to take a look at the voting history between Denmark and Australia and see if it's as strong as our relations with the nation are. But it does not, for example, contain a general principle of equality5 or a right to family life. The law was passed by [21] The monarch formally holds executive power and, co-jointly with the Folketing, legislative power, since each new law requires royal assent. The European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) was ratified in Denmark on 3 September 1953, but was not implemented in Danish law until its incorporation on 29 April 1992. Constitution Day is not an official holiday in Denmark, but it is a day that many workplaces give their employees half a day or the whole day off, and it is observed on June 5 each year. The division of power. The political system shall seek to make sure that all able to work can find a job. Dn�&1V$(�Yn�"�������VtU�u���[}�~��ɞc��i�7�=s�9�;���gƱ�X,����k��� �4E�jq�J)O��E,��c�e=y��_����4��^?��=v��Ur�W��IQ��N�̏\ Y����"K����n��K$�Q�]ђPMjZ�2U�61R���J��EG9K$� �˄TIHtjtJ:��Q�D�*�K�R�Q�JyJ�D#Y�l�i��%�yb��*E�`ZS��JUD)�)��T��:�bƳ�ll�Y6w&�#�TV�a_b�Z��� Sc�!l�E��X:֏V�z�^�+��-��1�)�w��@65��i�*mW�Oo�[d�Mn"�j�Mͤ:f|6�r抙-^��0@xQ$5̪��;;�^I��J���g.��yj�� ##Ț��q�5v�Nףƿ(s�ϊό;�[��P���G�&d�j��#d\C[(��(pO!9��� The Danish Constitution Day commemorates the anniversary of the signing of the Danish Constitution on June 5th 1849, which established Denmark as a constitutional monarchy, and honors the constitution of 1953 which was adopted on the same date. Furthermore, the Folketing also appoints an ombudsman, who investigates wrongdoings by the public administrative authorities on behalf of the public. ForstÃ¥ forbudssagen mod LTF", "Rigsadvokaten siger ok: Et forbud mod Loyal to Familia er pÃ¥ vej", "Færøernes statsretlige stilling i historisk belysningâ mellem selvstyre og selvbestemmelse", "Indkald tvistnævnet: Er Selvstyreloven forfatningsstridig? At the same time, the long trade monopoly of the Danish state ended and for the first time Greenland's doors were opened . In 1863 this constitution was changed, the new one was called Novemberforfatningen. [23] The monarch and the Cabinet attend regular meetings in the Council of State, where royal assent is given, and the monarch is regularly briefed on the political situation by the Prime Minister and Foreign minister. Today Google Doodle's on the flag of Denmark to celebrate its Constitution Day (Grundlovsdag). servicemen), have special privileges to prevent corruption. The special Court of Impeachment, which decides cases against ministers, consists of the 15 most senior Supreme Court judges and an equal amount appointed by the Folketing. e-ressourcer og det Digitale Nationalbibliotek; Electronic resources and the Danish National Digital Library. Denmark (Danish: Danmark, pronounced ()) is a Nordic country in Northern Europe.It is the most populous and politically central constituent of the Kingdom of Denmark, a constitutionally unitary state that includes the autonomous territories of the Faroe Islands and Greenland in the North Atlantic Ocean. w��J��o>��/��+NP�D�����a��;k��!�>��w�������ȳ��?_�Fѧ�~��N�ޙƫ�]���:*�DC�6x'�A�h���>��@a��n#�ΙuT#�X�Tr����|s��큁��>ߟa2�gn)����ז��c�:7._���y����⤬�ͥ[��2�{2�D0�YS`�X��onv]���p���mڻ#���+�bߘe�l"A��V�����J�����+��^;�qy����p�ho�;�(�G��csc��,2���&ex'���Ȓ4���P�71>8��Σ����H� ��4����� �D�ڼS���w�!�,Ĵ�Z�� �a���s�ֆ=�W��Ǎ~��]_ҴW�s05�Xxe��p���v�NR��`p���m{j�.z�ބ&5��3(a������@'�1��(bvmW���o���K"�Ga[��D)B$��`1]dƩ���+.��&{�D�ɢ��s�z�.���2��V�l�c�SE�rc�����Pn-�x�5��C��6���6�XK�t�q�I����mح�vj���7 Section 2 [State Form] The form of government shall be that of a constitutional monarchy. [37], In addition to the communist law, on only two occasions have an association been forcefully dissolved. The Supreme Court acquitted Rasmussen (and thereby earlier governments dating back to 1972) but reaffirmed that there are limits to how much sovereignty can be surrendered before this becomes unconstitutional. The ombudsman cannot be a member of the Folketing themselves. [19], All children have the right to free public education, though no duty to use it; home schooling and private schools are allowed. Another important feature of the Danish parliamentary system is that the Constitutional Act lays down that "the Members of the Folketing shall be elected for a period of four years", but still, "the King may at any time issue writs for a new election". Found inside – Page 12The current Constitutional Act of 1953 barely survived the challenging amendment process. The reason that it eventually found approval had to do with the fact that it was lumped in with an amendment to the Act of Succession. Although its title suggests a basic introductory work, A Textbook of International Law is actually a sophisticated presentation of his international law of jurisprudence. Reprint of the sole edition, never before reprinted. 0000002473 00000 n ", Constitutional Act of Denmark, 5 June 1953, The Constitutional Act of the Kingdom of Denmark, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Constitution_of_Denmark&oldid=1054050748, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Faroese-language text, Articles containing Greenlandic-language text, Articles needing additional references from April 2016, All articles needing additional references, Articles containing potentially dated statements from December 2019, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2016, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Three (executive, legislature and judiciary), There are a number of requirements that the. the parliamentary principle, lays down that "a Minister shall not remain in office after the Parliament has passed a vote of no confidence in him". Postwar politics. Those unable to support themselves have the right to public support, if they submit to the related requirements. 1953 - With the Danish constitution, Greenland's colonial status ended as the island was incorporated into the Danish realm as an county. Grundloven 1915_11v by Rigsarkivet - Danish National Archives This site uses cookies to improve your experience and to help show content that is more relevant to your interests. The King shall, prior to his accession to the throne, make a solemn declaration in writing before the Council of State that he will faithfully observe the . The Royal Power shall be inherited by men and women in accordance with the provisions of the Succession to the Throne Act, 27th March, 1953. Danmarks Riges Grundlov-- Danish Constitution (5 June 1953; Danish transcription) Danish Constitution (5 June 1953 with revisions to 1992; English translation) Folketinget/Danish Parliament: Archive of documents by year and session (1997-present; Danish transcriptions). Originally Danish colonies, Greenland became self-governing in 1953, as did the Faroe Islands in 1948. 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(§ 44 Danmarks Riges Grundlov (Grundloven), LOV nr 169 af 05/06/1953 [Constitution of the Kingdom of Denmark (Constitution), Act No. No citizen can be held in detention based on their race, religion or political views, and detention can only be used if prescribed by law. At the same time Greenlanders were given Danish citizenship. Special rules can apply in Greenland. [45], Denmark have separation of powers into the three classic branches: the legislative, held by the Folketing; the executive held by the government; and the judiciary, held by the courts. Found insideThus, the Danish constitutional monarchy has its legal basis in the Constitution, which was last amended in 1953. As the Danish voters approved the Constitution by referendum in 1953, the constitutional monarchy is legitimised by ... Dissolution of political association can always be appealed to the Supreme Court. [19], The constitution guarantees the right to property. In 2011, Prime Ministers Lars Løkke Rasmussen faced a similar challenge when he was sued by 28 citizens for having adopted the European Lisbon Treaty without a referendum. [3] This suggests that Ministers are accountable to Parliament and even subservient to it. This is the report of the 1946 Constitutional Commission. The appointed judges cannot be members of the Folketing themselves, and sits for 6 years but remain on cases started before the end of their term. A quorum consists of half of the members. Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates. In 1973 Denmark joined the Common Market (forerunner of the EU). In 1953, as a part of a general constitutional revision, the Danish Constitution was amended to include a section reading: "Legal provision shall be made for the appointment by Parliament of one or two persons who shall not be members of Parliament to supervise the civil and military adminis- . This constitutional battle concluded in 1901 with the so-called systemskifte (change of system) with the liberals as victors. Denmark Constitution 1953.pdf — PDF document, 120Kb 169 of June 5 1953 ], RETSINFORMATION.DK.) 0000004853 00000 n 0000015022 00000 n 169 (June 5, 1953), art. In case of riots, the police can forcefully dissolve assemblies when they have requested the crowd to disperse "in the name of the King and the law" three times. Happy Constitution Day, Denmark! Greenland features a blend of Inuit and Danish cultures. [43][44] There is an ongoing legal debate about what constitutional weight these arrangements have. This Constitution Act shall apply to all parts of the Kingdom of Denmark. The constitution guarantees the personal liberty. The conservative Højre had pressed for a new constitution, giving the upper chamber of parliament more power, making it more exclusive and switching power to the conservatives from the original long standing dominance of the National Liberals, who lost influence and was later disbanded. Danish citizenship was extended to Greenlanders 2009 - Greenlanders were recognized as a separate people under international law. Detention outside the criminal system or the immigration system, say due to mental illness, can be brought before the courts. 5 Official tranislation of the Danish Constitution of June 5, 1953, printed by J. H. Schulz (Copenhagen, 1953). The Folketing meets where the government resides, which is in Christiansborg Palace. Denne grundlov gælder for alle dele af Danmarks Rige. [1] Both proposals were approved by voters, leading to both a new constitution taking effect on 5 June, and the electoral age being lowered from 25 to 23 years, also starting on 5 June. Adopted in 1849, and the current constitution is from 1953. : constitution to include the possibility of a : reigning Queen. The case illustrated how long Danish politicians was willing to go to ensure Danish control of law enforcement, and that democracy can be stretched to ensure its continued existence. [1], The constitution defines Denmark as a constitutional monarchy, governed through a parliamentary system. [46] Harhoff, in his 1993 Doctorate dissertation, considered the home rule acts of the Faroe Islands and Greenland to be somewhere in between the constitution and a usual act by the Folketing, as it had been treated as such. Section 20 of the current constitution establishes that the delegation of specified parts of national sovereignty to international authorities requires either a 5/6 supermajority in Parliament or an ordinary majority in both Parliament and the electorate. Third and most important, the constitution was changed in 1953 to abolish the upper According to the Danish Constitution, the Danish government is responsible for the foreign and security interests of all parts of the Kingdom so both the Faroe Islands and Greenland have been covered by the North Atlantic Treaty ever since . A provisional appropriations bill can be passed if the finance bill is not passed in time. Found inside – Page 2441 ) Stockholm 1953 417 pp . Swedish , Danish , Norwegian TILLKOMSTEN AV 1866 ÅRS GRUNDLOV THE FORMATION OF THE CONSTITUTION OF 1866 Lund 1955 367 pp . Swedish SUM : English History of housing construction in Scandinavia since ... The constitution defines Denmark as a constitutional monarchy, governed through a parliamentary system. This followed a referendum held in the former Danish territories of Schleswig-Holstein regarding how the new border should be placed. Judges answers to no-one, and in general cannot be fired or forcefully moved to a new position, unless due to a restructuring, or by verdict from other judges. constitutional interrogation), who decides if the provisional detention should be continued, and this decision can always be appealed. The Act came into force on 1 July 1992 and is the only human rights treaty incorporated in Danish law to date. Folketinget, together with the monarch, has the legislative power in Denmark and has had it since the birth of the . Meetings are public accessible; closed meetings can be held, but the last time this happened was in 1924, during a conflict with Norway over Greenland. In addition to these, there is some special courts. In addition, they have parliamentary immunity, except if caught in the act, though this immunity can be lifted by the Folketing. The Constitutional Act of the Kingdom of Denmark, forms a part of the supreme law of Kingdom of Denmark, applying equally in Denmark, Greenland and the Faroe Islands. This also gave rise to a conflict with the Liberals (farm owners) at that time and now known as Venstre (Left). The Danish constitution consists of 89 sections, structured into 11 chapters.
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