1. Tuberculosis may remain contained in the body for decades without causing disease. Tuberculosis is a disease that can affect any part of the body, but the infection most often targets the lungs. 1) Early onset paraplegia has better prognosis, 2) It is the commonest of all skeletal tuberculosis, 3) General onset flaccid paralysis is characteristics, 4) Ankle or patellar clonus are late sign, 5) NULL E) A, B and C are correct. The correct answer is. Question: Pant 42. All of the following can lead to a positive tuberculin skin test EXCEPT vaccination. The major virulence factor of Corynebacterium diphtheriae that causes serious systemic effects is: can be transmitted by contaminated raw milk. "It is a disorder that restricts the ventricle's ability to fully expand.". Which of the following microbial forms have the highest resistance to physical and chemical controls? All of the following are true about diphtheria toxin, except: antitoxin (DAT) comes from immunized human plasma donors. The primary virulence factor of Neisseria gohorrhoeae. asked Sep 15, 2016 in Health & Biomechanics by ruby_love. B. This book provides practical guidance on the analysis and use of such surveillance data, and is suitable for a wide range of people engaged in TB control. Soft and delayed P2 b. Question 41 All of the following are true about diphtheria, except. True. The process of using a cleansing technique to mechanically remove and reduce microorganisms and debris to safe levels is, The use of a physical or chemical process to destroy vegetative pathogens on inanimate objects is, The use of chemical agents directly on exposed body surfaces to destroy or inhibit vegetative pathogens is, Scrubbing or immersing the skin in chemicals to reduce the numbers of microbes on the skin is. All of the following statements regarding the larynx are true, EXCEPT: a) Movement at its cricothyroid joint results in adduction or abduction of the vocal folds b) It contains one O-shaped cartilaginous ring c) It contains the vestibular ligaments within the false vocal cords. A) symptoms include weight loss, fatigue, and a persistent cough. Study Question. infection, should be medically evaluated to exclude TB disease. Found inside – Page 596unless there are also unmistakable calcifications. Several authors maintain, however, that these large nodulous opacities are always to some extent due to complication with tuberculosis. This is undoubtedly not correct. At all events as ... B. B cells do each of the following EXCEPT OK. 3. A. constitute 1-3% of children . B) it is transmitted via aerosols and contact. All of the following are correct about MRSA. All the following are correct about detergents, except A. they are polar molecules that act as surfactants. A. 2) All of the following combinations of drug and its mechanism of action is correct except: a) Salbutamol: stimulation of β2 receptor causing bronchodilation. b. fatty acids break down into two-carbon fragments that enter the TCA cycle. 2. The epidemiology of tuberculosis and its relationship with AIDS are also explored. This book will be of great value at all levels of health care in the continuing fight against tuberculosis. 42 degrees celius. Filtration is an effective method to remove microbes from air and liquids. Find answers and explanations to over 1.2 million textbook exercises. Is due to a Defective point mutation . This book incorporates a number of studies highlighting the role of microbes in human health and diseases. Definition. Monocytosis in peripheral blood is seen in all conditions except A. D. Mycobacterium tuberculosis (tuberculosis) "There is enlargement and hypertrophy of the left or right ventricles.". The following are not contraindications. The proposed Encyclopedia of Tuberculosis covers all of the following areas in detail : History of TB ; Geographical distribution of TB ; Risk factors for TB ; Laboratory testing for TB ; Molecular Diagnosis of TB ; Tuberculosis of all the ... packed cell volume. Definition. B- LUMPY Jaw 11. Infants with these conditions should be immunized: • allergy or asthma (except if there is a known allergy to a specific component of the vaccine mentioned above); • any minor illness, such as respiratory tract infections or diarrhoea with temperature below 38.5°C; Isopropyl alcohol wiped across a skin site can sterilize it. B) some produce harmful toxins. All of the following statements are some of the leading causes of child mortality rates (under the age of 5) in many developing countries EXCEPT: a. Dehydration from diarrhea-related illnesses b. Malaria c. Childhood obesity d. Tuberculosis men. All of the following are true for HSV-2 (genital herpes) except: virus is only shed from active lesions. Found inside – Page 122All of the following statements are true about gout EXCEPT that 521. The type of inflammatory change depicted in the illustration below is seen characteristically in all of the following EXCEPT ( A ) ... 1. • TB usually affects the lungs but it can spread to other body parts • 1/3 of the world's population is infected with TB 1- Hyperplasia is characterized by all of the following except: a- the hormonal type is the commonest example b- sometimes precancerous c- always irreversible d- may lead to organ hyperfunction e- monotony of hyperplastic cells 2- Atrophy is characterized by all of the following except: a- decrease in size and number of cells All of the following are correct about bacteria EXCEPT. All the following are true of Tuberculosis except. Found inside – Page 302(6) urges upon all Members confronted with the problem of malaria the importance of taking measures to prevent the ... Tuberculosis The committee recommends that the Health Assembly adopt the following resolution : The Health Assembly ... Phenytoin is a highly protein-bound drug. Drug treatment for asthma and COPD aim to do all of the following except: A. True. All of the following are concerns regarding the use of triclosan, except. Found inside – Page 6Such cottle sholl not be subject to quarantine for tuberculosis, except as provided in pdrograph 6 of this Section. 5. ... have the duthority to qudrontine for tuberculosis all cattle shipped into Illinois or from a public stock yard. 3. 33) The two most common types of bacteria that cause meningitis are, 34) Staph may cause all of the following except, 35) In 1980, more than 800 people developed toxic shock syndrome, and 38 died from it. Question 6. Staff Nurse Exam MCQ on AntiBiotics Objective Questions 1. Tuberculosis B. Chrons disease . Oh no! It is better to push, pull or roll than to carry something heavy. ingestion of the pathogen allows it to multiply and damage the GI tract lining, Production of enterotoxin is a characteristic of. All of the following are correct about the autoclave, except, Using toilet bowl cleaner and nonionizing radiation on inanimate surfaces only removes or kills vegetative bacteria. Lemierre's disease is a serious infection of the head and neck associated with. C. Miliary tuberculosis- extra pulmonary TB. If the knew swells, elevate the leg for 15 minutes, three times a day. Hard tubercle - absence of caseous necrosis. Found inside – Page 620It is further agreed that all female nurses, except those engaged in the Contagious Hospital, shall be boarded and lodged by said ... and that all male nurses engaged in the Venereal and tuberculosis wards (except Six (6) nurses in the ... 40) All of the following are correct about tuberculosis except, d Gestalt psychology and cognitive psychology. The Handbook of Child and Adolescent Tuberculosis is a state of the art clinical reference written and edited by the world's leading experts in childhood tuberculosis. health; 0 Answers. c) Zafirlukast: leukotriene modulators. c Mycoplasma pneumoniae is not visible in the Gram's stain because it does not have a cell wall. 1. C. Population is most uniform in terms of chemical and physical properties during this phase. b) Sodium cromoglicate: mast cell stabilization. All of the following pertain to Listeria monocytogenes except: All of the following pertain to listeriosis except: causes symptoms of fever, diarrhea and sore throat. Which of the following is not used as an antiseptic? e. it yields large amounts of ATP. E. Only A and B are correct. Cancer Infectious 4. D. All of these are correct. Then, immediately report it to your Chain of Command. A. C) Patients with NASH can develop liver cirrhosis. B. Ghons complex - primary tuberculosis. Rate of growth is constant and also called as balanced growth. Choose the correct option. Also called log phase. I. 32. False. Transcribed Image Text. Chlorine dioxide and ethylene oxide are gaseous sterilants. Tuberculosis in the Workplace reviews evidence about the effectiveness of control measuresâ€"such as those recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Preventionâ€"intended to prevent transmission of tuberculosis in health care ... The following are characteristics of Chlamydias except: elementary bodies lack enzyme systems for making ATP. Which of these metals have antimicrobial properties associated with them? 35. Which of the following is NOT an important rule of good body mechanics: Have weight evenly balanced on both feet. arm. the temperature of heel warming devices should not exceed. True or False: Tuberculosis is a contagious bacterial infection caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis and it only affects the lungs. All of the following are true of the common cold EXCEPT A) it is caused by rhinoviruses and coronaviruses. A differential is a test that determines all of the following except. All of the following pertain to tuberculosis except: antimicrobics cannot treat and cure tuberculosis. 3-1-4-5-2. The resulting recommendations from the Expert Group are included in the WHO Policy update, which widens the recommended use of Xpert MTB/RIF, including for the diagnosis of paediatric TB and on selected specimens for the diagnosis of ... 1) 1% ARI corresponds 75 new cases of smear positive TB/100,000 population, 2) The average estimated ARI for India is 1.7%., 3) ARIrepresents the percentage new infections, 4) ARI reflects the current trend and effectiveness of control measures, 5) NULL Answer: FALSE….tuberculosis is a contagious bacterial infection caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis that affects the lungs AND other systems of the body like the joints, kidneys, brain, spine, liver etc. Question 41 All of the following are true about diphtheria, except. Bovine tuberculosis (bTB) is a significant zoonotic pathogen with a global distribution, and a considerable economic impact. It has a notoriously complex epidemiology, varying by affected region and often involving multiple-host species. C. People with AIDS are at increased risk of developing active TB. Aniline dyes like crystal violet have antimicrobial activity particularly against gram-positive bacteria and some fungi. According to the punctuated equilibrium model, all of the following are true about groups except: A) a transition takes place at the end of the first phase which occurs exactly when the group has . * 12. Correct answer: B MDR TB: is defined as resistance to A: more than three anti tubercular drugs B: isoniazid and rifampin irrespective of resistance to any other drug C: INH, PZA and Rifampicin D . 12. Deficiency diseases can be cured by (a) adequate exercise (b) maintaining proper hygiene (C) taking a balanced diet (d) drinking purified water 3. Found inside – Page 4949 , T . 15N . , R 14E . ; thence N . to the place of beginning , all more fully outlined in red on a plat on file in the State Land Office . ... 40 In addition 1 / 8 of 7 / 8 on oil , gas , and other except what is used for fuel . Current data and trends in morbidity and mortality for the sub-Saharan Region as presented in this new edition reflect the heavy toll that HIV/AIDS has had on health indicators, leading to either a stalling or reversal of the gains made, ... Found inside – Page 71All cattle which are found to be effected with tuberculosis, mammitis, or any other diseased condition which ... Such animals shall be isolated from the dairy herd, and milk from such animals shall not be sold unless and until they have ... 41)All the following are Antibacterial EXCEPT : a)Zalcitabine b)Lomefloxacin c)Cefprozil d)Cefpodoxine. Found inside – Page 142Yes D No D All the information I have given on this form is correct and I elect to donate my blood or plasma for use ... Department for Health Services, which includes, but is not limited to, the following: (1) Medical overview of HIV ... 1) For sputum to be positive,bacilli should be > 104 /ml, 2) Niacin test differentiates M. tuberculosis and M.bovis, 3) Pathogenicity to rabbits differentiates M. tuberculosis and M.bovis, 4) Culture techniques have low sensitivity, 5) NULL Chapter 7 - Tuberculosis Infection Control. A diagnosis of tuberculosis involves: all of the choices are correct. 80% are mild form . CardsReturn to Set Details. . People can get TB when an infected person coughs, sneezes, speaks, sings, or laughs. All of the following are true for HSV-2 (genital herpes) except: All of the following pertain to Candida albicans except: A common food intoxication is caused by enterotoxin-producing strains of: Which is incorrect about Staphylococcus aureus food intoxication? M. tuberculosis. Question. Pathology. Which of the following types of agents targets protein conformation? To ensure the best experience, please update your browser. Testing. Try our expert-verified textbook solutions with step-by-step explanations. All of the following pertain to Clostridium difficile infection except: due to ingestion of contaminated, improperly stored, cooked meats and gravies. D. Exponential growth- all cellular components are synthesized at a constant rate. C. Reducing transmission of . Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome arises from contact with any of the . B. symptoms of active TB include low-grade fever, coughing, fatigue, weight loss, and night sweats. a) Inspissated egg media b) Middlebrook 7H10/7H11 media with antibiotics c) Dubos media d) Middlebrook 7H10 media without antibiotics 5) Which of the following statement is true about the tuberculin test and purified protein derivative (PPD)? d. Is always associated with the presence of giant cells - often, especially if older. Arthritis Chronic 2. d) Theophylline: non-selective β2 receptor stimulation causing bronchodilation. 4) Culture techniques have low sensitivity. The symptoms of diphtheria are due to an exotoxin that blocks proteins synthesis in host cells. Found inside – Page 218All that he needs to do is to go to his quarters and then you have him report back for a deferred examination . ... yet you can ' t diagnose active tuberculosis unless you do have rales , as I have already shown you . a. it occurs in the mitochondria. D. they are ineffective against the tuberculosis bacteria. C) it is treatable with a variety of antibiotics. SCIN 139 Final Exam Answers All Possible Questions Top of Form Part 1 of 2 - Final: Multiple Choice 66.0/ 78.0 Points Question 1 of 31 3.0/ 3.0 Points The world's population growth has always been evenly distributed. Alcohols are more effective at inactivating enveloped viruses than naked viruses. a mix of venous, arterial, and capillary blood. 4) All of the following are examples of selective media used for the culture of M. tuberculosis, Except? A, B, and C are all correct. Use a cane to prevent a limp because a limp could place stress on other joints. J. 4. D. All of the above. Most microbial contaminants of food are killed at freezing temperatures. Advice for a person with osteoarthoitis (OA) of the knee includes all of the following EXCEPT: Answer. All the following statements are true regarding this condition EXCEPT: Select one: a. A- THEY POSSESS THE ENZYMES CYTOCHROME OXIDASE. Which of the following types of control agents would be most likely to achieve sterility? Night blindness Non-infectious (a) 1 and 3 (b) 2 and 3 (c) 2 and 4 (d) 1 and 4 Ans : (d) 1 and 4 Tuberculosis is a chronic disease and cancer is a non-infectious disease. Identifying High-Risk Groups for . 4. Use a cane to prevent a limp because a limp could place stress on other joints. Which is incorrect about Mycoplasma pneumoniae: Streptococcal pharyngitis involves all the following except: is usually caused by the viridans streptococci. D. Mycobacterium tuberculosis (tuberculosis) Definition. How would the the thermal death point of Bacillus subtilis compare? 34. Moist heat is more efficient at killing microbes and is effective at lower temperatures or shorter exposure times than dry heat. All of the following statements regarding anaerobes are true except. Depending on the environment, these tiny particles can remain suspended in the air for several hours. D. False Which of the following is being used to replace hypochlorites in treating water because of the possibility of cancer-causing substances being produced? Give it a try! All of the following statements regarding non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) are correct EXCEPT: A) Liver biopsy is the only means of accurately diagnosing NASH. immunity to tuberculosis being near someone with tuberculosis. Progress obtained by mycobacteriology in recent years is undeniable with regards to preventing, detecting, and treating cases of tuberculosis, millennial disease that is still present as public health issue worldwide. c) Zafirlukast: leukotriene modulators. check_circle. The compound that is an organic base containing chlorine and two phenolic rings and is used increasingly for hand scrubbing, neonatal washes, wound degerming, and prepping surgical skin sites is, All of the following are correct about iodophors, except, The sterilizing gas used in a special chamber is, The chemical agent(s) that produces highly reactive hydroxyl-free radicals and also decomposes to O2 gas is/ are, All the following are correct about detergents, except. Found inside – Page 902To determine the appropriate organization of the screening program in a given institution, it is necessary to know the incidence and prevalence of tuberculosis and tuberculous infection in personnel and in persons served both in the ... 6.1 The major goals for treatment of TB disease include which of the following? Question. All of the following pertain to tuberculosis, except: live bacilli can remain dormant in the lungs and reactivate later in life; the BCG vaccine is used in other countries; symptons of active TB include low-grade fever, coughing, fatigue, weight loss, and night sweats Cure asthma/COPD. It is better to lift something alone then bother another coworker to help you. c. Consists in part of microscopic aggregates of transformed lymphocytes. M. tuberculosis . 37) Physicians generally prescribe antibiotics to treat a strep throat, because if left untreated, it, 38) John just came back from a camping trip and noticed a bull's-eye-shaped skin rash on his. All the following statements regarding antibiotic resistance are true EXCEPT: a. only Gram negative bacteria can develop antibiotic resistance. M. tuberculosis. E- FUSOBACTERIUM NECROPHORUM 13. Physical agents for controlling microbial growth include all of the following, except, The process that destroys or removes all microorganisms and microbial forms including bacterial endospores is. which of the following statements most accurately describes capillary puncture blood. Bacteriostatic agents kill bacterial cells. B) a ten-day course of medication is the recommended treatment. 19-Granuloma is formed of all of the following EXCEPT: a) Macrophages b) Giant cells c) Eosinophils d) Lymphocytes 20-The most important cell of acute inflammation is: a) Plasma cell b) Macrophage c) Neutrophil d) Lymphocyte 21-Types of repair includes all of the following EXCEPT: a) Regeneration b) Necrosis c) Fibrosis d) Gliosis Found inside – Page 26Tuberculosis runs a close second UBERCULOSIS as a killer of children among the white population of the United States is being ... (2) examinations for all school children, with follow-up care provided when tuberculosis is indicated; ... e. May result from non-immune mechanisms - foreign body granuloma. 2. Infectiousness. Found inside – Page 2102, Seventy-third Congress, March 20, 1933, repealed all public laws granting compensation, including compensation provided ... ratings of 100 percent are provided for service-connected active pulmonary tuberculosis unless the veteran is ... Found inside – Page 342This applies to all patients except the well-informed who have been hospitalized for a long time. Our study led to the following conclusions. 1. Their knowledge of tuberculosis was non-existent or very poor; the same applied to their ... "There is scarring of the heart muscle caused by coronary artery insufficiency.". b. A positive tuberculosis skin test indicates that the patient has active tuberculosis. c. lipids are converted into glycogen molecules. d) All of the above 12) The type I late response occurs hours later and involves the following mediators. C) they are single-celled microorganisms. What is a disadvantage of broad-spectrum antimicrobials? All of the following are true of beta-oxidation, except that. The highest incidence of histoplasmosis in the United States occurs in the: fever, myalgia, sore throat, cough, nasal discharge. D) complications include laryngitis and otitis media. Question Title. 17. During which stage of syphilis does fever, lymphadenopathy, and a red to brown rash occur? d. it requires coenzyme A, NAD, and FAD. All of the following pertain to hypochlorites, except. Found inside – Page 494All of the following statements about hydralazine are true EXCEPT a . It causes direct relaxation of blood ... Which of the following is not true about therapy for tuberculosis ? a . ... Correct statement out of the following is a . d. When a control agent targets the metabolic processes of microbial cells, active younger cells typically die more rapidly than older cells. Questions and Answers. C) they are single-celled microorganisms. The Stop TB Strategy, which builds on the DOTS strategy developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Union Against TB and Lung Disease, has a critical role in reducing the worldwide burden of disease and thus in ... All of the following are correct about bacteria except A they can live, 32) All of the following are correct about bacteria except. 42)All of the following can be used in leprosy EXCEPT : a)Dapson b)Clofazimine c)Rifampicin d)INH. Found inside – Page 156... all but one free of signs or symptoms of circulatory failure. Six of these patients continue to be hospitalized primarily for treatment of extra-pericardial tuberculosis, one for convalescence following pericardectomy and one ... Therapeutic drug monitoring is often required to ensure therapeutic drug levels. Found inside – Page 243All of the following are included on the Master Formulation Record EXCEPT a. mixing instructions. b. official or assigned name, ... Which of the following medications would be an appropriate treatment? a. escitalopram b. pantoprazole c. Found inside – Page 1733(a) All animals, except as noted, shall be accompanied by an approved health certificate. ... health certificate shall show accreditation and certification number with date of last herd test for tuberculosis and brucel losis. Avoid prolonged standing in one position. A. Found inside... OR, (B) a letter stating the reason you are requesting a waiver and all of the documents listed below. ... Fire clearance valid within past 12 months. 2. ... Tuberculosis clearance on al staff having contact with contracted pupils. Mycobacterium tuberculosis The scientist who discovered M. tuberculosis was: A: Louis Pasteur B: Robert Koch C: Jean-Antoine Villemin D: Calmette and Guerin. b. it may be caused by a simple point mutation in the bacterium's genome. If the bacteria enter the bloodstream, they spread throughout the body to locations such as the kidney, brain, and lymph nodes. M. tuberculosis (tubercle bacilli) that are expelled into the air. All are True of Sickle cell anemia Except A, Hemolysis is Extravascular B. 10. 1. 5. Currently, all of the following are leading causes of death EXCEPT: A. Found inside – Page 14to submit a second form for a tuberculosis patient whose care has been previously authorized as care for a ... (3) Any laboratory in this state that conducts examinations of animals for rabies shall report all of the following data ... answered Sep 15, 2016 by . 2) All of the following combinations of drug and its mechanism of action is correct except: a) Salbutamol: stimulation of β2 receptor causing bronchodilation. all of the following are associated with bubonic plaque except, erythema migrans, a bull's eye rash, at the portal of entry is associated with, the causative agent of acute endocarditis is, acute endocarditis is most commonly contracted through.
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